posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 04:12 PM
I'd love for you to check out a book called Remarkable Healings by Dr. Shakuntala Modi; it's all about her work as a psychiatrist using spirit
release therapy techniques she developed; she found that various types of energetic attachments and entity attachments are a primary cause of physical
illness, night time terrors, moments of freaky "psychic possession" in youngsters, abductions, and also emotional illness.
Those of us in the shamanic traditions who work with shamanic extractions can confirm that all of us pick up LOADS of "Klingons" -- i.e, outside,
non-organic energies, influences, and entities, some very minor, some rather intense and powerful -- especially during times of physical illness or
physical wounds, during childhood and infancy (especially if a sensitive child who is far too "open" moves to a home that has negative energy) and
also during times of emotional trauma. This stuff can be expelled through your own willpower, but it can also be helpful to follow a certain
"protocol" or series of visualizations/invocations if you're trying to do this for yourself; Modi does a great job talking about her career working
with people on this stuff and includes simple affirmations/prayers you can do (whether you're religious or not) to work at expelling this stuff
In severe cases like schizophrenia, both she (and I ) have found that there can be a LOT of things going on, including soul fragmentation from trauma,
entity attachments (they really act as low level parasites draining people's energies) and more. I worked with two schizophrenics using a combo of
spirit release therapy and shamanic extraction and these LIFELONG SCHIZOPHRENICS no longer heard voices, needed medications, or were troubled by weird
"stuff" going on. So this is REAL stuff.
Mothers "know" what's going on with their children; and children, especially before the age of three, are so psychically wide open, they can pick
up a LOAD of crap from people, places and things in their environment. It's always good to have some system in place for periodic self-cleansing; it
doesn't just build up psychic/spiritual "immunity" (strengthening your natural resistance to negative stuff) but it also greatly helps with
PHYSICAL health and physical immunity. They're all related.
Hope this helps!