posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by rival
Hey, do you understand what "amendment" means? It means "change". "Amend". Look it up.
But hey, what about your losses due to the Patriot Act? You lost the fourth amendment rights there. The eight was tossed aside with Guantanamo, but
of course that is only used for those already guilty and not for citizens even...right? I mean, when the Republican Convention was meeting in
...where was it...somewhere in the northern states, you had people being arrested for sitting on the public greens and listening to a concert across
the way, so did you lose your right to the first then? What about the Occupy movement? There was a lot of first amendment violation going on
Another thing to consider with all of these laws and amendments: Think about the fact that former felons have no right to vote. What is that, like 6
million or more people in the States have no right to vote. Should they pay taxes? They aren't represented and can have no influence on their
future. Once they've served their sentence, they need to be reinstated as full citizens like everyone else. They are forever at a disadvantage. Is
it any wonder they continue on their path of crime? They're given little choice, and the are forever "lesser" people. No, that is not
constitutional, but it is.
You will lose your guns or you will lose whatever little you still retain. You are only kidding yourselves. You can't use those guns against the
government anyway. You can pretend you've still got something, but look at what they're really doing while throwing up this little smokescreen.
You might want to go through your Bill of Rights, your entire Constitution, and then look at the amendments. Look further into what has been changed
of those while you were nowhere near joining this planet, look at what has changed since your birth, since you graduated HS, since you were busy
raising your family. If you haven't got to that stage of life yet then get used to the Constitution evaporating before your eyes. It truly is part
of your history.