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how do you account for hell and suffering? not a lot of "love" there. you could call it tuff love but then it all would be love and then love would be nothing.
these above definitions are so ... useless. i mean, really. nobody agrees on what "right", "truth", and "love" even are.
To define your divinity in terms of words that are little understood or even less agreed upon is without any practical value.
your own scripture tells you that we are "made in God's image" and the Alchemists say "as below, so above". This is a very strong clue that God is more (and prolly less) than love, truth, and right. Much more complex. much more concrete.
i submit to you that all creatures are of God whether they know it, want it, or believe it, and that the only difference is that some acknowledge (or a struck by a bolt from God, which still happens by the way) and *choose* to travel that path, while others shy from fear or discomfort and hunger. Those that shy become ill, both in body and in mind.
Originally posted by Rise27
Originally posted by galactix
the one says : "trust what you feel is right" and the other, "trust what was written down in the past by other humans"
how does one tell the difference between "according to what demons and the world tell you is right" and " who recorded what they were told to say" which is then transferred to you via "the world".
pretty tricky game, if you ask me.
i think i'll stick to what my feelings tell me.
It can be a very tricky game if you still have large parts of you that are self centered or enslaved to rebellious mindsets and desires.
That is precisely why it's dangerous to only go by what you feel or think is right, both your feelings and your mind can be used to deceive you (either by rebellious spirits, or your own rebellious soul) if they aren't wholly subject to the Holy Spirit of God.
Proverbs 14:12
There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.
When Jesus said "love your enemies", this is not something that seemed right to most people. But their perception of right and wrong was based in spiritual ignorance. If they saw things from God's perspective, knew what He knew, felt the way God did towards everyone, instead of being guided by other influences, then they would understand why it's necessary to love your enemies, forgive those who have hurt you, and bless those who curse you.
How do you tell if someone is led by the Holy Spirit?
Jesus tells us that we will know them by their fruits.
Someone who is led by the Holy Spirit, living by the Holy Spirit, will manifest the fruit of the Holy Spirit in their life.
When you find those people, ask them about the source of their love, peace, and joy.
God will back up these people led by His Spirit with signs and wonders too, as a testimony to His truth.
If you want to know the truth, you can ask Jesus to reveal it to you. He promises that if you ask and seek that you will find, if you are sincere in knowing the truth.
edit on 28-12-2012 by Rise27 because: (no reason given)edit on 28-12-2012 by Rise27 because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by Rise27
these above definitions are so ... useless. i mean, really. nobody agrees on what "right", "truth", and "love" even are.
It's not something you are likely to come to a conclusion on your own, relying on your own intellect and feelings. Both of those senses are limited and fickle, no matter how keen they may be.
God's word is likened to a sword sharper than any on earth, able to divide truth from falsehood.
Only He, His word given to you, can cut through the veil of darkness to reveal what is true from what is false.
The scripture was written by those who walked in an incredible level of intimacy with God, the likes of which few obtain in a lifetime. But they still do exist, operating in signs and wonders today, and they will point you back to the truth of the scripture.
To define your divinity in terms of words that are little understood or even less agreed upon is without any practical value.
God is truth, and God is love, even though our world cannot agree on what either of those mean at times, God is not in dispute about what they mean.
His Holy Spirit is what will reveal to you what truth is and what true love looks like.
To that end, the scriptures will guide you in what God's sacrificial love and uncompromising adherance to truth looks like.
Ultimately it is the Holy Spirit that is our teacher, but mature mentors and scripture help guide us along the way and speed up our development.
It also serves as a truth and character check, allowing us to check what we think we have gotten against what God has already revealed to others through His Holy Spirit. Because God does not change, His Truth never changes. He won't tell you something that will be in conflict with what is revealed through His Son in the new testament.
your own scripture tells you that we are "made in God's image" and the Alchemists say "as below, so above". This is a very strong clue that God is more (and prolly less) than love, truth, and right. Much more complex. much more concrete.
I don't follow what you are trying to say here.
We are made in the image of God, but our image has been corrupted. We are meant to be a reflection of God's image to the world around us, but few of us attain that completely.
Jesus is the what it looks like when someone walks in the fullness of who God created them to be, in perfect and unbroken communication with God at all times, never coming into agreement with the world or demons, never allowing his own ego to take over.
