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What If 12-21-12 Was The Beginning Of A "Gestation" Period (never intended to be DOOMSDAY)

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posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 01:24 AM

The Sun Became Pregnant

(metaphorically speaking)

What if the beginning of the “New Birth” of planet Earth started on 12-21-12; it was never prophesied to be an “END”. The process was thought to be the birth or new beginning, starting with the Sun reaching a point in the galaxy that only occurs at certain times. That exact length of time has always been a source of contention. If the Sun did in fact reach this point and began the process of a “NEW BIRTH” we would not feel it on this day. Rather it would take many months of growing pains and gestation for the actual birth to take place.

Consider us in the first trimester, where we will experience morning sickness and a gradual change in our hormonal condition as we begin to realize we are carrying a newborn. There will be imbalances we will be forced to deal with, but change is good. Sometimes the changes don’t always feel good, they are not supposed to. We are not here to feel good, we are here to grow. It is a process.

Fear is a mechanism regularly used to deal with uncertainty. It is much easier to pretend that 12-21-12 was a “FAILED DOOMSDAY” prediction, rather than accept the fact we are pregnant. It was never about one day. It was about change…which happens every day…pregnant or not.
Denial is the result of fear. It is much easier to deny you are pregnant if you live in fear of being pregnant. Life is not for us to deny; it is for us to accept and grow from change. The beauty of birth is not without its faults, many changes occur when you are pregnant; it is no different for our planet Earth.

We have to experience both positive and negative in order to grow. Many of us increase the negative aspect through fear and denial, rather than embrace the changes, we stress out over them. Change is good. Change is growth. At the same time we tend to get too high from the positive aspects and are forced to deal with letdowns that become more negative from the lack of preparation; balance is the key to happiness.

Take a look at the screen shots I placed here. Pay close attention to the position of the planets 12-21-12 and the position of the planets on 9-17-13. I see some very interesting information here, what do you see?

I did some numerology and played with different formulas…do not try to make sense of them. I just found some of the numbers to be very strange. Take them for what they are. They can be manipulated many different ways.

I will be happy to answer any questions about how I arrived at these numbers. I did the best I could to demonstrate.

My goal though is to highlight the number 27 and 9 and the ways they come into play.

12-21-2012 + 270 (gestation) = 9-17-2013 = 59 = 14 = 5

The number 5 stands in symbolism for the Planet Mercury, and is versatile and mercurial in all its characteristics. Number 5 people are all those who are born on the 5th, 14th, and 23rd in any month, but their characteristics are still more marked if they are born in what is called the "period of the 5," which is from the 21st May to June 20th-27th and from the 21st August to September 20th-27th.

Their greatest drawback is that they exhaust their nervous strength to such an extent that they often fall victims to nervous breakdowns of the worst kind, and under any mental tension they easily become irritable and quick-tempered, unable to "suffer fools gladly".

Their "lucky" colors are all shades of light Grey, white and glistening materials, but just as they can make friends with people born under all kinds of numbers, so can they wear all shades of colors, but by far the best for them are light shades, and they should wear dark colors as rarely as possible.

Their "lucky" stone is the diamond, and all glittering or shimmering things; also ornaments made of platinum or silver, and, if possible, they should wear a diamond set in platinum next their skin.

#14 is the number of movement, combination of people and things, and danger from natural forces, such as tempests, water, air, or fire. This number is fortunate for dealings with money, speculation, and changes in business, but there is always a strong element of risk and danger attached to it, but generally owing to the actions and foolhardiness of others. If this number comes out in calculations of future events the person should be warned to act with caution and prudence.

