Well I agree they will try again, but feel they deliberately avoided the 2012 date as they wanted to discredit conspiracies. But, 2012 is real, its a
huge marked cycle, and there are energies and things happening in Space that NASA reveals and claims to be mystified by, such as we are traveling
through Fluffy, a very hot cloud that will take 3000 years to get through. Such as the Sun is emitting a new energy, particle. But I consider
everything, that will take much longer, to be very positive, hence they work hard to radiate everything, down intelligence and dna, and keep everyone
war torn, unequal, and fear based to try and hold back whatever good is meant to happen, because this is a testing ground.
I like what Sleeper has to say on the human race going forward, but some of the beings he talks of as middle management to me need to be put in
councilling centers and healed so they have love again.
I think the dark hats here will continue their efforts, they want NWO, they would like to see a diminished controlled population, eating their
manufactured and uhealthy food, working their slave hours, living in little high tech cubicles with computers and holographic technology to amuse
them, but prohibited from going into nature and the woods and seeing their huge plantations.
I don't think they fully expect to be successful, actually. I have a feeling they understand they are small cogs in a bigger thing, and that there
aren't really equal sides over their heads, but this doesnt stop them from doing bad things. They have a belief that if they can carry something off,
then there is enough karma on the people to allow it, this is their mystery school beliefs, so they keep pushing, because if they can do something,
they think its allowed and they usually think its allowed without karma to themselves.
Our thoughts are powerful things. Sleeper says our souls are more than 1000 supermen combined. Waking up and envisioning positive and the leaders
working for the people, and strong aware local groups of inclusive citizens, caring for all and giving a voice to all, the homeless, the handicapped,
and becoming a real loving family, on every level and taking back the voice and strength and empowerment politically, and seeing the dark side empire
toppling, peacefully, with repentance, seeing Love win, equality and abundance for all win, seeing a different outcome, is very important. And giving
thanks to Family above. Try to give to others and open that door so more Good helps us.
edit on 26-12-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)