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Alex Jones - Tipped his hand when asked about a 2nd Amendment march

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posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 07:38 PM
I was listening to the very end of the Alex Jones show on Dec 20th and a caller apprehensively asked Alex to lead in a march on D.C. to support the 2nd amendment. The caller made a couple of good points as to why and did the obligatory sucking up before hand.

Alex became noticeably shaken by this, he stammered and desperately searched for something meaningful to say, but it was clear he did not want anyone to think actually marching was a good idea.

Finally, he suggested the answer was to "Hand out flyers" and something about a "Banner Hang" while trying to convince the caller that these were more powerful things to do than getting a million people together to march on D.C.

I can't say I'm a fan of Alex Jones as I dislike his tactics, but I do listen in the car and I'm glad people are getting their first taste of this type of information from someone. I just hope they realize you shouldn't trust anything his organization puts out without verifying it completely elsewhere. I've never seen such efforts to twist and exaggerate in my life. But like so many others, he cleverly mixes some truth with a lot of BS and somehow that's enough to thoroughly convince many people he's the real deal.

I laughed out loud when I heard this and a few people I spoke to agreed it was ridiculous and it just makes you wonder even more about his true motives and if he's being handled or controlled by the very government he claims to challenge.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 07:42 PM
Alex Jones is not for changing anything. He gets rich claiming to wake people up. He has a million listeners get em together and go set up courts dates to start changing things. Or anything he just making money.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 07:43 PM
I remember that show! I was thinking the same thing! Felt kind of stupid for ever believing in the guy.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 07:53 PM
Alex Jones is the bowel of any movement he champions.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 08:02 PM
I read this with interest as it so completely echoed the tactics of another I was just relating on another thread.
Ed Chiarini. Now, if those two aren't just birds of a feather.

Poisoning the well, while pretending to expose the lies, corruption and deceptions.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 08:07 PM
Whether your a fan or not.. he serves a purpose. I've had plenty of conversations with people, correcting things they've heard on his show, and frankly it makes me happy. Not that they listen to this guy, but he can be a catalyst for people to begin to wake up.
Regardless what [conspiracy theory] you subscribe to... not everyone is intelligent enough to separate the truth from the BS.
All the major institutions have been discredited, and individuals that have seen this are looking for outlets of truth (Webster Tarpley said something like this on Coast about people that believe in conspiracy theories)
If Alex Jones begins to wake people up by barking really loud.. It at least opens them to thinking outside the box.
Heh, It's actually a good thing Alex Jones isn't trying to lead the march then.. I'm contempt with him reaching out and shaking people's paradigm, but not amassing an Alex Jones militia.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 08:25 PM
I believe that he sold out several years ago....he admits being approached and he admits being threatened but the way he rails on against the administration sometimes along with examples of how he handles callers like you noted makes me believe that he has a carte blanche (immunity) to put up a front and even disperse good information but for the purpose of eventually inciting a resurrection to be put down. I believe that what he didnt tell his listeners was that he was made "an offer he could not refuse" (wealth and protection or death and denigration). He likely rationalized that given his position (albeit compromised) that he was still in a position to warn people of what is coming (while allowing TPTB to harvest telephone #s and isp addresses) and that his first responsibility is the safety and security of his family. He isnt as erudite as tries to act (he has trouble doing simple math in his head and he did not even graduate from a 4 yr college)....but he does have street smarts and knows how to take credit for a lot of research done for him. FWIW, I think that this site has been sold out as well. I had an important thread on Gun Control deleted (suggested legislation to support the second amendment) and a recent thread by the owner of ATS saying that Obama's support for Bill of Rights Day (same day as the Sandy Hook shooting) "proves that they are not coming for the guns." Really? Proof? C'mon. Both Infowars and ATS could be what is called "Comtrolled Opposition" and TPTB are mining information to be used against citizens it deems a threat.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

He occasionally does put out valuable information though. For instance today he mentioned State Dept Publication 7277 which calls for the complete disarmament of the civilians of the planet.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 09:16 PM

I think that this site has been sold out as well.

I tend to agree. I had a similar experience where the title of the thread alone seemed to justify quickly yanking it from existence without so much as a PM to notify me. When I challenged them on the reasoning and if they even bothered to read it, the "Staff" couldn't offer anything that wouldn't point out the hypocrisy. Disappointing but not surprising I suppose.

It seems absolutely everything that reaches a certain threshold of popularity is either compromised or eliminated. Bar none.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 09:45 PM
So wait a damn moment.... you all actually have doubt that this site hasn't been compromised and is under regulation by TPTB???? This site and all others that contain similar "fringe" information arre all under surveillence and regulation... some more than others. Maybe you should rethink the slogan on the banner: " Deny Ignorance"
Who is denying ignorance, who is the ignorant, and what is classified under ignorant??

