reply to post by Extralien
I couldnt finish the first post.. excuse my "ignorance".
But your interpretations I feel were a bit off, you seem to be trying to make these paintings seem like secrets, with stories hidden within them..
well sometimes the viewer needs to take a step back to see the entire puzzle.
Im not getting into what these pictures are, Ive seen them before online - animals. Some ancient culture was observing secenery and discovered a way
to draw (first comings of what we now call art) with what seems like charcoal on cave walls..
I just want to jump to the Eye of Horus here..
The egyptians were spiritual-intutitive peoples.. they had more control and freedom over their minds and spirituality. When we talk about the "third
eye" - people who do not practise spirituality, meditation, astral travel and other metaphysical practises - often knock off the idea of the 'third
eye' and never truely understand its purpose.
What we call the third eye, is the spiritual eye, is the mind's eye, is the Eye of Horus. Physically - within our bodies, particularily the brain in
this case, the third eye manifests as the pineal gland in the center of the human brain.
As the Egyptians were learning the potential of their minds, they were getting curious as what it is within theirs heads that allows them to think and
see.. I believe some these people opened up a human skull, took out the brain, split it in half and examined it - trying to understand the
'components' in there head that allows them to "see" (with their Mind's eye).
This is what they
found.. (Only referencing this site for photos, not the written
part, I didnt even read it)
The Eye of Horus is a direct trace of the center of the brain, thus becoming a symbol to represent the third eye - the non physical eye, the spiritual
eye.. this symbol became the image of the spiritual insight. I beleive after taking a brain out, splitting the hemisperes, this is clearly what the
Egyptians saw.
Today we are not spiritually intuned with ourselves, we look at ourselves as just a body.. most people today do not exercisee the truth that their
minds are more then automatic thoughts and dreams. This is the difference of mankind today in this age of deception; compared to mankind in ancient
times in the age of enlightment or "the golden age".
When you visualize, dream, astral travel; when you think with your mind, you are using the third eye. Which is a spiritual "muscle". In order for
that muscle to develop and reach its potential - the individual must use it properly instead of ignoring it. This is the 'YinYang' symbol -
balancing spirituality and physicality realities.
Like any muscle, you must flex and use repetitively in order to 'grow' and develop; same things applies to one's mind and spirituality. But a
LIFETIME of focusing just on the physical reality, willl leave any individual's mind potential dormant.
1.(of an animal) Having normal physical functions suspended or slowed down for a period of time; in or as if in a deep sleep.
2.(of a plant or bud) Alive but not actively growing.
When one focuses on the third eye, spiritual eye, minds eye, eye of horus; one will understand the human mind is SO much more then a BRAIN. This is
what SEPERATES US from our ancients. THIS is why we have a hard time translating the TRUTH of their texts. They thought and understood things in
images, symbols, sounds... we TODAY think in terms of words, numbers.. this is how we were conditioned upon birth - school.
Is this making sense?
So basically the Eye of horus is exactly what the pictures in the link is showing, the place in the head that holds the spirit - the pineal gland -
DEAD CENTER of the body! Doesnt get more clear then that.
If we want to understand our ancient ancestors and all their knowledge (most of which has been stolen or destroyed by 'elites') we need to start
THINKING and BEING ourselves, as they were. We are too focused on listening to other people for useless knowledge, to focused on our bodies leaving an
unbalance to our spiritual selves. We allow society to create our personality - thus we become a face rather an indiviual spirit true to itself.
I know this will not be digested or accepted by many 'skeptics' but the knowledge is right there. Take into account that we think differently then
our ancients - our thoughts are based on words, language, numbers.. their thoughts were based on images, symbols, natural references.
So those interpreting texts, hieroglyphs, scrolls, cave art, and any other method of referencing ideas in the mind are using an opposite thought base
form to understand these references - they become half truth or unvalid. Yet they go on to right history books and tell us their version..