1.00485728 AU (8) + (35) x (3) = 129 (3) /270 = 0037216936296296 = 71
- 0.98370644 AU (5) + (41) x (3) = 138 (3) /270 = 0036433571851852 = 61
= 0.02115084 AU (3) (21)
129 + 138 + 3 = 270
35 + 41 + 21 = 97 x 3 = 291 – 21 = 270
270 = 9
3 + 3 + 3 = 9 x 3 = 27 = 9
21 x 3 = 63 x 3 = 189 x 3 = 567 / 21 = 27
63 = 9
189 = 27 = 9
567 = 18 = 9
9 + 9 + 9 = 27 = 9

#9 representing man and everything to do with the physical and material plane; is the number of force, energy, destruction and war in its most dominant quality. In its relation to ordinary life it denotes energy, ambition, leadership, dominion. It represents iron, the metal from which the weapons of warfare are made and the Planet Mars, which it stands for in Astrology, is the Ruler of the Zodiacal Sign Aries, which is the Sign of the Zodiac, which governs England. This symbolism was evidently well known by Shakespeare when he wrote, "England, thou seat of Mars".

#9 is an emblem of matter that can never be destroyed, so the number 9 when multiplied by any number always reproduces itself, no matter what the extent of the number is that has been employed.

#27 is a good number. It is a promise of authority, power, and command. It indicates that reward will come from the productive intellect; that the creative faculties have sown good seeds that will reap a harvest. Persons with this "compound" number at their back should carry out their own ideas and plans. It is a fortunate number if it appears in any connection with future events.

I will be the first to admit whatever I have put forth here is completely conjecture and subjective. One thing that is not subjective however is my belief that we are constantly in a state of change. That is undisputed. How we deal with change is up to each individual. The fact the world did not “END” is not a source of contention to harp on. The changes we have that will be present daily will still happen…some are man-made and some are natural.

Just like the mother of a new born child, we have to make smart choices not to bring undue harm to our “BABY”.

edit on 12/28/2012 by BrokenAngelWings33 because: Edit

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 02:44 AM
While I appreciate all the hard work you put into this(maybe), some of you need to realize that 12/21 meant nothing.

The only people who made it a big deal are the people on here.

Good lord when is ATS going to close this sub forum down?

It came.It passed.We're all still here.It meant nothing,get it?

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 02:53 AM

Originally posted by nightstalker78
While I appreciate all the hard work you put into this(maybe), some of you need to realize that 12/21 meant nothing.

The only people who made it a big deal are the people on here.

Good lord when is ATS going to close this sub forum down?

It came.It passed.We're all still here.It meant nothing,get it?

Some of you need to realize that it did mean something, just not what has been speculated by was never the end of the was a beginning. The fact you found a reason to give a backwards non compliment in one breath and proceed to tell me...I get it, you are not capable of understanding.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 02:53 AM
I'm not sure what I think of your specific theory,

but I definitely think its possible that what 21/12/2012 signified is actually the beginning of a new cycle/end of an old one, rather than a specific 1-day or multiple-day event. If something of note were to happen give or take 100 days plus or minus I'd be *willing* to *consider* the *possibility* that it was linked to the cycles in *some* way.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by BrokenAngelWings33
63 = 9
189 = 27 = 9
567 = 18 = 9

Something about this math doesn't seem quite right. Can't quite put my finger on it, though.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 04:22 AM

Originally posted by SilentKoala

Originally posted by BrokenAngelWings33
63 = 9
189 = 27 = 9
567 = 18 = 9

Something about this math doesn't seem quite right. Can't quite put my finger on it, though.

63 = 9......................6+3=9
189 = 27 = 9 ...........1+8+9=18.....1+8=9
567 = 18 = 9.............5+6=11....11+7=18...........1+8=9

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by SilentKoala

He is doing numerology where you add the digits and reduce to the sum of one number. The only time you dont have to further reduce is if it results in a master number like "11" (double 1 instead of 1+1 = 2). So 63 = 6+3 =9 and 189 = 1+8+9 =18 = 1+8 = 9 and 567 = 5+6+7 = 18 = 1+8 = 9.....adds up to me. edit: I see Munkey already answered you.
edit on 28-12-2012 by CosmicCitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 05:11 AM
reply to post by BrokenAngelWings33

As a poster has already said above,

Some people really do need to accept that nothing happened and move on, there has been no significant change in the world since last Friday to pretend that there has been is only embracing ignorance.

