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Tin Foil Hat

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posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 02:55 AM
Tin foil hat

You will need:
* Tin foil
* Card of some sort (I used a box)
* Scissors
* Wood glue
* Toilet paper (or a cloth)
* Cellotape
* Paint
* Pen
* Paintbrush
* Kitten (this is optional, but highly recommended)

Draw out large circle on cardboard. Cut out circle. Cut out smaller sircle inside circle. Cut out one large rectangular piece.

Cut edges of large rectangle as shown below, stick inside the hole in large circle, use cellotape to hold in place whilst fighting off kitten.

Continue all the way around, try to fish kitten out of tube.

Start cellotaping the smaller circle onto the other end of the tube.

After having removed all cellotape from kitten and finished taping the smaller circle to the tube, use wood clue to cover the "hat". Spread glue with paintbrush.

Stick tin foil on top of wood glue. Press down. The more crinkly, the better.

Continue until the whole hat is covered and kitten approves.

Use paintbrush and add paint in chosen color. Then use toilet paper (or cloth) to wipe the paint off until you get desired effect (black works brilliant on tin foil!).

Rip a few pieces of tin foil off the roll and cover in paint. Wipe paint off kitten.

Make flowers and leaves (or aliens and ufo's!). Go searching for all missing flowers that kitten has hidden.

Glue flowers onto hat.

And that's just about it!!!

Mine will be made into a lampshade... by just using a thumbtack and poking out little holes... but I'll leave that for another day.

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 03:02 AM
Your cat looks like a much slimmer version of the gargantuan behemoth on my lap currently cutting off the circulation to my lower leg. Said monster is also a nosy git, must be a white and black thing.

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 03:04 AM
reply to post by hotel1

My very first black and white one - and she's awesome! I also got a giant tabby tomcat, but he's not very keen on anything apart from food. Luckily little kitten loves cuddles, and she's a proper little tinker - curtain climbing being the favourite!

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by aspiechick

Awsome, loved it... can you do one for an unassembled IKEA desk??... kitteh and tin foil included??

edit on 29-12-2012 by Perhaps because: meh

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by Perhaps

This one is a farm cat that decided to move in with me shortly after I moved into my new place, she now completely owns my place and as most cats considers herself the centre of the universe. sorry Mods for going off topic

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by Perhaps
kitteh and tin foil included??

I'll take the kitten, that way you can make your own for your desk without the "help" of a kitten.

Originally posted by hotel1
This one is a farm cat that decided to move in with me shortly after I moved into my new place

Awwww - that's sweet - you got adopted.

How's your kitty with fish? As a teenager a semi-feral barn cat moved in with my family... he never understood fish! Never met a cat before (or after) that doesn't like fish (my two are both crazy for fish, but only my tomcat likes shrimp, kitten perfers chicken).

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 03:26 AM
I think you should send your design straight to these boffins at MIT

On the Effectiveness of Aluminium Foil Helmets: An Empirical Study

It requires no stretch of the imagination to conclude that the current helmet craze is likely to have been propagated by the Government, possibly with the involvement of the FCC. We hope this report will encourage the paranoid community to develop improved helmet designs to avoid falling prey to these shortcomings.

Could this be the new helmet design we have been searching for? Perhaps!

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 03:31 AM
Let me be the first to say

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 03:41 AM

Originally posted by aspiechick

Originally posted by Perhaps
kitteh and tin foil included??

I'll take the kitten, that way you can make your own for your desk without the "help" of a kitten.

Originally posted by hotel1
This one is a farm cat that decided to move in with me shortly after I moved into my new place

Awwww - that's sweet - you got adopted.

How's your kitty with fish? As a teenager a semi-feral barn cat moved in with my family... he never understood fish! Never met a cat before (or after) that doesn't like fish (my two are both crazy for fish, but only my tomcat likes shrimp, kitten perfers chicken).

She only gets fed from tins but she loves the fish flavor ones. Interestingly enough the only cat I ever knew that did'nt like fish looked a lot like yours. My female companion insists I ask your cats name although I understand if you are reluctant.

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 06:54 AM
quite useful, given the advances in mind-reading that are being made lately!

I can't wait for the day when we *actually* have to wear tinfoil hats to keep our minds from being read, even funnier, when that time comes, so many people will have to eat their hat.

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 12:39 PM
Wow, that is a lot classier looking than the tinfoil dunce style hat I made

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by polarwarrior
I think you should send your design straight to these boffins at MIT

*quickly leaves to Trademark*

Originally posted by zonetripper2065
Let me be the first to say

Thank you for the video and compliment!

Originally posted by cartesia
I can't wait for the day when we *actually* have to wear tinfoil hats to keep our minds from being read

Fingers crossed it will be before new years... I got plans to poke holes in this one (lampshade)!

Originally posted by TKDRL
Wow, that is a lot classier looking than the tinfoil dunce style hat I made

*chants* Picture - picture - picture!

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by aspiechick

Was a while back, don't still have it. All I did to make it, was cut open a 24 pack budweiser box, tape it into a cone, then taped tinfoil onto it. It was a "themed frat costume party", had to use cardboard and duct tape to make a costume lol.

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by aspiechick

Tuxedo cats ( the black and white ones) are usually very friendly affectionate cats. Tabbies I find are a little more independant and aloof but Siamese are by far the most people oriented. Different breeds have different personalities. I like the tuxedo myself. I have a little siamese six months old who is a charmer.

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by karen61560
Tuxedo cats ( the black and white ones) are usually very friendly affectionate cats. Tabbies I find are a little more independant and aloof but Siamese are by far the most people oriented.

My tomcat is my second tabby, I grew up with a sweet and gentle little tabby cat (who passed when I was 18). I lost a calico kitty in August, she was amazing. Full of love and cuddles, but feisty at the same time. The little kitten pictured above is so much like my calico, although completely different in apperance.

The little kitten is still not allowed outside (waiting until she's 6 months), but she quickly learnt how to use the catflap, so now the catflap is locked - much to the annoyance of my tomcat and two dogs (they fit through the catflap)... I think she's gonna be a hunter this little cuddle girl.

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 03:36 PM
If you're taking orders, I'm a 7 3/4.

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by Carreau
If you're taking orders, I'm a 7 3/4.

No problem, I think I shall use the "artwork" My Bed as a guideline when it comes to price... although I feel I might be undervaluing my extraordinary talent with a measly price tag of £150000.

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 05:47 PM
+ S&F

These should be standard issue around here!

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 06:31 PM
Love the hat!

And found the sub discussion about cat color and personality fascinating. I've only had Himalayans and one orange exotic shorthair. The himi's were lap cats, the exotic was uber aloof. I would like to get a new kitty but the non-shedding varieties appear to be loud and psycho... Not a good fit for me

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 06:31 PM
Love the hat!

And found the sub discussion about cat color and personality fascinating. I've only had Himalayans and one orange exotic shorthair. The himi's were lap cats, the exotic was uber aloof. I would like to get a new kitty but the non-shedding varieties appear to be loud and psycho... Not a good fit for me

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