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Now the gun rights people want silencers for their weapons.

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posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by Argyll
reply to post by gladtobehere

Odd how the government allows themselves to have them but forbids the citizenry.

The government also has nuclear weapons but forbids the citizens to have them......the question should be why do you need them?

If it's for hunting etc. then fair enough.....but if you live in a city, why would you need to silence your weapon?

Not really the issue. Why do you want a BMW instead of a Morris Minor? They both take you to the same place. I want a silencer because without one the firearm is too noisy and disturbs the neighbors. That way I can plink at the rats and not disturb the peace.

In these arguments I feel like the Pope is trying to tell me when I can have sex. If you no playa the game, you no make da rules, dude.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by schuyler

Not really the issue. Why do you want a BMW instead of a Morris Minor? They both take you to the same place. I want a silencer because without one the firearm is too noisy and disturbs the neighbors. That way I can plink at the rats and not disturb the peace. In these arguments I feel like the Pope is trying to tell me when I can have sex. If you no playa the game, you no make da rules, dude.

Scary stuff "dude".......guns and sex is really scary stuff

I don't wanna playa your game.......carry on.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 07:33 PM
More idiot commentary by those who haven't a clue regarding anything firearm related, similar to the politicians making the laws. Silences do little to quiet a weapon. Wake up...deny ignorance.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by Argyll

That's the thing..... No one is asking you to play. So why are you bothered by it?

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by JBA2848

While the use of silencers would help regular citizenry to combat a tyrannical government easier there is no other good reason to have a silencer otherwise because their only true purpose is to conceal the location of the shooter. Well, I take that back. Silencers could be used in hunting but at the same time I doubt an animal being shot at wouldn't notice just because the gun is quiet. And hearing can be adequately protected with ear plugs. Plus earplugs are cheaper.

In general though a silencer is something I don't ever see being used in a mass shooting. A madman might try the whole Washington sniper thing with a silencer though.... I'm on the fence about it but I think I'm leaning toward it being harder to get a silencer as opposed to easier, at least until the government starts acting more tyrannical. Of course by then I'm sure they would be much harder to acquire.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by JBA2848

Big deal. they're legal in Washington St. where I live. I don't need or want one....

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by Cosmic911
More idiot commentary by those who haven't a clue regarding anything firearm related, similar to the politicians making the laws. Silences do little to quiet a weapon. Wake up...deny ignorance.

Well, I think that's a matter of perspective and the weapon being used with one. The quality of the supressor has a large part to play too...

If you put a quality suppressor on a 10-22 rifle ...which isn't REAL loud to begin'll hear the clackity-clack of the bolt cycling louder than the snap of the round going out. If you add subsonic ammunition to that as Aquila sells in .22 LR? Well.... Like a light cough in a library.

On the other hand...if some moron thinks a suppressor is going to make a .45 Auto quiet enough to shoot without ear protection? Well.... I'll have a great time standing about 5 feet back WITH ear protection while they bang away. I'll be sure to write REAL clear on the little grease board afterward since spoken communication won't be very useful for a few days to that guy.

All a question of expectations and whats being done. I don't own one myself yet and I don't know it's worth the hassle ..though it'd be nice. It's impossible to shoot on the ranges around here without getting a pretty good taste for what they do and do not do though, since Missouri cleared the path for open retail sales under permit last year.

(I personally still love the occasions I've been in the guns stores here for one thing or another when the predictable Homer Simpson call for some help to ask about a Sound Suppressor for their shotgun. Umm.. Yeah.. good movie that was ,. but it was a MOVIE. lol)

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 10:58 PM
I think most of you watch too much tv. Silencers don't really make a gun sound like nothing, in fact they don't do much of anything at all.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by JBA2848

Here we go again with an idiotic argument against anything gun related.

Yeah, crazy criminals might use a silencer to shoot up a school and nobody will know or hear it.

So tell me, how many times has this happened in the past? Let me tell you..... ZERO TIMES!

Your what if scenarios are just stupid and really shows the intelligence of anti's like you.

You know absolutely nothing about "SUPPRESSOR'S" (not silencers, use the right terminology) except what you have seen on TV. Really a great source to base an opinion on....

What if....What if....What if....What if....What if....What if....What if....What if........

Seriously, Your cheese has slipped off the cracker I think.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by blacko

I can vouch for this one hundred percent. That is the prime reason people that are anti guns are the way they are. When I was younger pistols made me nervous and I was anti gun. Then as I got older and realized the joy of "hey, I got paid, I can go freely and buy myself a new toy to disassmble, clean, and learn, by myself with no problem" I lost that fear and began supporting gun rights.

I challenge anyone that is anti gun, go and buy yourself a gun. Go to the gun store and pick out what you like and purchase it. Own it for a bit and then tell us how you feel. That would make for a nice thread. No worries, if you don't change your mind about them, guns only hold their value, and in some cases increase (except for yugo sks's they used to go for multiple thousands, then the US imported a bunch and knocked the price down to like 300 bucks, I would have hate to have been one of those guys that just paid 3 grand for my, ultra rare in the US, sks.)