I understand that for some the idea that something big was going to happen last week was a big deal, but really you guys need to accept that nothing happened and stop clutching at straws.

You can’t actually prove what you have said OP,

But by the very fact that nothing happened I can prove to you that 2112 was a joke all along.

I don’t know why more members can’t do what Zargiri has done on the time-wave zero thread and humbly say “I was wrong”. I have a lot of respect for members that do that more should follow that example.

All these threads about how something did happen but we just can’t see it or that it’s the start of something rather than the end of something and so on are just embarrassing.

Face it, nothing happened, just move on.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 05:23 AM
What if...

What if it was the wrong earth? right now on the other side of the universe, an earth sits devastated, with a handful of earthlings going "Coh, didn't expect that!"

If what if's were buckets of cash eh, what if...

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 05:59 AM
reply to post by BrokenAngelWings33

i don't really agree with all the KumBaYah stuff in the OP

but i do agree that the 21-12-2012 end day was a deliberate, pop-culture misinterpretation

Major Jenkins tried to point out that the transit of the Dark Rift or Dark Rift Era was important. but was drowned out by the profit seeking cottage industry

the 'transit' of the December Solstice Sun through the [Dark Rift of the Galaxy Center...
takes 155 years and the year 2012 is the middle point of this (presemt) Transit Era....

here's an excerpt from a critical book that was 10 years old already when listed on the search function:
see how Major Jenkins work was manipulated, information about the dark rift transit , deliberately obscured so the Other Writers could benefit from the sales of their own versions of the Maya Calendar....

According to Jenkins his galactic alignment is also an “alignment of the December solstice sun with the Dark Rift” —and it occurs— “once every 26,000 years” (Jenkins 2002:18).

This is another misleading statement.
This time what Jenkins calls alignment is really a transit that spans 155-years.

The solstice sun began transiting the Dark Rift of the Milky Way in 1955 and will finish this transit in the year 2100 (Tonkin 2006) (figs. 3, 4).

In other words what Jenkins claims happens once every 26,000 years in reality happens every year for a period of 155 years during each precession cycle.

Figure 3. “The solsticial sun on December 22, 1955 as it begins its transit through the Dark Rift of the Milky Way.”

Figure 4. “The solsticial sun on December 21, 2100 as I ends its transits through the Dark rift of the Milky Way.”

Now we reach a point in the 2012 theme, where my speculation comes forth...

this 155 year period of the Sun Transit through the Dark Rift night sky was the observable sign that the period of Earth Changes (aka: birth pangs/ beginning-of-sorrows) is underway in a cyclical 26,000 period

some 155 year Transits being more destructive than the next OR just having a peaceful and benign (winter Solstice Sun) Transit Era

be advised... from some of the witnesses in the world today... that major eruptions, volcanos, tsunamis, EQ, landslides, sinkholes, collapsing river bottoms... all will be more numberous and more intense as the megnetosphere fades and the formally quiet Sun gets more violent and harmful to life on Earth all the way to the year 2100 & a little beyond as the Earth Changes subside gradually
edit on 28-12-2012 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 06:41 AM
I really have kept quiet all this time about 21/12. There is not one thing I said because IMO it wasn't worth it. However now I feel I have to say something.
First of all I fully expected the 'gestation' theory to surface once nothing had happened at said date. Mainly because some people really still believe that a Mayan calendar without instructions can predict a precise end of the world.

What I really want to say is that apart from some Americans and a few other English speaking people, nobody else on this Earth gave a to*s. Not the Aboriginies in Australia, nor any Africans or African tribes. No Inuits or Chinese, no Indians or Thai people. Nobody [apart from maybe a handful that speak English and have been 'sucked in'] cared.
However here on ATS it was made out as something the 'whole world' is afraid of.

I know people in Germany that didn't even know what I was talking about, when I tried to tell them about this, other Germans were taking the P*ss.
Therefore it was only a few people on this Planet that were worried about some 'Chinese whispers' about some ancient calendar that went out of hand.

