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The Dachau Massacre. The Slaughter of Nazis in Death Camps During WW2.

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posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by daaskapital

SnF, OP.

One must never be afraid of history. History stands to teach us if we are just brave enough to heed it's lessons.


posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by daaskapital

"to be fair" the investigation into this incident also state that several prison guards and guard dogs were killed by the former prisoners of the camp. there's really no way to discern how many were killed by the Americans, how many were killed by the newly liberated prisoners, how many were killed by prisoners with American help, or any of the other myriad possibilities. blaming this entirely on the Americans isn't fair, nor correct. you also say that the soldiers "thought it would be a good idea" to do this. how do you know what they thought? where's your interview notes and tapes? where are your sources that provide clear insight into the mind of the 19 year old machine gunner who was the one who fired the initial rounds? why do you say the camp was "liberated?" are you trying to imply it wasn't an act of liberation?
edit on 1-1-2013 by Shamrock6 because: just because

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by gidwa
If we accept the OP at his/her word, there is no "end game" to the original post. OP states the purpose was simply to introduce something they found interesting, and that others may not have been aware of (which I was not). People do sometimes learn things in a good thread. Learning, for some of us, is a good enough reason in itself. But, I don't think you can ever stop telling these stories. Generations go by and new generations are removed from what happened; they need to get a reality dose. You seem to have a blase point of view towards the evil of mankind, and I get that. If you are an older person perhaps, and have seen/read/heard a lot in your life, you perhaps need no more. Others who have not experienced so much do.

By the way, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. My opinion about your comment on people who have not been in war passing judgement is that it smells of arrogance. I see too much of what appears to me as self-agrandizing of those who join the military and then come back thinking they are better than everyone else because they "fought for us, have seen it all, kept us safe while we got to lead our lives, etc.". I personally never asked anybody to join the military, get government pay and benefits, and go kill in my name. As far as passing judgement, well I have a brain too. I can accept the fact that I may not have seen something first-hand, and therefore can't have the same first-hand effect to me that a soldier had, but I can also use my basic morals to know right from wrong. I can be the clear head that tells that soldier "I'm sorry war affected you in such a terrible way, but from my calm, clear perspective over here, let me tell you not to lose your better humanity, your better soul, and yes, what you are doing is wrong if you are randomly slaughering or enjoying what you are doing."

So the OP has made two , well written and researched posts that claim the nuclear bombings by America should be viewed as war crimes and the killing of Nazi soldiers by American soldiers. I am not arguing the validity of his message but rather saying its not hard to extrapolate and come up with someone that has an agenda. That is why I asked him to do a post , hopefully as well written and researched as the others, about horrible things the Axis powers did also.

My statement of those that have not been in war should not pass judgement on soldiers is not arrogant at all. It's simply saying that unless I know exactly what its like to be in combat I am not qualified to discuss the actions of those in combat. It's easy to sit here and say that you would be able to tell a solider X, Y and Z as a calm perspective but until you have an enemy charging at you, shooting at you or trying to kill you Im not sure why you think that's a valid comparison. As you said though, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by opethPA

Originally posted by daaskapital
reply to post by opethPA

I have an interest in WW2, and i post these threads in the hopes that others will read them and enjoy them.

I do not care for negative assumptions people make about me due to my threads. As long as one person reads them and enjoys them, then i am happy.

Which is great and to this point your threads have been informative though clearly slanted against the Allies\America.

Where is the corresponding posts about the atrocities the Nazis did or the heinous acts committed by Unit 731?

Why should the OP be required to present "both sides?" I feel he's doing us a service in bringing to light the lesser-known. Personally, I am and have been well-aware of Nazi atrocities my whole life. They don't teach about allied atrocities in school, nor do they broadcast documentaries about them on TV. Is someone bringing to light that which is little-known to most so offensive to you? Do you hold those who continually rehash the same stories we already know about the bad guys (and yes, I also - like the OP obviously does if you're not blinding yourself to it) think the Nazis were "bad guys") to the same standard? Anytime you read about something horrific the Nazis did, do you get upset that they don't balance their postings by explaining what the other guys did too? I doubt you do, so why the offense about bringing little-known history to light?

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by dogstar23
Why should the OP be required to present "both sides?" I feel he's doing us a service in bringing to light the lesser-known. Personally, I am and have been well-aware of Nazi atrocities my whole life. They don't teach about allied atrocities in school, nor do they broadcast documentaries about them on TV. Is someone bringing to light that which is little-known to most so offensive to you? Do you hold those who continually rehash the same stories we already know about the bad guys (and yes, I also - like the OP obviously does if you're not blinding yourself to it) think the Nazis were "bad guys") to the same standard? Anytime you read about something horrific the Nazis did, do you get upset that they don't balance their postings by explaining what the other guys did too? I doubt you do, so why the offense about bringing little-known history to light?

The OP doesnt have to do anything but post what's on his mind..Some of us will agree and some will disagree.
Also, its not offensive to me ..its neutral..War is hell..bad things happen sometimes by good people..

When I was younger in school I didn't know enough question the balance of reporting. If I was in school now, I would.

I had also asked the OP to give his treatment, which i 100% respect while I might not agree with the content , to other horrible scenarios.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by daaskapital

Originally posted by hypervigilant
Keep posting the same type of stuff Daas.. Some people don't like to hear anything that challenges what they have been conditioned to accept as true... It is sad that people have to believe lies in order to feel good about the country they live in... I have been enjoying your threads and would really like to read more of them by you.....

Thanks for the kind words mate!

