posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 03:32 PM
As the weeks go by, I keep observing the world around me. I watch how people react to certain drama’s that pop up in their life, or news events, or
celebrity gossip. I watch how people become so obsessed with things that do them more harm than good. I watch how people believe that their situation
cannot be changed, that they believe they are powerless and this is the only way it can be. If I try to tell them that they can change their reality
at any time, they think I’m full of it and don’t believe it. But the one thing that I notice the most, is how people are simply unaware of how the
world really works, which proves to me, that knowledge really is power. If the masses understood how the system really worked, it would collapse in an
Somewhere along the way, human beings were side tracked into believing that they are better than everything else on the planet. Instead of living with
nature and allow it to provide for us, we started to manipulate nature under our control. We started farming, and mass producing food, then we started
building cities using vast amounts of resources, then we started connecting all those cities by roads and trains, boats and planes. As this went on,
our need for resources grew greater and greater, and so did our greed. As the population grew at a faster rate each year, we needed to manipulate
nature more and more, become less attached with it each time. We went from living with nature, to completely ignoring it. As humans evolved this way,
it took over the entire planet, and now instead of living with nature in the many different ways it provides, we all live in the same way. Right from
birth we expect our children to live in a manner that the society we have built accepts to be the only way to live. The need for more resources gave
rise to major corporations, which are slowly, but not so obviously, dominating the planet. Take a picture of the earth, and slap a walmart logo on it.
However, it’s not just the big corporations that have taken over our way of life. It has also been taken over by the education system, the medical
system, the banking system, and the government.
Let’s take a look at education. Right from when children are young we send them to school, which causes them stress. Stress is not something a child
should ever have, there is no need for it. The only reason this stress occurs, is because we are forced to learn things that we don’t wish to learn.
Some children like to learn anything, and they are the ones that get the A grades and have no problems. Others only want to learn certain things and
have no interest in others. But for some reason the education system says, you have to learn these things as requirements….Requirements for what
exactly? As the grades progress, the work load gets harder, and the students that have no interest in certain classes begin skipping class, and start
doing things that they shouldn’t be doing. It allows children to develop certain attitude problems that could be avoided if someone would just
listen to what they wanted. Instead, we put more stress on them, to get the work done, or they’re grounded, or something will be taken away…. and
so on. Which only leads to more problems. But parents that believe in the education system, don’t see the solution, they blame their kid, or
sometimes the teacher, and expect things to change. In the beginning of school years, children have a vision, or a dream of what it is they want to do
in life, and as each year gets harder, often that dream disappears because they have to keep learning things they don’t want to learn, which puts
them off learning things they want to learn because of the attitudes they have developed, and the extra stress put on them. The point I am trying to
make, is that the education system we currently believe in, is detrimental to most of our childrens future’s.
The solution is rather simple, and recently I was having dinner with a friend who mentioned a school that has taken on this solution, and I was very
intrigued. I wasn’t aware there was a school doing it, so I was happy to hear about it. The solution is to allow children to learn what they want,
when they want. If we were allowed to learn anything we wanted, and someone was there to teach it for us, imagine how far we could go with that. When
we could focus on our interests, and passions, imagine how much inspiration that would achieve in our children. Their potential would sky rocket, and
they would be able to follow their dreams right into their future without any roadblocks and no stress of having to learn things you have no interest
in learning. If something comes up in the way of following their dreams, they will learn how to overcome that, because they have a will to learn.
Where there is a will, there is a way. Take that will away by adding stress, and suddenly something fun, creative, and easy becomes boring, dull and
hard. Our education system is so bad, that in some states there is a lottery