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Originally posted by queenofswords
reply to post by michael1983l
I truly feel sorry for you. I don't say that to be condescending, but there is a deeper layer to this issue that many people don't comprehend. They don't place the same value or depth of meaning on Liberty. Liberty is a living breathing part of the American spirit. It's a personal thing and we maintain it by sacrifice and holding tightly to our 2A. (This doesn't mean there shouldn't be laws against convicted felons and the mentally ill obtaining guns, however.)
Originally posted by cavtrooper7
reply to post by michael1983l
That depends on what happens next doesn't it?
Not that I'm worried,I'm armed.edit on 24-12-2012 by cavtrooper7 because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by queenofswords
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff
I beg to differ with you. We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one. The 2A is not outdated. I will say this, however. I think many of those demanding that our 2A be done away with are people in other countries. Perhaps they have a deep resentment of Americans because we have refused to bow down to individuals in our government that verbally spit on our Constitution and seek to repeal our most important rights.
The Patriot Act got passed us because we were emotionally charged after 9/11. FOOL US ONCE....
20 out of 350 million? Im more worried about my children getting hit by a car when they cross the road. Look, i know you are just a NWO disinfo agent trying to initiate a tskeiver, but why don't we talk about alcohol laws in great Britain for a moment. Far more children are dying because of alcohol in your country than guns in ours. Sorry you "blokes" love your liquor just as much as we love our guns
Originally posted by michael1983l
reply to post by WP4YT
So 20 of your children dead is not a price to pay for lax gun laws? I'd say it is a pretty damn high and unacceptable price to pay. But as it wasn't your kids at your school your inherant selfishness means that you probably don't give a #.
It's Number Two. Without it, all the other rights are nothing but words on paper. Again...2a is insurance.
Well its a terrible insurance policy and the premiums seem to be the life of innocent people and even children at schools.
Once again, guns have done nothing to stop your freedoms being stripped so far and as long as you all have the illusion of safety and the "Im safe in my fortress with my gun" mentality they wont do you any good everedit on 24/12/2012 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)edit on 24/12/2012 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by IkNOwSTuff
reply to post by queenofswords
So it seems according to yourself and many other gun advocates that the right to have a gun under the bed is the most important right to Americans.
It's Number Two. Without it, all the other rights are nothing but words on paper. Again...2a is insurance.
Well its a terrible insurance policy and the premiums seem to be the life of innocent people and even children at schools.
Once again, guns have done nothing to stop your freedoms being stripped so far and as long as you all have the illusion of safety and the "Im safe in my fortress with my gun" mentality they wont do you any good everedit on 24/12/2012 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)edit on 24/12/2012 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by IkNOwSTuff
Once again, guns have done nothing to stop your freedoms being stripped so far and as long as you all have the illusion of safety and the "Im safe in my fortress with my gun" mentality they wont do you any good everedit on 24/12/2012 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)edit on 24/12/2012 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by IkNOwSTuff
Originally posted by queenofswords
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff
I beg to differ with you. We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one. The 2A is not outdated. I will say this, however. I think many of those demanding that our 2A be done away with are people in other countries. Perhaps they have a deep resentment of Americans because we have refused to bow down to individuals in our government that verbally spit on our Constitution and seek to repeal our most important rights.
The Patriot Act got passed us because we were emotionally charged after 9/11. FOOL US ONCE....
So it seems according to yourself and many other gun advocates that the right to have a gun under the bed is the most important right to Americans.edit on 24/12/2012 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)
Tell that to the people who have saved their families with guns.
And the whole freedom being stripped thing, they did it by manipulating the VERY same nerve that is causing you to react as you are. They're playing on peoples heart strings in an attempt to get them to willfully hand over their rights for the sake of safety. That, my sir, is EXACTLY what you are doing, right this very minute. Use the media to POUND IT into people that 20 beautiful children died, and people will be giving their guns back to the Gov to "make them safe". It has already started.
Do not pretend that you understand the 2A, because you clearly don't.
It's a part of growing up american, and knowing that you were given unalienable rights over 300 years ago that aren't supposed to be infringed upon, EVER, for the TRUE greater good.
It's nearly a culture. Like rap music and coffee shops. It's not a negative culture, like you or others would portray it. You never heard about the 100 million people that collectively own 300+ million firearms in this country, because they're not breaking laws. They're going about their days leading normal lives, and they just happen to own firearms to protect themselves. Local news stations are abound with stories of people defusing crimes with their carryable weapon. No national media covers it, because it's not good for the elite plan. Get with it.
Well at least we take some personal responsibility for ourselves and those that depend on us. You will be calling the cops and like those school children will learn what a few seconds of havock can be reeked on your small world. We on the other hand will be reeking back. You are part of the coward cant defend yourself and carp at those who can.
Not to mention for the very large part the 2nd can only be used in the face of unauthorised deadly force. That is if the government ever goes crazy like the school shooter then we can break out the 2nd.
Originally posted by michael1983l
Guess what, I'm not armed and I'm also not worried because I am not lay awake at night worrying about an impending invasion from an enemy that doesn't exist.
Originally posted by MrSpad
No. An armed population has no chance against an modern military force. While partian activtity would be possible the problem would be if the enemy did not have a problem killing civilians. Against say most western nations it would be possible because they would not say exterminate an entire town for a single attack. If you were dealing with Chinese or the Russians on the other hand... So no the Red Dawn fantasy is just that a fantasy. However, that does not make the second amendment any less valid.