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Pray Mantis Grey / Alien. WHO KNOWS THE TRUTH ?

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posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by sled735

Yes most amazing, sad somewhat considering that this happens often when one parent is on a craft and another on earth. How do they bridge that gap? from an early age or later with these memories flooding through, shows how magical ET parents can be

It was strange when I read your post it left a strong impression and before I watched it my intuition already made me aware of what is was about, like an inner knowing of the truth, how does one for a relationship with a parant that is so "alien" from us, so to speak.

I suppose Jesus had the same problem, considering his dad was a Sky God, prodical son.

Everything is making more sence now, thanks, will watch the rest later

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by ObservingTheWorld

Its not quite like that in the cosmos. Earth was in a different realm altogether when the dinosaurs existed, and they still do exist in a kind of fantasy realm, there are infinite layers and realms, higher/lower, summerlands/winterlands.

They were hotblooded as the bones show by having more blood vessel contruction than birds. So they weren't reptiles. If anything it was like watching birds develop and prey on each other with other creatures, true reptiles and mammals emerging. As if in preparation for the school being prepared. Because the school is prepared for humanoid body suits that souls learn and grow and overcome struggles and overcome self and jungle mentality to become giving doers of goodness. To get us ready for the next level.

There are different types of greys. Most are ai body suits that function as bots or be interacted through/worn like a suit.

I think the mantis grey is more insectoid. That there are different pathways of life forms. They're also humanoid.

I find the analysing good or bad, benevolent or self serving, to be the hardest aspect of ufology there is. If your soul memories open, and you recall something and someone and recognize them, and may even have a message for them, its more true to your memories. My attitude towards all ETS, and light beings/enties/spirit, all different forms of beings that are not considered earthling, originating off planet, some corporal and some astral, is that they're a part of the learning scape of this cosmos, on one grade or another. You can't control whether they are Love, or manipulating you, you can't control the behavior of another, but you can attempt to master or grow up yourself and thats the goal here. So you just Love them all Some are worthy I believe of that love, are benevolents. But the others are too and need someone to stand firm in love and intercede for them as well.

So I tend not to get drawn into that, as without our memories, the veil lifting, its not real until you can stand in your own memories and understand. And if you could, 10/1 you'd be asking to come back and help those around you, and even nudge a cold scientist ET that was real, ie spirit/soul, not AI, to wake up himself, so there should be no fear.

The mantis I recall seemed like an old man that worked with programs that involved earth children, monitored them. And he was over the head of all the human specialists. This could be a manipulation in my memories, ie an instilled false loyalty, but I'm not responsible for someone else's bad behavior or for any misleading they may do. We are responsible only for what we can do or affect. Period.

So I'm going to run with the cover report on the memory for have no reason not to. In that case, they were working on a much more advanced program than the para military and for different purposes and the things that were fear based were due to the humans, not the ETs. So he was more like an old man obi wan type in my memories. Gentle and intelligent.

The kind of program was co-operative, in other words some ETs were working with the secret space program or black ops. And, the kind of "loyalty" the ETs instill in the kids, was to let them understand that the humans were the primitives here, it was almost like a giant sting operation of some kind, that partnership between our PTB and them. So if they are manipulating that, don't know, just know, we can only do what we can do and chose to strive to be the best we can.
edit on 28-12-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by greyer