I'm currently writing some stuff on the Japanese WW2 Unit 731. Once finishing that, i plan to move on to some other WW2 stuff...also thinking of writing some unrelated threads(which will be about the same, if not bigger than this thread and other recent ones).

I'll be very interested to see those threads.....You've done a mature and balanced job of presenting the information in this one.

After weighing up the discussion it's generated I've S&Fed this one, despite some of the nastier elements creeping into the conversation.

edit on 1-1-2013 by squarehead666 because: Content

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by opethPA
So the OP has made two , well written and researched posts

If you had actually read the thread on the atomic bombing you would have seen that in fact it was poorly researched, avoiding the facts and like this thread just a bash the USA thread. Even his thread on the I-400 was very poorly researched.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by Jameliel

How do YOU know what these people did or didn't do??

You state "If ever there were a group of men who deserved torture and death, those were the men. ". You don't even know these people, yet you are so ready to accept what OTHERS tell you they did!!! This is exactly why we live in such a messed up world, "if the history books say its true, it must be". This is also exactly why so many in Germany, U.S., Canada, and the Soviet union etc.. went along with the mass internment of people who had done NOTHING to them. They were told by people in power that "it was for their best interests", "once a Jap always a Jap", "Krauts are all the same", "Communists all deserve to die"......

You are continuing the very SAME mentality which caused all these deaths...

Yet your hate blinds you to such things.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by hellobruce

Poorly researched by who's standards, YOURS?

Even if it was a rant against "America" (which it wasn't), so what?

Are you under the premise that "America" doesn't deserve to be held accountable for its crimes? The most amusing part of this all, is how the "American" "right" pretend as if the Germans were the first to use people as slave labor!! They proclaim themselves to be "freedom fighters", coming to "save Europe from the Nazi/Bolshevik menace"! The same country that caused the deaths of MILLIONS, and MILLIONS of African Black's in the slave trade!

They claim to be "saving Afghanistan from the Taliban", and "saving Iraq from Saddam"!

Always failing to mention how THEY themselves created each of these problems!!

Its an old tactic of control that goes back to the 1500, and earlier. Niccolò Machiavelli wrote about it in his book "The Prince", how its useful for leaders to create controllable enemy's, to facilitate their own power over not only their own people, but others. The "Americans" stopped the refinement of Japanese oil, and were giving resources to both the Soviet Union, and Britain/France, which is an ACT OF WAR. Its very likely that they purposely allowed the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor, in order to create desire among the populace (who was largely isolationist before then), to go to war. Since the political entity that controls "America" has always been a war mongering bunch of hawks.

Stop being an apologist for your masters, it makes me sick to see such subservience.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by hellobruce

How was the OP a bash America thread.....These are simply facts presented for discussion, the conclusion seems to have been that under those circumstances many of us might have done the same thing.

edit on 1-1-2013 by squarehead666 because: clarity

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by daaskapital


In Germany, I don't know if they still do it, but they don't teach about the Nazi's in the schools there because it was a dark part of their history.

Yet America teaches us about slavery and the Massacre of the Natives like it's no big deal.

History is important- no matter what the subject matter is or who did them, that's what these people need to get through their heads.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by daaskapital

Interesting bit of history, not that unknown to those who study the war, but I'm sure quite informative to those who haven't. Reprisals against concentration camp guards were not that unusual. Imagine battle-hardened troops seeing atrocities that disturbed even them. Liberators shot camp guards on site many times or turned their backs when liberated prisoners took care of business on their own. I can't blame them.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 06:20 PM


posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by 007Polytoks
reply to post by TownCryer

Knowing of the tortures that took place in the Afghan/Iraqi camps, which were guarded by "Americans", and often carried out by "Americans", I would think that the supposed executions that took place in Dachau would have been a blessing. There is also plenty of evidence that the Afghani intelligence (which was trained by Americans), has carried on this cycle of torture, all the while being blessed as new democratic leaders of Afghanistan.

In Auschwitz the prisoners were allowed to participate in performances, and had a gran piano brought in for them...

"Forced to preform music".

In Guantanamo they are put out in the sun for multiple hours with a hood over their head, or stripped naked, and forced to sit there with dogs trying to bite them.

"Forced to be made completely inhuman".

Yeah, but no. The only time prisoners are hooded in Gitmo is when they are spitting on guards and healthcare attendants, and anyone who gets into range. THose guys love to throw their bodily fluids about. If you are not careful, you'll get hit by flying feces. From a physical standpoint, they are treated much like the average prisoner in the US. If you want to complain about Gitmo, then you have every room to complain about the legal aspect of their confinment there, but they are not being inhumanely tortured.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by daaskapital

If you actually count, and if that photo shows most of the bodies, possibly standing there before firing squad, I'd say 50 or a bit more is not unbelievable. Think how much space 10 healthy, well fed soldier's bodies, with uniforms, gear, whatever, take up. It's not like we are talking about the piling up of those bags of bones their prisoners were.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 07:09 PM
So some army grunts killed some Nazis. Yawn. So what if it's true? How is it sigificant, relevant, who actually cares?

If we're going to discuss American crimes, not that other countries don't have their fair share, I'd much rather discuss all the democratically elected leaders that have been assassinated directly/indirectly by the US and it's intelligence organization's paramilitary services since WWII, or I would rather discuss what happened to all the Nazi's let in to the US under operation Paper Clip, or I would rather discuss the murdering of innocent civilians by Blackwater............the list of interesting topics is endless, and this just isn't one.

I would have to guess that most of the stars and flags were by non-Americans who are prejudiced against the US, some with good reason.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 07:29 PM


posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 07:34 PM


posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 07:36 PM


posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 07:38 PM


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