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Obama Will Bring War To The USA In 2013 Using The Backing Of Anti-Gun Advocates to Divide Society.

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posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by projectvxn

That day will come when this dismissive attitude among our population will lead to a level of chaos that will reshape the fundamental concepts of what once made America a free nation. While some will embrace the liberty of the past, some will gravitate toward the chains they crave.

I agree with your sentiments. The people who want the government to "protect" them, should be set up in secure Big Brother compounds. And the rest of us, should be left alone.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by kaylaluv

Originally posted by ganjoa
reply to post by kaylaluv

Advocating armed rebellion is a violation of the T&Cs as well as a felony. Even in jest.
2nd line


Good, then we'll stop seeing all these stupid threads about the gun-lovers rebelling against the government. My work here is done.

Whos government? Certainly not mine!?

As far as I am concerned the government is fraudulent anyway and got into power by stealing!!!!

This IMHO makes the US oligarcs a completely fraudulent and therefore an unconsitutional mob!
edit on 31-12-2012 by TheMindWar because: Typos

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by kaylaluv
reply to post by severdsoul

Dude, it was a joke. Ain't no civil war happening over guns no how.

And guns do not keep the government in check. Not with the kind of fire power the military has. If the government wanted to over-power a segment of our population, they could/would have already done it. I have yet to see any desire on their part to do that.

My question is, with all the anger and complaining I have seen on this board alone by the gun lovers, etc. on how horrible and evil and suffocating our government is, why haven't you all overtaken the government already with your guns? All hat and no cattle? No guts? Go ahead - overtake the government already - get it over with. You got the gun power - do it.


Are you under the impression that the US military takes its orders from its citizens, and not from its government? What grade are you in?

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by kaylaluv

Originally posted by kaylaluv
reply to post by severdsoul

Go ahead - overtake the government already - get it over with. You got the gun power - do it.

By all means, consider your valuable work here DONE.


posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by Golf66

Originally posted by kaylaluv
reply to post by severdsoul

Go ahead - overtake the government already - get it over with. You got the gun power - do it.

Doesn't sound very hypothetical to me. It sounds exactly like inciting, fomenting and promoting rebellion....
I am tired of the application of variable standards of conduct here depending upon what particular view is espoused.


posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by ganjoa
reply to post by Golf66

Originally posted by kaylaluv
reply to post by severdsoul

Go ahead - overtake the government already - get it over with. You got the gun power - do it.

Doesn't sound very hypothetical to me. It sounds exactly like inciting, fomenting and promoting rebellion....
I am tired of the application of variable standards of conduct here depending upon what particular view is espoused.


Dude - (or Dudette as the case may be)

I know you came late to the thread but you are quoting a person who was arguing the opposing view to rebellion making a hyperbolic challenge to those where claiming it could successfully be done.

It doesn't even make sense what you are positing. She wasn't inciting anything. Neither had anyone else.

Don't give up your day job there are a 50k law school graduates (many of whom will also not practice law) hitting the bricks this year who might at least understand the difference between how discussion of something is not a call to action and protected speech. Even in Amerika.

There is a fine line one crosses between discussing an action and actively pursuing it that makes it illegal.

I can discuss secession all day long, I can do so while oiling my weapons I can even form a citizens group (there are hundreds in the US) to advocate secession and dissolution of the government. However, I can't organize, arm, train and equip them for hostile action. I can gather signatures, pettion my representitives, cite law write Congress, demand redress of grievances etc... I can even sue them for breach of oaths if I had the money. All of these actions are protected under the first amendmant.

I can advocate the dissolution or secession from the US government - I can state what I will do if they violate their oaths and powers... I can plan for such incidents being confident that I am secure in my person and papers.