He says he only did what He saw the Father doing, that He only said what He heard the Father saying.
He modeled for us what our relationship with God is suppose to be like. Complete surrender to His will, because only then can we fully manifest God's character of Love, Truth, Righteousness.
i submit to you that all creatures are of God whether they know it, want it, or believe it, and that the only difference is that some acknowledge (or a struck by a bolt from God, which still happens by the way) and *choose* to travel that path, while others shy from fear or discomfort and hunger. Those that shy become ill, both in body and in mind.
We are all God's creatures.
All are called to walk according to God's will.
Not everyone chooses to do it; and fear, or a hunger for their own desires, seem to be the biggest reasons why.
Those who don't choose to walk with God will likely suffer ill in a variety of ways, and it is sure they will die.
So, generally, your statement there would be in agreement with scripture, minus the part about that being "the only difference".
There are other consequences associated with being in rebellion to God and other benefits to being submitted to Him.
One way leads to destruction, the other leads to life.edit on 28-12-2012 by Rise27 because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by galactix
then there is nothing left but your word and the word of past humans to guide me? i cannot trust my own feelings?
"Someone who is led by the Holy Spirit, living by the Holy Spirit, will manifest the fruit of the Holy Spirit in their life."
you do not describe said fruit and the above statement says nothing.
Originally posted by galactix
"We are made in the image of God, but our image has been corrupted."
this is a hateful idea. corrupted!
how typically old school christian.
God and man are made in the same 'image'. this means that we are made by the same rules, not that man is a corrupted image of God.
i really don't know why i bother.....
no, i must rely on the recounting of one human by another's word and then translated and edited for 2000 years instead?
i prefer to take in ALL the words the world has to offer and balance that against my own observation and experience, and above all trust my deepest feelings.
Jesus said God is perfect in Matthew 5. Jesus exhorted us that we should be perfect, just as God is perfect.
So if I call man imperfect, failing to live up to the image of a perfect God, why does this offend you?
I've been there, done that, and found the truth is in surrender to God rather than continuing to idolize my own ability to analyze things and come to a conclusion.
The world we live in today is the result of most people doing what is right in their own eyes, not what God tells them is right.
Wisdom is something God offers freely to anyone who will ask Him what is right to do.
Some people are ignorant of the fact that they can ask Him.
Some people just don't want to ask Him, not trusting Him, so they trust in themselves.
Some are afraid of the answer they might get, and what it might require of them.
Some simply don't care what He has to say, having already decided they will do what they want regardless.
People in these situations often turn to idolizing something that justifies their unlawful rebellious way of life, not realizing the damage they are doing by living contrary to God's ways.
Originally posted by NOTurTypical
reply to post by Lazarus Short
Well hell would be a latinized term, the Greek term used was Hades.
Originally posted by Murgatroid
reply to post by Lazarus Short
Originally posted by Lazarus Short
Here's Matthew 25:46 from Ferrar Fenton's The Holy Bible in Modern English: "...And these He will dismiss into a long correction, but the well-doers to an enduring life." There is a HUGE difference between "long correction" and "eternal torment."
There is very obvious reason for this HUGE difference...
Rupert Murdock owns all the Bible copyrights today.
END of story...
The NKJV removes the word "heaven" 50 times!
The NIV removes the word "hell" ALL 31 times it appears in the OT!
The NKJV removes the word "Lord" 66 times!
The NKJV removes the word God 51 times!
Jesus spoke more on Hell than on ANY other subject.
Rupert Murdock's LIES will NOT matter when you meet God.
Originally posted by AfterInfinity
What is "perfect"? Is perfection to be without flaw?
What is the point of living a flawless existence? There is no challenge, no triumph, no joy and no pain. To be perfect is to be without change, and to be without change is to be without anything we have come to love and know.
Is this the perfection you speak of? Because I fear that the perfection you are alluding to is nothing but a curse, a curse of meaninglessness in an eternal existence. There is nothing worse than living forever in a world that means nothing to you because it gives you nothing, because you cannot change.
So if I call man imperfect, failing to live up to the image of a perfect God, why does this offend you?