Thank you for your kind words of confirmation. I will fill you in a bit. In 1998 i was meditating and white light appeared in my mind and the room. I heard the sound that the Mantis makes with his strange pointy finger much like a mantis. I then had a very clear vison of it and i first thought in my mind that it was a praymantis king that had evolved godlike or into higher consciousness.
leaving a lot of stuff out here as its personal,
a few weeks ago it appeared to me with about 30 or more different kinds of helpers, as he rubbed his praymantis hands together i heard the sound again, its as if you break through the matrix, not sure how to explain it, everything becomes one and one has a knowing of everything...I know but its true. I I know some things in the matrix that placed everything together for me, somthing I would not have a chieved had I not been studying the esoteric all my life. First I was shocked but only for a brief moment, and then I trusted and let go> next minute I was slipping in and out of my body and found myself on a craft, as I returned to my body we were communicating not only by telepathy, not sure how to explain it, I watched beens of light projected from the mantis into me and felt i was being healed. The mantis eyes were Huge. The entire room was bathed in an omnipresent blue / white matrix, everything was energy, i suppose it is just vibrating on a higher frequency here with these beings. I have been shown a LOT of things and still feel amazed by this life changing experiance regardless of the skeptics, who im not trying to convince. Thanks again

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Thanks, so I think we now need to ask the question...mmmm is God an alien.

This is very interesting, keeps opening up, look at the Egyptia and the Maya and then one can start to see the Truth. maybe the truth is this and its mindblowing, maybe thats why they have kept this secret from humanity for so long no. Im talking about the humans that have kept this secret

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by STARTRUTH49

Yes it was. Although I didn't mention this before but when I was transported onto their craft I was actually not in the 3rd dimension. I remember that the physical reality was sort of surreal. It is very likely that you are a starseed and that is why they are healing you. I have had other experiences with different races as well, such as the Arcturians. It was very interesting because their energy was so powerful, persistent, and highly focused. I love the Mantis beings--although I have never met any. I have heard that the benevolent type are incredibly unconditionally loving.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Thanks for posting the pics. I removed a painting from my wall today , as i opened the cupboard I found a green prey mantis staring at me, just thought i would share as its a perfect coincidence for me.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by Luckyxfactor

Your right they can take you up by physical means and by releasing your astral body and healing it or whatever else they are doing, sound like they allowed you to consciously astral project

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by STARTRUTH49

No, God isn't and doesnt use that term even. We Are! ET or alien is just a term in our language for off planet. So in a sense God is considered by many to be a being off planet. But thats not true.

If there is a One in Infinity (one being a Finite Concept not usually applicable to infinity), then that One is an Infnite Spirit that is between all beings and is basically akin to saying on our level of understanding, the Light, or the Intelligence, or the Life.

And in Infinity, there is no real location, no real up/down, higher/lower, hence its interconnected. So in a sense we don't really leave home, our greater soul is home interconnected to others in the Eternal No Time, while "in time" portions of our infinite selves are walking through our learning journeys.

So in that sense, we have never truly left home, its more of an illusion that we did, and so God/Spirit, the Spirit of Love and Goodness, isn't really Alien or Foreign to us, as this is our Family, our eternal Family.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 11:18 AM
I've never put much credence in threads like these because they are basically personal accounts of something, and there really is no proof that it really happened or the teller is even being truthful.

I will tell you this, though. My dad has an episode of missing time from when he was a kid, and I had all kinds of vivid dreams growing up in the woods, rather isolated from neighbors. Dreams of craft being in the yard with bi-eyed occupants, going to my parents' bedroom in the middle of the night and staring at them out the window with my dad.

I am also not really afraid of any animals or insects, aside from ones I know will bite or sting - I give them a wide berth. However, when I was a kid I HATED the praying mantis and I was deathly afraid of them. They are harmless, but I couldn't even stand to look at one. Also, when I was in my 20s, Whitley Strieber came out with "Communion" and the cover illustration scared the crap out of me. Regardless, I was compelled to read the book and it scared the crap out of me also. I am no pu**y, I do not have a lot of fear in me for much of anything.

Not sure what to make of that. I am sure there are people out there who would take those things and interpolate some wild tale of abduction from them, but I can't say that I have had anything like that happen.

I've also seen a "UFO" up close, in broad daylight. That's another thread, though.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by ObservingTheWorld

Thats amazing information, can I ask you how you know who it is that is on that planet, some say it is the anunakie. bit confused about?

