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President Obama pledged Sunday to make gun control a top priority in his second term and vowed to put his “full weight” behind such legislation. “I’d like to get it done in the first year,” the president said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “This is not something that I will be putting off.”
Originally posted by JBA2848
reply to post by Mr Tranny
John McCain wanted to invade Russia.
So who is the delusional one who wanted to start WW3?
Originally posted by kaylaluvDo you mean a war between the government and the gun nuts? Well, I hate to tell ya, but the government's military will win that one pretty quickly, as they have stuff a lot more powerful than guns at their disposal.
Originally posted by JBA2848
But there is only less then ten percent who are crazy and own sixty five percent of the guns in the US. Do you think the other ninety percent want civil war?
Originally posted by JBA2848
Is that really a divided country or a crazy few who refuse to except the changes the rest want? Hell the NRA only has four million members.
Originally posted by kaylaluv
Wait, a civil war between who? The anti-gun people don't usually have guns, so who are the pro-gunners going to shoot - unarmed people?? Do you mean a war between the government and the gun nuts? Well, I hate to tell ya, but the government's military will win that one pretty quickly, as they have stuff a lot more powerful than guns at their disposal.
I'm still trying to figure out exactly what you are trying to say here.
Originally posted by Golf66
Originally posted by kaylaluvDo you mean a war between the government and the gun nuts? Well, I hate to tell ya, but the government's military will win that one pretty quickly, as they have stuff a lot more powerful than guns at their disposal.
I am a retired US Special Forces Officer who served from the mid-eighties in Special Operations and Military Intelligence community for just over 24 years. I only mention this for a sense of perspective – I have fought in and trained other nations to combat insurgency for most of that time.
An insurgency (civil war) is not something that is an easy thing to win for the government – any government. If so they wouldn’t happen so frequently.
An insurgency done right favors the insurgents in many ways. Insurgents are the people – they hide in and among those innocents who are not insurgents hoping that the government forces or their loyalists will bring to bear the full force of their high tech and as you termed it “more powerful guns” against them resulting in collateral damage. This in turn motivates even more of the population to turn against the government as they “crack down”.
See every draconian measure taken by the government will take more and more freedom and infringe further on the movement and daily lives of the average non-active or passive resisters. People who would not necessarily participate directly in actions against the government but give those who do a safe place to sleep and food and things like that.
As of the use of the term “gun-nuts” that is just offensive rhetoric. People who enjoy the freedom to own firearms are not nuts. Sometime, someday once they take firearms they will come for something you enjoy. By then you will regret the loss of the nuts.
Originally posted by JBA2848
But there is only less then ten percent who are crazy and own sixty five percent of the guns in the US. Do you think the other ninety percent want civil war?
What makes a person who owns more than one (or even 100 firearms) “crazy”?
Because they don’t need them in your opinion?
I don’t think a person needs a pair of 500.00 shoes but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have them if they can afford them.
No one needs a car with 470 horsepower when the speed limit is 65 most places – that is just dangerous. Only a trained race driver on a track with safety equipment and a background check needs something like that. Only a trained chef needs a 8” butcher knife… Only a painter needs a spray gun, only a registered farmer needs fertilizer – those can be used to improvise explosives. These people need to be vetted. FOR THE SAKE OF THE CHILDREN!
See where I am going with this...this issue doesn't matter to you but rest assured the next one might. You can rest assured that without the rights of the second amendment the rest of them will topple quickly.
What can't we restrict? After the loss of firearms by the public - the government is free to enact whatever they want. Ask Stalin, Hitler, Mao etc. They all agreee that gun control is the path to thought control.
Originally posted by JBA2848
Is that really a divided country or a crazy few who refuse to except the changes the rest want? Hell the NRA only has four million members.
You are addressing the reason a republic exists – to protect the minority who enjoy something or exercise a right from the fear and tyranny of the majority who do not so choose.
Originally posted by Hefficide
The government is not in the inciting armed rebellion business. They are in the make money for the corrupt and powerful business. It does not make sense, at all, for them to force a revolution, rebellion, or anything else that will not only deprive their coffers of a large percent of their tax revenue - but will also cause them massive budgetary expenditures at the same time.
So what purpose does this current spasm of reaction serve?
My best guess is that none of us are actually talking about the real issue that needs discussing. The looming fiscal cliff that we're falling off of... I think today or tomorrow. No deal has been reached - yet nobody is saying a word about it. We're heading into uncharted territory now.
By the time the Feinstein bill is squashed or watered down to nothing - and everyone feels relieved? We won't even realize that, while we were distracted by this issue, unfathomable things changed in the rest of our world. Tax cuts aren't just going to expire, IMO, they are going to get raised across the board. Something nobody is going to notice as it happens.
Originally posted by amatrine
Civil war? One side with Guns , fighting those who do not believe in Guns? Will the side that does not believe in Guns fight with Guns? If not I can see which side would win pretty quick.
Originally posted by JBA2848
reply to post by Mr Tranny
John McCain wanted to invade Russia.
So who is the delusional one who wanted to start WW3?
George Bush wanted mini nukes so he could bomb terrorist all over the world. Luckily the House and Senate repeatedly told him no. Bush brought it up about every three months his whole time in office and was always told NO.
So who was the one who wanted to start WW3 the first time he dropped a nuke in someones back yard?
Bush also started the crap with Russia. Why? Because that would have ended the treaty between the US and Russia that was preventing him from creating mini nukes that he wanted so bad.
And West Boro Baptist and Those crazy preachers like Terry Jones. Terry Jones I just outed for working with the guys who made the video that went around before the Embassy attack. And they got there funding from the Hudson Institute where Scooter Libby is one of the people who runs the place.
Originally posted by unityemissions
reply to post by TheMindWar
Logic breakdown. Nobody wins. Period. People die on both sides, and the safe haven for many global elites becomes decimated in the process.
Originally posted by kaylaluv
Originally posted by projectvxn
reply to post by kaylaluv
But that 1/4th will be the pro-gunners, so.... doesn't affect me, as I am anti-gun, so I'm safe
This right here is exactly the attitude I speak of when I described the modern Americans' approach to the rights of others.
It's ok if they are all wiped out because you're anti-gun and they're not?
So not only do you have a selective view of gun rights, but you also have a selective view of the right to life?
It was a joke. Anti-gunners are peaceful, non-violent people who are usually against war at all costs. If anyone wants war, it will be the ones who love their guns and are itching to use them.
And I can joke, because there is not going to be a civil war over this, at least not one initiated by the government. Obama is not trying to take away all the guns from the people.
Originally posted by JBA2848
reply to post by Golf66
You do know there are restrictions on knives right. Folding knives can only be so long switch blades are banned.
You do know there are restrictions on fertilizer to right. And the general public can't buy the kind to make bombs.
And a insurgency only works when they are well armed by a foreign government that feeds them a constant supply of weapons right,
So what foreign government are you going to team up with? Russia, China, North Korea?
and you're assuming that we're dealing with a 'sane' man, why ?
Originally posted by unityemissions
Where is the motive
I fail too see why any sane man would attempt to create and lead a civil war in the US without very good reason.