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Epic fiscal facepalm, State levies tax to make up for loss of tax for electric cars!

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posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by AshleyD
reply to post by beezzer

I didn't think that there would be so many people who would be enthusiastic or pro taxes.

Oh there are a TON of pro-tax members here... as long as it's someone else paying them and not themselves.

The government will find a way to make up for their lost revenue. They always do.

I like your quitting smoking analogy.

i'm not pro tax, i'm just pro, pull your fair share of the weight. if their tires are making potholes, just like my gas powered tires, then they should help pay to fix the roads as well.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 11:02 AM
If they have to tax cars I'd say tax gas cars at least 3 times as much as electric cars because they cause pollution via emissions - and then really use that tax to combat pollution..

300 a year tax just to own a gas car. I'm good with that. ( doesn't matter to me, I'm not stupid enough to own a gas car)

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by LittleBlackEagle

i'm not pro tax, i'm just pro, pull your fair share of the weight. if their tires are making potholes, just like my gas powered tires, then they should help pay to fix the roads as well.

Since we're talking about taxes, I would then assume that you'd be for anyone making any income to pay taxes as well?

This is nothing more than a first step towards a mileage tax.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by beezzer

I have an idea they are doing this in anticipation of electric cars one day taking the place of gas cars. They would still need the same tax system in place or find another way to pay for the roads. If they wait until everyone had electric cars and no one is paying taxes - and spring it on people - they will be less likely to pay it.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
reply to post by beezzer

I have an idea they are doing this in anticipation of electric cars one day taking the place of gas cars. They would still need the same tax system in place or find another way to pay for the roads. If they wait until everyone had electric cars and no one is paying taxes - and spring it on people - they will be less likely to pay it.

So if I were to google electrical/power company surcharge for electric vehicles, I wouldn't find any new taxes or tarrifs there?

Justifying another tax does not validate it by any means.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by LittleBlackEagle

i'm not pro tax, i'm just pro, pull your fair share of the weight. if their tires are making potholes, just like my gas powered tires, then they should help pay to fix the roads as well.

Since we're talking about taxes, I would then assume that you'd be for anyone making any income to pay taxes as well?

This is nothing more than a first step towards a mileage tax.

that's exactly the way it was set up to be, a mileage tax and i think that's fair. someone has to pay for the roads to be maintained, as with all infrastructure and since we the people us the roads, then we the people should work to maintain them.

obviously there are people who make not enough to survive, they should not pay taxes no. in that i'm not talking about the career rip off artists scamming the system, while they could be working.

the way in which they collect taxes, nor taxes in general, has anything to do with taxing electric vehicles verses gas vehicles.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by LittleBlackEagle
To be honest, if find it difficult to debate anyone who wants higher or more taxes.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion.

I just look for the day when we can have responsible legislators who look to prudent and responsible spending instead of looking to any reason/justification to raise taxes and take more of our money.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by LittleBlackEagle

The good training is readily apparent, danger of this line of thinking lies in my siggy line. I'm not joking here - if dot gov revenue falls low enough they will indeed figure out a way to tax you just for your mere existance. Sounds extreme however dot gov has been extreme in its determination to spend this country into oblivion.

Starve the beast!

edit on 26-12-2012 by Phoenix because: sp

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 12:48 PM
Good luck getting some people to understand this between property taxes,gasoline sales tax, and lotteries hell whats raising taxes even more.

n 2011, the United States consumed about 134 billion gallons1 (or 3.19 billion barrels2) of gasoline, a daily average of about 367.08 million gallons (8.74 million barrels). This was about 6% less than the record high of about 142.38 billion gallons (or 3.39 billion barrels) consumed in

Both state and the federal government get a cut off the stop do the math adds up to quite a tidy sum,but that isn't good enough.

Let's charge electric car owners and yep people do love taxing people except when it is someone else they all change that tune when its themselves.
edit on 26-12-2012 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 04:29 PM
If every penny of gas taxes went to actually fixing roads, you'd all be driving on marble roads, traffic lights would be made out of gold and diamonds would be used as reflectors on lanes and traffic signs.

Not to mention your annual tag renewal fee.

It is what it is. Anything "green", gets taxed punitively As if it's a prilivage.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by LittleBlackEagle

Millage Tax?

Seems like they are taxing us already for everything we use, but our Infrastructure has been rated a D or less for years!

Roads D-

2009 Grades Americas Infrastructure

Unless you are going to fix our infrastructure, I see no particular reason for an added tax, that will do NOTHING to fix these roads anyways........