When I invite (actively) and include others and make identifiable actions to gather arms and store ammunition for such purpose I then am breaking the law.

edit on 31/12/2012 by Golf66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by Golf66

I fully concur with your assessment - of how things are supposed to be.
IMO it's potentially disastrous to post such language given the current state of affairs.
One out-of-context quote is all it takes these days to get yourself put on a list.
Definitive action seems to be no longer a requirement for unlawful detention and prosecution.
MY POINT is that just making such an utterance in a public forum is enough to invite "reasonable suspicion".
If any of our more unstable members were to take this challenge to heart and take definitive action, as things stand today, the statement could be perceived as criminal. Not saying this is the way things should be, nor even legal according to our principles (such as they continue to be practiced) - just stating the obvious that one can be held accountable for one's statements and statements such as these may be considered actionable. Not everyone in law enforcement agency investigations has the critical thinking skills and discernment as yourself - that can be extended to include all governmental operatives as well.


posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 04:50 PM
You think Obama is actually running the show?
How cute.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 05:16 PM
They (the government) seem to want a civil war. They provoke and provoke. I have been calling for war for 15 years now. I was alone when I started. I was called crazy. But I am no longer alone. Had people listened then it would have been much easier to win. But we will still win. Freedom will never be given back. It must be taken. Those in power will not give it up. It must be taken from them. I am willing to try to take it from them. I am not alone. Come for our guns and the government will run short of takers in record time. No, civilians cannot win a direct war against the military. But they can make it impossible to govern. They can cut fuel supplies. They can cut power supplies. They can turn off communications.

It is a simple principle of revolutionary war. You make it hard on the government, who them clamps down on the people, who resent the government and then turn to your side. They forget who caused the clampdown in the first place. Works every time.

There is a war coming. The government is forcing it. They will not let up. It gets worse every year. I have tried boiling a frog. When the water gets too hot they always jump out. Always.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 07:50 PM
A war is coming. What troubles me is the liberals who supported Obama, truly believe that O is leading the US into a future of peace and prosperity. While the red state conservatives see the truth in all Obama's policies...the destruction of the united states as we know it. If we could unite and with one voice demand impeachment...the war could be avoided. Unfortunately that will not happen, they have this planned out perfectly. White vs black, left vs right, its disheartening.And I think while we fighting amongst ourselves, china invades the coast. Remember the aircraft carriers they are producing...get ready

PS. We need a leader to unite us.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 10:44 PM
It is interesting that Cerberus has decided to give Freedom Group over to Lazard to sell. One of the main guys at Lazard Vernon Eulion Jordan, Jr. was the one who brought Bill Clinton to his first Builderberg meeting. He was also a civil rights guy. He was once shot and the guy was acquitted and then later admitted he did it.

It will be interesting to see what happens? But this guy Vernon Eulion Jordan, Jr is like a octopus he sits on boards all over the place. And he is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by unityemissions
Where is the motive

I fail too see why any sane man would attempt to create and lead a civil war in the US without very good reason.

Simple, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. If legislation doesn't start turning around I fear we'll be heading into a civil war anyway. When the word of the people no longer counts for anything then we can no longer stand for a non violent revolution. I hope we don't reach that point, we shouldn't be fighting our brothers and sisters. We should be having BBQ's and hanging out, not waging war against each other. I'm doing my best but people need to start doing so as well.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 12:33 AM
I think a major problem is not only will the people have to fight the government(s) (and it will be more than one as TPTB lose their control they will enlist the aid of the socialist nations in Europe under the UN banner) but the mouth breathers who live off the government dole.

There will be force on force class and race warfare. Largely it will be rural vs. urban just like the elections. In most States that go blue regularly there is really only or two counties (the large urban centers) that in effect carry the day while the rest of the counties in the State go red.

If you look at maps of the election by county the nation is largely red (conservative) not blue. Without the large urban centers Barrack would have been a one hit wonder.

It will be easy for TPTB to control the urban populations but no real need cities can be cut off and isolated and thus controlled. Open country is not the same - there are not enough Soldiers in the world to isolate the US (west of the Mississippi) by small city and town. It would take decades. Meanwhile the cities will starve as there will be no one to grow food and raise animals.

edit on 1/1/2013 by Golf66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 12:47 AM
UnityEmissions is absolutely right. Where is the motive? In the past I have discussed the very thing you describe here on ATS, because honestly with all of the possible false flag events taking place in the US recently, many signs are pointing toward disarmament of American citizens. But again, I cannot figure out what their motive would be.

