posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 12:03 AM
This kind of reminds me of one of my favorite Twilight Zone episodes "Time Enough at Last"
It is "the story of a man who seeks salvation in the rubble of a ruined world"[2] and tells of Henry Bemis (pron.: /ˈbiːmɪs/), played by
Burgess Meredith, who loves books, yet is surrounded by those who would prevent him from reading them. The episode follows Bemis through the post
apocalyptic world, touching on such social issues as anti-intellectualism, the dangers of reliance upon technology, and the difference between
aloneness (solitude) and loneliness.
Bremis is just about to shoot himself when he notices the library. HE realizes he can go about reading unhindered by former annoyances. Too bad
Bremis' glasses fall off his face and shatter when he goes to pick up a book.
I have no idea what I would do. If I did decide to off myself, I'd make one hell of a bucket list. I think I would try to learn how to fly and land a
plane so I could do some traveling outside the US. That would probably be how I die, too
If I managed to accomplish flight, then I would try to
go to a lot of historical sites, wonders of the world, and other personal points of interest. I figure that if I'm the last human, I should have a
better idea of what humanity has been through and accomplished, despite all our shortcomings.
Eventually I would probably try to make my childhood dream to come true, to see space first hand. The obstacles would be tremendous, it would be
amazing and there would be no one to stop me. Hopefully I could figure out to get back if I actually got up there, but I feel like space is as good a
place to die as any. I might bring some sort of contingency plan just in case it came to that. If I survive basic air travel though, I'm guessing this
venture will surely be my demise
It might end up that I do everything "important" I can think of ( and survive it ) and then not what to off myself at all. Maybe there I'll find there
isn't enough time to do all the important things in the first place. Maybe Bears will eat my face on the way to the airport.
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29-12-2012 by forgetmenot because: (no reason given)