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000

Originally posted by Cosmic911

On the other hand...if some moron thinks a suppressor is going to make a .45 Auto quiet enough to shoot without ear protection? Well.... I'll have a great time standing about 5 feet back WITH ear protection while they bang away. I'll be sure to write REAL clear on the little grease board afterward since spoken communication won't be very useful for a few days to that guy.

I can make a .45 acp quite without a suppressor.

I have a rifle in .45 acp with a 24 inch barrel that you don't need ear protection its so quite. by going to a higher grain bullet and a lower powder charge its very quite.

A little tape and a one litter soda bottle and you will just hear the hammer drop.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by mwood
reply to post by JBA2848

Here we go again with an idiotic argument against anything gun related.

Yeah, crazy criminals might use a silencer to shoot up a school and nobody will know or hear it.

So tell me, how many times has this happened in the past? Let me tell you..... ZERO TIMES!

Your what if scenarios are just stupid and really shows the intelligence of anti's like you.

You know absolutely nothing about "SUPPRESSOR'S" (not silencers, use the right terminology) except what you have seen on TV. Really a great source to base an opinion on....

What if....What if....What if....What if....What if....What if....What if....What if........

Seriously, Your cheese has slipped off the cracker I think.

I did not name the group. Bitch at them for calling it a silencer. And I looked into it and the ATF does not keep track of silencers used in crimes. Only guns them selves used in crimes.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by JBA2848

It would be front page news if one was used at a crime scene... the hysterical media would be all over it like a Bushmaster.

Do you want to know why they are not in use... well, to buy one requires a $200 tax stamp and criminals don't really want to fork out extra money, they are bulky as hell and add allot of bulk to a pistol so for a criminal, why would they want it? Anything over a .22 is still loud, less loud but still loud. It is really nothing more than an accessory to reduce noise levels.

How many people you see running around with 10 or 12 inch pistols?

check out this popular one that uses an oil filter as a suppressor

Here is a more expensive one.... see why people are not running around doing illegal crap with them? Kind of hard to conceal a pistol that goes from your waist to your knee.
edit on 1-1-2013 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-1-2013 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 01:37 AM
High powered pellet rifles are almost completely silent. And very lethal. Same with bows/crossbows

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by JBA2848

Idiots you say. Maybe you should learn the law and what is legal and illegal before calling other people idiots.
Kinda ironic don't ya think.

What is your next thread going to be titled now gun nuts want to legally own full auto weapons.

What people on both sides of this issue need to do is learn the law so you don't look stupid when you are arguing for or against.

I just had a thought with all of these legal silenced and full auto guns out in the market you would think that you would see many crimes with these types of weapons.

But you don't why is that? Kinda makes the whole argument look stupid.
edit on 1-1-2013 by SubTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by bo12au
High powered pellet rifles are almost completely silent. And very lethal. Same with bows/crossbows

Hell yeah, Crossbows are really quiet and accurate at short range.

a .50 cal airgun would be a better choice for short range quiet fire as well.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 01:57 AM

edit on 1-1-2013 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by JBA2848
reply to post by MJZoo

I gave two examples in the first post. If you silence these weapons some one who is hell bent on killing as many as possible will definitely what to be quiet. More time to add up the body count.

But what really gets me is the company that is located right down the road from the school shooting is the one is going to start pushing this. At least Cerberus had some type of feelings during this event. The father of one of the owners of Cerberus lived close to the school so they are planning on distancing them selves from the weapon used. But this NSSF seems to want to make sure they are controversial in the way they do business. The same way they answered the call after Virginia Tech gun free zone by paying students to create gun clubs in those same schools.

When a business uses the tactic of controversy to promote their products who are they trying to attract?

First the NSSF is not a business but a Non-Profit for Ranges and Gun Shops. I am a member of the NSSF I do not recall recently getting any email about pushing for suppressors. The subject about relaxing the requirements of suppressors as been going on for sometime and long before the Newtown shootings. Here in Texas, Sept 1st we were allowed to hunt with suppressors, one for noise reduction and the other to combat the feral hog issue. In Europe it is required to use suppressors on ranges die to noise pollution.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by ANNED

Sounds real good... I was avoiding the very real methods of creating a solution to the noise issue because to my knowledge ...if someone is careless or doesn't handle that properly, it's a federal offense. Similar to creating or significantly modifying a firearm without getting it registered that way (I'd looked hard at how to mount my Mossberg 500 to my AR-15 ...yeah like the movie until I discovered it legally created a whole new gun requiring a whole set of legal steps)

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 06:53 AM
I'm not so concerned by a loud report as I am about the ability to fight at night. The military and LEO owns the night and will use the dark to accomplish their missions. I feel a good night scope is more important to your survival. Without one, you'll be meat laying on a slab.

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