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CIA Report: ~Geopolitical Predictions for 2020~

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posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 11:56 PM
I love information. I guess you could say I'm addicted to it.

The Freedom of Information Act is one of the greatest acts ever passed. I was doing some digging about Black Ops 2 (video game) and how it was developed with the help of moral philosopher, Peter Singer.

"His job is to predict geopolitics ten or 15 years out, and advise the CIA and the Pentagon where threats will come from."


I love reading about "predictions"! With a little extra digging I found this really cool PDF about mapping the global future.

Really interesting stuff if you're into it. I especially love the "Cycle of Fear Scenario" that speaks about the ongoing nuclear arms and chemical weapons concerns. It even has a fictional text message between an arms dealer and a buyer for WMD's and explains that some people are in it for the money and others just want to level the playing field. One of them mentions his profound distrust in America and is paranoid that he has an RFID chip implanted in him! Good stuff.


posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 12:40 AM
Wow!! That's a lot of reading. Will no doubt have to read it again to absorb more.

The HIV/AIDS stats were pretty eye opening. Seems like Asia will be the new face on the block as far as globilization.

Great find

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by theAnswer1111

but what it didn't mention is a possible global economic collapse which would set back the entire world
edit on 28-12-2012 by starwarsisreal because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by jam321
Thanks! It's quite revealing. I love having access to this type of stuff. I'll probably end up printing it out just because.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by starwarsisreal
Good point. I'm certainly going to have to read through all of it. I mainly skipped through to the fictional text conversation scenario between an arms dealer and a buyer.

Person A: "I worry about the chip."

Person B: "Got one embedded in you?"

Person A: "Well, better not. I don't believe what those guys claim about protecting privacy. Too much has happened. Martial law. Talk of preemption, special measures."

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