I am not offended by this. I am disappointed. Imperfection gives the opportunity for improvement, for creation. And with as many imperfections as we have, an eternity would provide us with endless chances to create and recreate, the experience the joys of giving to others and ourselves and learn from the experience so that the next experience will be even greater. The opportunity to learn. That is what imperfection gives us.
And that is what I call perfection. Endless opportunity for creation.
I've been there, done that, and found the truth is in surrender to God rather than continuing to idolize my own ability to analyze things and come to a conclusion.
So rather than question "God", you lose faith in your ability to make a rational decision? Then how can you know your decision to surrender was rational?
The world we live in today is the result of most people doing what is right in their own eyes, not what God tells them is right.
And just as many acts of cruelty have been committed by men who listened to this "God" instead of their own hearts.
Your "God" gives orders, not wisdom.
Some people have decided that they would rather rely on themselves. Is independence a bad thing?
Do you see a reason to trust him? How many people have you seen, saved by a man in a white beard descending from the sky to touch them and restore them to their full health?
It's not that I don't care. It's that I reflect his concern for this world. If he has decided to leave this world to its fate until a prescribed moment in time, then I will leave him to his ego until a prescribed moment in time.
I idolize nothing. I see no need to worship a god
No parent would ever desire to be worshipped, and if any do, then they don't deserve it. Most often, those deserving of worship are the ones who don't want it.
Originally posted by Lazarus Short
Originally posted by NOTurTypical
reply to post by Lazarus Short
Well hell would be a latinized term, the Greek term used was Hades.
No, it's much closer to the pagan Scandinavian "Hel."
Did you know that "hell" is also a verb? It means "to bury" - so there's the grave reference.
Originally posted by NOTurTypical
Originally posted by Lazarus Short
Originally posted by NOTurTypical
reply to post by Lazarus Short
Well hell would be a latinized term, the Greek term used was Hades.
No, it's much closer to the pagan Scandinavian "Hel."
Did you know that "hell" is also a verb? It means "to bury" - so there's the grave reference.
Why would Christ lie when telling of the rich man tormented in the flames? Was he just not as knowledgeable as you are?
In matthew 5, Jesus gives a long sermon outlining what perfection looks like, someone who not only does no wrong but desires no wrong in their heart, someone who acts in perfect love and truth towards others just the way God does.
Why would you want to live in a world where people hurt each other by not acting in love?
A world of perfect love is not a world devoid of new experiences and interesting happenings.
Consider that those who have been to heaven and return unanimously say they never wanted to return to this world, but did so for the sake of others.
Paul writes in his letters that it would be better for him if he were to return to Christ, but that would choose to remain on the earth longer out of love for the lost.
Actually, those who have been there say heaven is a far more interesting and stimulating place than our existance on earth.
What you're talking about is the process of maturity, which some accounts would suggest does continue to take place in Heaven.
But that is not the same as the kind of imperfection I am talking about, which is a damaged and broken state caused by our forefather's rebellion to God and service of satan.
That is a state of corruption, a distortion away from the original design, a state of brokenness that should be fixed.
Our ability and desire to create is given from God.
The kind of imperfection I'm talking about, corruption and fallen nature, is actually a hinderance to our ability to step into the full creative potential that God intended for us to walk out.
No one should ever put faith in their own ability to determine truth.
All truth comes by revelation of the Holy Spirit, whether someone realizes it or not.
Jesus warns that you cannot serve two masters, you will either end up serving one or the other. You either agree with the rebellious spirits bent on your destruction, or God who loves you and wants only the best for you.
None - If they truly heard from God, and weren't creating something in their own soul or listening to the deceptions of demons.
Everything God does, and tells people to do, is always with their best interest and love in mind.
A Father's wisdom is imparted to his children by telling them what to do, what not to do, and why.
Originally posted by NOTurTypical
Originally posted by Lazarus Short
Originally posted by NOTurTypical
reply to post by Lazarus Short
Well hell would be a latinized term, the Greek term used was Hades.
No, it's much closer to the pagan Scandinavian "Hel."
Did you know that "hell" is also a verb? It means "to bury" - so there's the grave reference.
Why would Christ lie when telling of the rich man tormented in the flames? Was he just not as knowledgeable as you are?