Please, for the love of god, just collapse already. I'm tired of hearing about it.
Some people need to learn how to let go, we need to let go to fix the problem. We're trying to hold onto a faulty system that has run it's course and
you can hear the death rattle.
I've said for a while now, a phrase that half-heartedly explains why we need to regress before we can make any beneficial changes, "You can't mold
dried clay." This speaks volumes to me. People are so abundantly over-zealous towards the structure of our society and they need to let of that
fantasy. It's like a 5 year old making a big deal about not being able to make his clay bowl symmetrical after it's already been put in the kiln. Let
go, make a new one, yes in this scenario, the consequences are more dire than just reshaping some wet clay.
People are going to get hurt, people are going to die, if you're not aware... that is part of life. Get over it. Death is really not that big of a
deal, it's something I deal with all the time, it hurts but it is not the end of our world, and the human race will keep on progressing, just be happy
to have a had the time with loved ones when you did.
I'll follow up that cold-hearted statement with, we need a thinning of the heard, the inner heard is getting too comfortable relying on the outer
heard, it has made us stagnant, we can no longer move the heard, and the fields have gone dry here. Now, before I seem to be with our cognition, I
must state that this is the harsh reality we all need to face, not just a few, but all of us. The strong need to quite propping up the weak, the weak
are useless and hold humanity back, if they can't make it, then they loose the race.
Alright, I'm done with all the analogies.
edit on 31-12-2012 by wishful1gnorance because: editing