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Yeah they taxed me right out of my drinking habit! When they took the state liqour business and gave it up for private sales, they levied a phat tax to make up for their loss of income. They made it so expensive to get a bottle of whiskey I got tired of bitching about it and quit drinking! I hope they don't come up with a "sobriety tax" now! lol (sort of)

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 04:47 PM
Then lets put a GPS in every car and pay by the mile so it would be fair to everybody. Then if the government wanted to ask your opnion on something they would know right where to find ya. Sounds great doesn't it.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 05:02 PM
The missing taxes for road maintenance and repair needs to come from somewhere. Or do electric car owners expect gasoline users to fully subsidize their share? My daily runner, with it's 550 horsepower and 615 lb-ft of torque, already has me paying more road tax than average drivers. That's why I would prefer seeing the road taxes removed from a levy in gasoline, and instead have a yearly road tax for registered car owners.
edit on 26-12-2012 by tamusan because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Ok, it's the principal of the matter but with all due respect, it's still pittance.

edit on 26-12-2012 by Wide-Eyes because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
If they have to tax cars I'd say tax gas cars at least 3 times as much as electric cars because they cause pollution via emissions - and then really use that tax to combat pollution..

300 a year tax just to own a gas car. I'm good with that. ( doesn't matter to me, I'm not stupid enough to own a gas car)

so you think a "pollution tax" on gas cars is a good idea, and a tax for road repairs, building, etc for ONLY gas cars that use the road but not electric cars that share the same road is good? ok that's rather warped thinking.

first off what about electricity does not cause pollution? sure the electric CAR as a unit does not cause pollution, but what you are seemingly forgetting is that electricity PRODUCTION DOES cause pollution and or environmental damage. as such a "pollution tax" only on petroleum powered cars does not wash. both electric AND petroleum powered cars have negative impacts on the environment.

it really is not a NEW tax but a new way of collecting a tax that has been around for a long time. but perhaps a better way to fairly tax vehicles for the road tax would be to pull the tax off of gas and charge EVERY vehicle the same when renewing plates. i just don't see why just having a different power plant should stop you from fairly paying for the roadways you will also use along with everybody else. after all no matter what fuel you use, you will still be causing wear and tear to the roadways, you will still need things like snow removal. you will still need debris cleaned off the road since you still use tires and don't want to have the vehicle damaged from hitting stuff. you still need the same lines painted and safety/information signs. so yet again i ask why all the belly ache about fairly paying for your share of that? or do you think you have suddenly become better than everyone else just because you chose a vehicle that pollutes in other ways from what most people have?

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 05:59 PM
It's an arbitrary tax on electric car owners. "They" identified a category of people they could use their monopoly of force on and steal from. It's as simple as that. Unlike gasoline taxes, where the amount you pay is proportional to the amount you use, an electric car owner who drives maybe a few times a year is paying just as much as someone who uses it to commute every day.

They found a niche they could exploit. In fact, electric car owners are being hit with a double-whammy because they do also pay use-proportional taxes on their electric bills through charging the batteries on their vehicles.

Way to encourage green technology, guys. What a joke...

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 07:31 PM
It doesn`t surprise me, it`s like when people think that if cars got 100 mpg that they would save a lot of money.if cars got 100 mpg the oil companies would just start charging $20 a gallon for gas.

Exactly how will electric cars save anything? if everyone is driving around in electric cars where is all that electric coming from?
Are we going to burn more coal and oil to produce enough electric to recharge all those electric cars that everyone will be driving? How is that going to save oil and make the environment cleaner if we have to build more power plants and burn more oil and coal to produce more electric for all those electric cars? There is already a huge demand for electric,so how much more will the electric companies charge for electric when the demand becomes even higher because of electric cars?
I`m guessing that it will cost more per mile to drive an electric car than it would cost per mile to drive a gasoline powered car.In fact i doubt that we could produce enough electricity to power a nation full of electric cars.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 08:09 PM
Oh fellow floppy eared one.... I agree with you but not in the way you may think. This highlights the absurdity of the situation but it's a whole different absurdity it's putting light on, IMO. (Puts trucker hat on for a moment)

I almost did a board on this for my budget thread and in fact, someone requested that specifically. I really should have and ..I can always do something modern I suppose (Hmmm...
) .... The fact is though that the Fuel tax system is a scam and a sham and one fine example of the Feds take and give little back in far too many cases more than anything. (Interstate Highways...Federal control..means states can't stop collecting this entirely even if they wanted to)

Your state example HAS to levy SOMETHING, because idiots have based the entire maintenance of the highway system on the purchase of consumable fuels. Figure the economy is in the tank and is literally used that way as the explanation for depressed demand and lower prices right now and you are faced with the truth behind that ....fewer gallons means fewer pennies on each of them. Lower demand hits states even harder where there is no room left for those who can't print their own money.

The solution, in my humble opinion, is to scrap the fuel tax entirely and completely where it applies anywhere but the point of import or the point it clears the ground by an active pump here. That makes sense to tax...but not play like it's for the highways.

The replacement would be what I spent 15 years either watching my company truck pay out ..or for a couple years, paying out myself when I owned mine. Replace gallon taxes with a mileage/distance tax. Everyone knows where everyone stands .....can control far better than gas consumption is paid attention to for impact ....and it's fair. You pay what you drive....and EVERYONE pays what they drive.
Electric Cars too.

(Now...about how much Washington steals the states blind and gives back as they feel like it...err...'nother thread.
edit on 26-12-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 09:22 PM
First a gas-guzzler tax, now a gas-sipping tax. Looks like we're coloring a little too far outside the lines as far as the government is concerned.

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