posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 11:36 AM
Great discussion!
I pray that I'm wrong with this assessment... but this is what it looks like to me:
For anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear, it is plain as day that our country runs the drug war on a global scale as a hopping business
"We" apparently facilitate (and fund) the growing fields, the packaging process, the crime syndicates that do the grunt work, the distribution
process (including air travel), and grunt multi-level marketing sales network. We even provide them with military-grade weapons!
There doesn't seem to be one part of that product lifecycle that the government doesn't lend a powerful helping hand. Yet, drugs are illegal and
there is a "Say 'No' to Drugs" campaign going on. Our prisons are full of drug addicts and are psychologically trained to hate authority more and
get worse into a life of worse crimes.
Why are these drugs illegal? Do the powers that be really care about the well-being of these people? If they truly cared about drug addicts, they
would send these people to drug addiction rehabilitation centers (when EACH prisoner costs taxpayers an average of nearly $50,000--each!--there are
better ways to use that money.).
Truth is the "war on drugs" is the best advertising campaign ever. Like in PR, even bad press is good press. Hearing about it drives the demand,
especially for those who seek to defy authority (i.e. individuals who were previously psychologically abated by authority figures). But the cycle gets
started because the individual has severe "issues" they need to be facing... whether disappointment with life or an overwhelming desire to escape
past trauma, they turn to drugs because there is a "specialness" that is applied to them via "Say No to Drugs" and the anti-authoritarian status
that's also perpetuated throughout certain sub-cultures (notably Hip Hop and Rap).
So, if this war on drugs is a giant hoax to get anti-authoritarians to enter the self-destructive cycle (with no real effort to truly help or
rehabilitate anyone), then maybe we're better off making all drugs legal, using the war on drugs monies and taxpayer funds spent on non-violent
drug-only inmates, and teaching citizens young and old that there are hard drugs out there that will destroy your life and that everyone has to take
self-responsibility to shape one's life for the better.
The same applies to alcohol consumption, which is currently legal... but a large number of citizens fail to use that drug with measures of
But no, we have a war on drugs that our nation seems to be "in bed with" the business of it... and people who desperately need counseling help are
thrown into an even worse self-destructive cycle... and instead of EVERYONE seeing these hard drugs for what they are (guns pointed at one's own
head), we have a system that glorifies them on TV, in movies, in songs, and in everyday interactions.
We used to have a nation built on self-responsibility. President George Washington smoked marijuana to relieve headaches just like other great
forefathers. They were expected to understand how to use that herb responsibly and healthfully... and they did. Apparently, they used pot for good
purposes. That's what self-responsibility and a culture of self-responsibility yields... in abundance.
The idea that the government operates in conjunction with criminal groups and carries out crimes that any individual doing would go to prison for life
doing infuriates me. So, while I note that this scenario is rather plausible, I much prefer to hope that I'm seeing things incorrectly, hearing
things misreported, and overall putting puzzle pieces together in a most incorrect way. The USA our forefathers built was never intended to be a
criminal organization.