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This is what facebook sends to police when they come asking for your information

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posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 12:42 PM
I am sure we all know this already but nice to see it 'out there' so to speak.

Just a short write up, some photocopied pics I think... you know.. An easy read but the pictures do the talking I suppose.

The Boston Phoenix’s recent article on the Craigslist killer uncovered something very interesting in it’s research into how the web hunt for the killer was conducted; something neither it’s reporters, or the general public, had never seen before: The full results of a Facebook subpoena.

This is some scary stuff; for the first time, we can now see EXACTLY what Facebook sends when the Police, or a judge, ask them to hand over your information (view the full file here): This is what it looks like:

They can see everything you do

I am not a user thankfully.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 12:51 PM
Look at the bright side.... If modern online systems had anything remotely like what used to be called an Audit Trail or System Log in the old sense? Heck... it'd actually be creepy! I've looked for 2 years for something that will produce a BBS or Galacticomm style Audit Trail for a system operator....and if that's the best Facebook produces on their back-end under court order? I guess effective auditing and tracking just isn't a part of things. If it were, they'd sure have it. No question.

The Audit Trails that used to be so helpful didn't say what .html or .php page you went to and that's it.... you could see what users clicked what what timed order and very clearly what the order and path was to travel through the site in a chronological way. I mean, it's a wonderful thing..or was back be able to isolate one user and literally recreate their whole session from a practical position ...not a techie print like that where you need some Facebook server knowledge to really use well and it still doesn't give half the information of old.

(I'm looking with Sysop/Admin eyes though... I guess I can see how that is shocking and creepy to a user if that wasn't known before as what pretty much every website you visit has on your activity there)

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 12:53 PM
of course they give any info they want.. just like any other person or biz that they want info from.. they are the cops what do you think facebook is going to keep your info hidden if you commit crimes..

what you don't understand though is they get much more information and can access ALL of your information at any given time that they want whether your profile is private or not as well as any private photos. They love it when you check in everywhere you go also gives them a good idea of the places you go, your personality, then they can profile you easier..

Everyone knows that the CIA is an investor and part owner in facebook...

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 12:57 PM
Wouldn't doubt it if they give this information to DHS on EVERYONE! A nice little database indeed!

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
Look at the bright side.... If modern online systems had anything remotely like what used to be called an Audit Trail or System Log in the old sense? Heck... it'd actually be creepy! I've looked for 2 years for something that will produce a BBS or Galacticomm style Audit Trail for a system operator....and if that's the best Facebook produces on their back-end under court order? I guess effective auditing and tracking just isn't a part of things. If it were, they'd sure have it. No question.

The Audit Trails that used to be so helpful didn't say what .html or .php page you went to and that's it.... you could see what users clicked what what timed order and very clearly what the order and path was to travel through the site in a chronological way. I mean, it's a wonderful thing..or was back be able to isolate one user and literally recreate their whole session from a practical position ...not a techie print like that where you need some Facebook server knowledge to really use well and it still doesn't give half the information of old.

(I'm looking with Sysop/Admin eyes though... I guess I can see how that is shocking and creepy to a user if that wasn't known before as what pretty much every website you visit has on your activity there)

If FB wanted to they could audit less and send less to the government, but they chose the "get everything you can on a user" route. Which to me indicates they are quite nefarious indeed. I have seen sites that use apache logs as their audit trail.

Facebook is the enemy and any site who collects that much information on their users has no respect for them.

While I enjoyed your rambling, not every site is as far along as you have described. Some aren't even auditing at all.

I have been off facebook for 2 or 3 years now, but I know my information is still available. They claim to delete it after a time but this indicates they delete nothing at all. They are a cache of YOU.
edit on 30-12-2012 by TheCanuckian because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 01:17 PM
If people are naive enough to trust such an organization with personal information, they should understand that the information can be manipulated and given to TPTB.

People who don't want their information on the internet won't put it there in the first place.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by TheCanuckian

Well, thanks for considering it Rambling. That's the way to feel good about contributing to the thread,

Perhaps you or someone else can explain then, how that data display shows anything particularly sensitive? Maybe I'm just totally missing what people are doing on FB that would show up in THAT rather pathetic level of detail ....and actually cause problems? If your violating the law, sure...that's probably gotcha and so it should.

However..... At that level? I'm just sitting here trying to imagine what software I've used for sites that DOES NOT give that level of display on every user on the site. Joomla gives a bit more than that ...and you may be surprised at how much of the net is run on that base of software. Joomla extensions can take it a good bit further. Thats all 100% free open source software. FB, I'd have assumed, would have much BETTER than what I can get and use free online.

Obviously not. So... this isn't paranoia to worry about, how again? (Wonders what people would do if they saw the back end of all sites they frequent.... some would have outright nervous breakdowns to hear this

edit on 30-12-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by komp_uk

When will people realize that its never a good to idea to divulge your entire life online?

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 01:43 PM
I hate the way facebook always "alters" its security settings without notifying the user. Making it easier for people to snoop on you. Luckily i dont use my account much and its sad to see that some people put there entire life on it. Ive said its a government spy tool for ages. Im sure it brainwashes people

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 02:12 PM
If an "authority" came knocking on your door and asked for all of your private info... your pictures, who your friends are, what you do for a living, what your hobbies are, where you like to hang out, what your thoughts are on everything, and asked all of this for no particular reason... you'd tell him to go pound sand.

So instead, they just set up a website which essentially does the exact same thing, albeit under the guise of "connecting with friends and family", and suddenly you have a BILLION people signed up eagerly willing to divulge all of those things.


posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 02:41 PM
Whats Facebook?

Is that like the book of mug shots they keep downtown?

Privacy? Whats that?

edit on 30-12-2012 by intrptr because: YouTube

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 04:05 PM
I'm with Wrabbit,
There's nothing that can't be sussed out anyway, everything you write here contains keywords for interested parties, in the simplest form you could see forum banner ads coming up with related subject matter to what you have written, there is nothing confidential on a broadcasting system.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by gladtobehere
reply to post by komp_uk

When will people realize that its never a good to idea to divulge your entire life online?

Entire, hopefully not even 1% of it...

It would seem that someome needs to invent a facebook safe plugin that stops anyhting you dont want them to know.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 06:00 PM
I don't understand why this is such an issue for people because everyone should know once you join a social networking website such as Facebook all of your details are obviously recorded down. Additionally Facebook helps police to solve crimes and to help victims by finding out information on a missing person for example as has been mentioned in news stories. If you sign up to social networking websites its your own fault for handing your privacy over to somebody else.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 06:29 PM
For the record, I'm not on FB or any other social networking site. I could see the writing on the wall as could many here, I suspect.

That said, there is an ENORMOUS amount of peer pressure to join such a site. As we know, many in our society are subject to peer pressure. Hell, didn't some MSM source conclude that NOT having a FB page made you a potential subject of interest? Pure B.S. for sure.

FB is as instrumental in bringing in the chains as any other. And as such, I think that although individual people must hold themselves accountable for their choice to join it, so too must the founders of FB. It is their sell-out and probably their millions+ profit that comes from their utter lack of privacy, and the data mining. Their reckoning should be as intense as the individuals who joined, IMO.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 10:08 PM
When you apply for the PD (at least where I live), they pull up your FB history and question you on certain things. I had a coworker who tried out but was turned down because of his views and somewhat wishy-washy emotional stability.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 01:52 AM
Facebook is a public space. Act accordingly, nuff said. There is a middle ground between not using it and documenting your illicit activities on facebook. You can just make an account to stay in touch with friends, nobody forces you to document everything on facebook.


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