But you know what? You're all passive aggressive and will do nothing... you'll keep at it because none of you really care you're losing your rights. None of you really want to give up that tv and those keys to your won't because you are here. This site and others like it serve as a preverbial rest stop. You see the bullsh!, the lies, the propaganda, the brainwashing, the death, the hate, the fear, and the shear stupidity in our society as well as our culture. But you too are chained to the sytem. You simply chose to come to this side of the yard to bark.

As in everything there are some exceptions to this... they are very few and very far between.

Alex Jones was who first "shook my paradigm" but since then I took his hand off it and now only I shake it... there's is always a point where someone or something clicks on the light and draws your attention to the mystical flame that is truth. It is up to you whether or not you remain in orbit around it or you seek other flames to experience. It is also up to you whether you allow yyourself to be consumed by the fire.

I hope this world proves this statement wrong.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by CosmicCitizen
What would you say to the idea that some well know AM radio talk guys are CIA.....the education and public policy branch?

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 07:12 AM
He seems like a good guy that really cares what people think of him, and does his best to explain why he does not cover certain topics, like the mayan calendar and the "pole shift". He listens to the audience for the most part.
Lately, he's even begun to criticize Israel and is not interrupting callers and guest as much as he used too. He may not, not have all the facts straight, but he does his best. He is passionate about what he does, and I see no harm in him making money in the process, as long as it does not overshadow his messages.

I can relate to what he say's about being "overwhelmed" by information and I think that sparks his ramblings. I get like that to, but it might be hard for some to understand.
edit on 29-12-2012 by Avgudar because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by CosmicCitizen
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

He occasionally does put out valuable information though. For instance today he mentioned State Dept Publication 7277 which calls for the complete disarmament of the civilians of the planet.

wrong....this was published in 1961, and it deals with nuclear weapons, and leaves in place defensive means of protection for countries

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

Yes the fall of 1961 and there were several related memos (joint with USSR & US) with the net result from the UN stance being;
1) Nations will not be able to have nuclear weapons or even combat theatre weapons....only small arms for the keeping of local law enforcement.
2) The United Nations Peacekeeping Force will only be allowed to have the means to wage war for keeping the peace between nations.
3) All other weapons (ie. civilian) will be destroyed.

Search UN Civilian Disarmament as well as Freedom from War and State Dept 7277. The UN Small Arms Trade Treaty was a step in that direction...what do you think the handgun statue with the twisted barrel in front of the UN symbolizes? Getting rid of Nukes? Heck it is a 6 shot revolver (not a semi-auto assault style rifle with a flash hider and 30 rd clip).

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by Paschar0

A million people demonstration is not going to end well so I can understand where Alex is coming from.

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by Paschar0

A million people demonstration is not going to end well so I can understand where Alex is coming from.

Not the point, he discouraged it for other reasons. A fearful attitude isn't a positive one. Even an unarmed march, would be a good show of force, an ARMED march would eliminate ANY chance of Police brutality or abuse now wouldn't it? We have every right to do so but seems there is an active move to discourage this at every turn...wonder why that is?

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 10:34 PM
Alex Jones is a shill.

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 08:14 PM
And he always stops short of the link between Mossad and 9/11. So some think he is a Zionist gatekeeper.

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 08:26 PM
Well, the obvious problem is that the rouge government IS preparing anti-2nd amendment marches. The zionist media will give full bloated coverage, using fisheyes lenses if necessary, to make the crotch area look bigger.

My handler just came in from a lecture by a Pulitzer Prize winner. It was revealed that 'the middle class is being squeezed out', lol. Horses for courses.

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 08:36 PM
Alex Jones is an interesting character, in that he is loud and can come across as being .. "out there". This can turn alot of people off to him who otherwise could have benefited from something profound or actually truthful he might have said against what anyone else 'mainstream' might be preaching. Another problem is that people who might be 'fringe' who listen to him too much might end up learning ( unknown to them ) to act just like he does, thus making the stereotype of 'alternative points of view' associated with 'fringe/abnormal social behavior'.

That aside, I think it was 2010 or 2011 that there was a gun rights march on every US capitol plus DC. The numbers were huge! I Wish I could remember the event title or something a person could use to research it, one thing I do remember was it was to be held on the date of the Columbine shooting ( I think ) and Bill Clinton told the media that they shouldn't air the gun rights march because it would be offensive, or something like that. Perhaps someone who remembers could come here and illustrate that particular event further.

The result though was ZERO media coverage of a mass event spaning EVERY US capitol plus Washington DC. If you didn't follow gun rights stuff you never heard of it, simple as that. Isn't that amazing? That event was a testament to how powerful media silence can be and also to me a testament to the fact that 'marches' will do nothing for the simple fact that all the media has to do is not air or talk about it.
edit on 1/30/2013 by indigothefish because: (no reason given)

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