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I think most here would fight for free speech for anyone! But if the Morgan guy whines, "I'm leaving if the US Constitution doesn't change" then why shouldn't we enjoy his self-important verbal vomit?
Originally posted by IkNOwSTuff
Originally posted by rockoperawriter
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff
because he's not a citizen. it is illegal for foriegn press to voice their opinion about the constitution when they are not citizens while in the us.
Hes a legal resident therefore it applies to him
Certain constitutional rights do apply to illegal immigrants within our borders. Take the Fifth Amendment. It provides that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. Due process rights (to deportation hearings, for example) are constitutionally required -- even for illegal immigrants.
But the Second Amendment doesn’t use the word “person.” It uses the word “people.”
And this, the court concluded, is what distinguishes due process rights from the right to bear arms.
"'The people’ protected by the Second Amendment refers to a class of persons with sufficient connection with this country to be considered part of that community,” the court reasoned. “People,” in other words, has a narrower meaning than “persons,” constitutionally speaking.
The Court said this about Alien’s rights. “Mere lawful presence in the country creates an implied assurance of safe conduct and gives him certain rights; they become more extensive and secure when he makes preliminary declaration of intention to become a citizen, and they expand to those of full citizenship upon naturalization.
This ascending scale of constitutional rights is elaborate. An alien outside the country has fewer rights than one within, e.g., an alien held at the border has no right to a deportation hearing. ..An unlawfully present alien has fewer rights than one lawfully here; an illegal alien generally has no right to assert a selective-enforcement claim to thwart deportation. A lawful alien here fewer than five years can be denied enrollment in Medicare, unlike one here for, say, a decade... A temporary resident alien has fewer rights than a permanent resident alien; the former, for example, may be barred from making campaign contributions…Likewise, a lawful permanent resident has fewer rights than a citizen, since a state can form a citizens-only police force. ..Finally, one right is limited to natural born citizens: eligibility to run for president.”
Originally posted by IkNOwSTuff
reply to post by beezzer
I read the entire article linked by the OP and didnt find where he said or anything close to that.
He said the constitution was ambiguous and makes people think they can have military style weapons when a simple handgun or revolver would be enough for protection.
The guy isnt even anti gun hes anti assault type weapons in the hands of the public
I have always appreciated the UK but you, Sir, I have had enough of. Go home. Leave. Let Clarkson teach you some proper manners when you get back.
Morgan has used his position to harangue, bully and ridicule American guests whose views he and your neighbors disagree with.
Perhaps if he had a bit less hubris and actually attempted rational discussion instead of nonsensical ravings and rants, "freedom loving members" would give him a bit more respoect. He'll never have any credibility. Why should we permit foreign visitors and aliens, including pretend-journalists such as PM, the "freedom" to inflame and antagonize on our airwaves solely to drive their egos and ratings higher with imaginary "news" and "facts" drawn from thin air and their personal biases, demons and delusions?
You reveal a complete lack of understanding how a written Constitution functions, or of the responsibilities attendant to the freedoms recognized thereunder.
You're all a group of subservient, inbred pawns.
Once again, ignorance of a wrtiien constitution prevents you from grasping differences recognized in our courts. not all constitutional protections apply to everyone within our borders; some apply to "citizens," some to "persons," and some to "people." See the recent Guizar decision for bit of enlightenment.
The Uk sounds like an ideal for you and PM to stay. There, the government tells you what your "rights" are, not a written Constitution.
Since when does a foreign, disgraced pretend-journalist decide what is "enough for protection" in this country, or in my house? Regardles of the liniked story, PM has been outspoken for quite some time about his beliefs and disdain for American rights (of which he is all too eager to take advantage).
What gives him ANY authority to opine what weapons belong "in the hands of the public?"
Journalist and pundits have often referred to "high-powered rifles," and "assault style weapons" without any regard for the truth or actual meanings of the phrases.
As we speak, the UK is considering long knves as "assault weapons"
Originally posted by IkNOwSTuff
reply to post by beezzer
I read the entire article linked by the OP and didnt find where he said or anything close to that.
He said the constitution was ambiguous and makes people think they can have military style weapons when a simple handgun or revolver would be enough for protection.
The guy isnt even anti gun hes anti assault type weapons in the hands of the public
Originally posted by Mrgone
As of 09:32 PST the count is 93,127
Come on folks, let's push this petition to 100,000
A guy like this craves attention. So let's give him what he wants.
Piers, go home to your safe and secure country before the big bad boogie gun is found hiding under your bed.
Can I help you pack?
watched the interview that started all this and I didnt see anything wrong or unique in what he did or said.
The guy was an idiot and in my opinion so is anyone else who feels the problem of gun massacres can be solved by having more guns around.
It is a common fantasy that gun bans make society safer. In 2002 -- five years after enacting its gun ban -- the Australian Bureau of Criminology acknowledged there is no correlation between gun control and the use of firearms in violent crime. In fact, the percent of murders committed with a firearm was the highest it had ever been in 2006 (16.3 percent) … .
Even Australia's Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research acknowledges that the gun ban had no significant impact on the amount of gun-involved crime:
• In 2006, assault rose 49.2 percent and robbery 6.2 percent.
• Sexual assault -- Australia's equivalent term for rape -- increased 29.9 percent.
• Overall, Australia's violent crime rate rose 42.2 percent.
Violent crime worse in Britain than in US
Britain has a higher crime rate than any other rich nation except Australia, according to a survey yesterday.
Who are you to decide what his motivations were? sounds like your being a bit biased and maybe even delusional. He simply stated his views.
Your comment that "He’ll never have any credibility" shows that you have preejudged him and makes your opinion basically invalid.
Editor sacked over 'hoax' photos
Daily Mirror editor Piers Morgan has been sacked after the newspaper conceded photos of British soldiers abusing an Iraqi were fake.
In a statement the Mirror said it had fallen victim to a "calculated and malicious hoax" and that it would be "inappropriate" for Morgan to continue.
The Queen's Lancashire Regiment (QLR) said the Mirror had endangered British troops by running the pictures.
In my ignorance and lack of understanding the constitution says the rights are self evident and god given.
Im Australian not English, my gov is a lot less restrictive and intrusive than yours but since we arent allowed easy access to guns I doubt you see it that way.
Australia's Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research acknowledges that the gun ban had no significant impact on the amount of gun-involved crime. Ovral, Australia's violent crine increased 42 percent.
Britain has a higher crime rate than any other rich nation except Australia
I know bugger all about guns, the only thing I know for certain is they are a weapon whos sole purpose is to kill, they are not a "tool" unless you count killing as a use/purpose.
As we speak, the UK is considering long knives as "assault weapons"
No its not, your talking about the 5 year old article.