I went and looked at several sites to find out some background into the ghostbox as I've not heard of this before.
I can't say I found much that was particularly convincing.Apparently it's basically an AM/FM radio scanner that is continually sweeping back and
forward quickly across the units radioband.
The associated squeaks,squeals,static,snippets of words and music are the basic materials of speech that give the 'ghost' the raw vocabulary to
communicate with.
Why this is said to work nobody,from what I read,can actually say.I presume it has to do with the theory that ghosts are/can use Electromagnetic
Field,EMF to communicate,interact or manifest in the physical world.
Again I have asked many where does that belief come from because I've yet to hear what the basis for that theory is !!
A spike on an EMF meter is often claimed to be an indication that there is an entity present.Why ??
It could be from any number of plausable sourcer.A modern car with an engine management system where the shielding has physically deteriorated it's
the earth contact isnt sound will leak a high EMF so if you're in a house next to a road a passing car could cause a sudden spike.
One night while playing my guitar I had german voices coming from my amp, somehow it picked up a radio signal,maybe a plane was flying overhead or
maybe the atmospheric conditions were such it was simply german radio who knows.What i'm sure it wasn't was german ghosts.It was none the less quite
disturbing to hear them,not in a paranormal way but just having germans blaring out my marshall stack at 2am on a dead quiet night.lol
What I'm say though is anomolous and errant signals picked up over radio waves are,at times,very weird but paranormal.Hardly.Which is why I find
ghostboxes and EMF detectors as dubious at least.
If someone could explain the paranormal/EMF connection with some real basis is science maybe i may feel differently.
The thing is I do believe in the paranormal though I can't explain what's behind it but I don't see the EMF hypothesis has been adequately made.
As I've said a number of times if somebody can put me straight on it I'm all ears.No,I actually mean that please clear my confusion,i love to
understand !!