posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 03:15 PM
I joined the website in Sept of this year. I have spent most of my time reading and not making many comments.
My main interest with regards to ATS is space related. I love all things space and the universe and of course UFO's. My poor husband does not feel
the same way! Yesterday he left for work 45 minutes early so he didn't have to watch yet another program on the universe. The funny thing was when he
came home for lunch the same base program was on, just a different topic on the universe!! LOL ..poor guy ..
When not on ATS my main interests are the universe and Homestead farming, . We are trying very hard to clean up our eating habits. No take out, no
boxed foods and the like. We tend to make our food from scratch, trying to eliminate as much chemical from our food as possible. Because we live on an
acreage we also got rid of nosy crazy neighbors!
If you are ever in my neck of the woods and hear this God awful screeching, not to worry it's just me learning to play the Highland Bagpipes, come on
over and say hi!!