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by AwakeinNM

Thanks for sharing and trust me even the greek king himself would have craped himself, it is like that, but if you know the truth you should just trust and its an awsome experince. Let us know about your sighting, would be interesting if you want to share?

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by STARTRUTH49
reply to post by AwakeinNM

Thanks for sharing and trust me even the greek king himself would have craped himself, it is like that, but if you know the truth you should just trust and its an awsome experince. Let us know about your sighting, would be interesting if you want to share?

I have no 'memories' other than the dreams, and I can't really trust them because I have had some doozies.

I have gone into detail about my sighting in other threads before. Maybe do a search and see if you can find it. I'll do the same.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by STARTRUTH49

Most of the information on the net is very negative regarding the greys.

Because it is WELL-KNOWN that it is all BS make believe stories that people are just looking for attention. You might as well come on here and say Jesus himself showed you all this, but then you wouldn't get the credibility that alien claimers get. I used to be obsessed with aliens when I was a young kid. Then reality finally hit's all BS. Doesn't matter what you believe about aliens. It will never come true in your lifetime so give up already.

We won't make contact with another life-force for another 200-300 years. I know all of you wish for it to happen in your lifetime but technology is not up to it yet. So wish that your grandchild's will get to experience it. There is no such thing as grey's? If there is please show me proof otherwise grey's are about as real as Jesus Christ himself.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by STARTRUTH49

1 may not have had direct exposure to these entities, but my mother has spoken of her guides and she has related their description to mantis type beings. When she spoke of them I smiled for I had felt they were in the more positive directing side of the existence evolution processes.. I didn't want to modify her images of them with speaking of data some I read on ATS and other interwebs ports. So I left her impression left upon her as they were. Fear is partially what 1 think causes the grey the image they may have imposed upon them here on EA*RTH but 1 can understand how some unaware of their full potentials can feel this way due to non exposure to them in more direct positive ways so others can SEE their true selves and potentials..

edit on 12/28/12 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 02:48 PM
I have heard of This type and have wondered a number of times why the beings that have taken me out of body remained out of sight. If they are of the mantis variety, I would suppose seeing them would get in the way of what they were trying to show and teach me. All communication has had only a positive side and that on a higher spiritual level. Hmmmm

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Thats a great way of understanding it, similar to our higher conscious acting independantly from us and then the Monad.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by sailormon

Next time they take you, ask them in your thoughts to be shown, what they look like, be prepared.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 04:12 PM
Originally posted by sled735
reply to post by STARTRUTH49

Here's all the information you need. 4 videos from Simon Parkes telling his encounters with the Mantis ETs. Be sure to watch the last video. He goes under hypnosis and tells things the ETs made him forget. Turns out they are so nice after all.

I made a typo. I meant to say, Turns out the AREN'T so nice after all.

The Reptilian race are the bad guys. The Mantis are more into observing us. I'm still not sure if they have an agenda to take over the world like the Reptilians.
From what I remember from the video, I think they are working against the Reptilians, but remain "friendly" with them to gather information for their own use.

edit on 12/28/2012 by sled735 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by sled735

Its a good video, makes everything that is happining seem more real. i dont think they are going to take over as they have always been a part of us

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 07:04 PM
I have never heard of a mantis grey before. A grey, yes; a mantis, yes, but not a hybrid.

I had a weird experience when I was a kid with perceiving 2 mantis aliens. They are bigger than a human for starters. They can cut someone in half with their limbs. They appeared to be etheric or spiritual beings that torture souls after people die. They don't think in metaphor -- everything is flat to them because the 3d world we live in isn't their world. They do implant false memories in people to cover up tortures. They can exist in the etheric plane and hypnotize people, much like other etheric beings can, as the satans/greys the beelzebubs/buzzing-voice-in-the-back-of-the-head creatures (demons), and fallen angels can.

Just more creatures of the other plane that I hate, mostly because this kind is so terrible to human beings. Like lions, they rip people apart.
edit on 28-12-2012 by Sandalphon because: (no reason given)

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