The only thing that I can think of is something that I never really subscribed to, although many others have. I am talking about the overthrow of our republic's democracy, with the subsequent institution of a totalitarian, or similar, state. I mean think about it. The only reason that they would need to take away our guns is if they do not want people to be able to fight back as easily when they declare martial law, or whatever else. But they would be attempting to go somewhere that would be extremely difficult to reach.

It is also possible that they do not want bloodshed, and are not attempting to get the military on their side, or any foreign military, and simply want our guns because they know that we may resort to violence to keep our rights, which they will take away politically and not by force. Again though, I do not really feel this is on the horizon any time soon, and I hope I am right. War is, as you said, horrible, and the majority of people do not realize this. It is mainly those who have seen combat in their lives, or have witnessed gory scenes outside of combat, who actually grasp the horrors that would result from another civil war.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 02:35 AM
This whole anti-gun talk is hilarious.

If you anti gun people care about peoples lives, why don't you speak out against alcohol or tobacco? Both of these drugs cause far more deaths then guns do each year.

Oh well, I forgot, those are the "good drugs" and the "taxed" drugs.

People are easily led in the US by emotion, as you can obliviously see here. All you have to do is kill a bunch of kids and you got them by the balls. All logical thinking and reasoning is gone. And so is critical thinking.

Damn shame.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by kaylaluv

yes, this is true

Uncle Daniel was a great hunter and outdoorsman
but you seem to fail in the comprehension that both of those skills enable him to be a fighter ... no soldiers needed.

the regimentation of soldiers often limits their other natural abilities making them far more susceptible to the hunter/outdoorsman skills of others ... see any lasting insurgency since Korea for glaring examples.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by JBA2848

good for you ... discovering some of the links shall lead to a wider visual going forward.
ppl can tell you till they're blue in the face, however, enlightenment that you deliver to yourself outlasts anything anyone will tell you.

i'm curious, how many of you folks even realize that during Obama's formitive years (Chicago), his entire region was under a gun ban lasting the majority of his adult life. and under that gun ban, Chicago, on numerous occasions, posted the worst gun violence records in history.

the man doesn't know what it is to live with guns, peacefully.
it NEVER happened in Chicago, at least not since the 30s.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by kaylaluv

None of them believe that the government is going to come banging on their door to confiscate their guns

So if you just ignore the facts like the door to door gun confiscation in Katrina you think it won't happen cause you don't "believe" it will...
Sorry I just have to laugh at such willful ignorance and blatant lack of common sense...

Most gun owners are peace loving people too and do not want violence but they also know history use reason and logic and do not ignore the obvious. Every totalitarian country in recent history that killed tens of thousands and millions of their own people disarmed then first.

Maybe the current government will not try to disarm us despite all the evidence that is their intention however that is no reason not have some insurance that if they ever do we have the means to resist. I may never get in a car accident but I carry insurance just in case I do.

North Korea has absolute gun control and very little civilian gun violence and we all know it is a Utopian bastion of peace and freedom... Maybe all the folks willing to disarm us in the name of peace should consider moving there?

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Happy1
reply to post by newcovenant

If, or when, this all starts, who is going to be on the gov't's, obambo's side? The obambo phone idiots? The inner city criminals and drug runners?

The electricity and internet is shut off? Who's going to protect the politicians?

The cartels from Mexico with their US gov't guns, are going to protect politicians?

What's going to happen in the urban areas? Those big houses, with their lush lawns and swimming pools? Who's going to protect them?

The UN troops from other tyrannical nations? Russians, Chinese, who are they going to go after? Who are they going to protect?

Really - get a clue.

You think Obamo (or whatever funny name you give him, showing the wit of a 3 year old) is the government? And you think we the people might have to defend against the government this administration? Did you also think the world was ending Dec 21 2012? Get a grip.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 02:10 PM
I fail to believe this...

If one police officer walks into a house to reclaim an assault rifle that someone bought, and gets shot and killed.
That will be the end of it.

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