If the majority on this planet didn't care or even know, how can anyone still be so stupid as to believe in this?
Also how do you explain similar 'hypes' throughout history where the 'end of the world' was predicted by various idiots but NEVER EVER anything happened?

When will people learn that there will always be someone somewhere predicting this illusive 'end'?
Before the end of the world would really happen, humanity will [hopefully] have long died out thanks to their own stupidity, incurable disease or a natural disaster which we can't predict exactly at this point in time.

The end of humanity will not spell the end of the world but the beginning of recuperation from us. After us nature can start again.

None of these things will have been forseen, foretold, predicted or written down apart from speculation using common sense [like I just did above].

Therefore when I hear yet another stupid human say that they can predict the end of the world because it says so in some book or in the entrails of a rat or because an ancient Indian dreamed about it I will just keep on shaking my head in disbelief of the naivite of our species.

Stop it, stop it now, it is embarrassing and boring. Somewhere on ATS discussing a certain occurence has been disallowed. I would love to see this stupid 2012 stuff to be banned as well because it is boring and has proven to be nothing but a HOAX. This is all I have to say about this rubbish.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 06:45 AM
I was thinking more like

What if the earth is constipated and hasn't pooped in weeks?

3+3+3 =9 +9 +9=27=9


edit on 28-12-2012 by ZetaRediculian because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by BrokenAngelWings33

ummm you're aware that different species have different gestation periods .. so why are you "naturally" saying that a sun's gestation period would be anything like a humans... ?? Fatal flaw in logic numero 1... Fact is you can construe any information you want and make it a theory...doesn't mean it makes any sense to anyone else.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by OtherSideOfTheCoin
reply to post by BrokenAngelWings33

As a poster has already said above,

Some people really do need to accept that nothing happened and move on, there has been no significant change in the world since last Friday to pretend that there has been is only embracing ignorance.

I understand that for some the idea that something big was going to happen last week was a big deal, but really you guys need to accept that nothing happened and stop clutching at straws.

You can’t actually prove what you have said OP,

But by the very fact that nothing happened I can prove to you that 2112 was a joke all along.

I don’t know why more members can’t do what Zargiri has done on the time-wave zero thread and humbly say “I was wrong”. I have a lot of respect for members that do that more should follow that example.

All these threads about how something did happen but we just can’t see it or that it’s the start of something rather than the end of something and so on are just embarrassing.

Face it, nothing happened, just move on.

What if the beginning of the “New Birth” of planet Earth started on 12-21-12

What part of this statement do you not understand...telling me nothing happened does not mean you are right either. Read the entire post before you decide to be ignorant.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by gnosticagnostic
reply to post by BrokenAngelWings33

ummm you're aware that different species have different gestation periods .. so why are you "naturally" saying that a sun's gestation period would be anything like a humans... ?? Fatal flaw in logic numero 1... Fact is you can construe any information you want and make it a theory...doesn't mean it makes any sense to anyone else.

You are aware that you did not actually read the entire post. You chose instead to be like others and ignore. Guess what I do know other species have a different gestation period...if you are incapable of reading perhaps you should refrain from giving your opinion.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by ZetaRediculian
I was thinking more like

What if the earth is constipated and hasn't pooped in weeks?

3+3+3 =9 +9 +9=27=9


edit on 28-12-2012 by ZetaRediculian because: (no reason given)

What if the Earth opened up and swallowed all the ignorant people....would you be one of them?

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 10:56 AM
If you people are not capable of understanding what I wrote move on.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by Hecate666

Read what I wrote. All of it...not just what you decide to see.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by St Udio

Obviously you have an answer for everything...guess what you are just like 90% of the people that are completely close minded...look for reason's to debunk rather than opening your mind to possibilities. I never suggested anywhere in my thread that any of this was fact...try reading what I did write.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by BrokenAngelWings33

Prove to me that something has happened otherwise it stands to reason that nothing significant has happened and the world has not changed.

If you can prove anything you have said in the OP to be fact then I might start to consider talking back what I said.

So unless anyone can prove that something did happen then sorry but you are wrong.

NOTHING happened.

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