posted on Dec, 25 2012 @ 07:44 AM
where were all the calls for 'this or that shouldnt be said' or 'this claim or that claim cant be verified so it shouldnt be brought up' or 'this
or that person did or didnt do this or that' or 'how dare you say they did or didnt do this or that' ect ect ect, when over 3000 people died in
the still answered 911 tragedy?
where were all the 'should something be done about the accusations' threads then?? are some deaths less tragic than others? is it the fact that
they were children? is it the fact that individuals are being talked about and thier actions or words scrutinized.
during the 911 discussions many individuals had there actions and words records looked at in the public eye....called liars and
alot of other not so nice things. during the 911 discussions..'fakery' was yelled..'they didnt die' was yelled...'it was all staged' was
yelled..'they are lieing' was yelled..'they are still alive' was sources reported one thing and then said something different in the
next sources reported things that hadnt happened yet..
and here we are now..with another horrible tragedy with tons of question..many more questions than answers...officials who dont seem to want to answer
our questions...officials who say 'stay quiet, we are the only source of your information' ..individuals whos actions and words are being 'officail story' that is full of holes and brings up more questions...again.......
the threads on sandy hook have been exellent, they have made people question alot of this, they have made people cringe, they have made people aware
of the fact that there is more to the story than what the 'official story' is saying........
11 years ago people asked alot of people are asking alot of questions ...but now there seem to be alot more of the sentiment of 'just
let it be'... what is the difference now? has our society changed that much? has our society BEEN changed that much? ...dont we want the truth?
dont all involved deserve the truth? i say, so what if the truth can not be handeld..the truth is what it is..maybe the 'official story' is the
truth..i personnally doubt it.
ladyk74....good job on helping shed some light into the darkness