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The Illuminati revealing their presence must read.

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posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by docgreen15

yeah i am sure since when does numerous scary coincidence not become synchronicities. or planned events

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 08:12 AM
please provide original source material that could be used as footnote in a work of non-fiction that demonstrates the perfectibilists survived after 1785

that would be a must read


posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by docgreen15

also i said i look at things with an unbiased view point and do not let personal opionions interfer with the way i think. i only look at facts and truth. i dont watch therefore do not let mainstream media shove wat they want down my throat. so if paranoia is not blindly follow us government issue conformity and having my own mind that denies ignorances and questions where authority comes from and does not just sit there and just regurgitate what mainstream media forces you to believe as truth than yes i am paranoid.

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 08:18 AM
Ive made threads over info that i found on line like there history, up to current events..
Our Ats leader drops it, ive had lots of warning.
They never get to be matter how i word it.
probly just a moment i kept trying to post
Well i went out side .. one morming after to go to work, both cars wouldnt start like both batterys dead.
Both alternators fried..The info i was trying to post went to my head ,
i came back in & laughed it off to my wife,
Told her our cars got toasted by a drone" both same night" it was like the one post said ive probly been on the web surf to long.
stuff happens.
Soooo i said screw it. ill just watch & learn..
Buy more

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 08:19 AM


OP you better keep quiet!

edit on 24-12-2012 by christoph because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by lucifer6
reply to post by docgreen15

also i said i look at things with an unbiased view point and do not let personal opionions interfer with the way i think. i only look at facts and truth. i dont watch therefore do not let mainstream media shove wat they want down my throat. so if paranoia is not blindly follow us government issue conformity and having my own mind that denies ignorances and questions where authority comes from and does not just sit there and just regurgitate what mainstream media forces you to believe as truth than yes i am paranoid.

then why not challenge the internet videos as well ? why not question them ?

I went down the rabbit hole after coming here. my mind was blown. The DIA story brought me here for the first time. I was shocked !!! Then I did some digging. turns out the original story I had read of the dauphin prince coming to america to buy up land for the queen of england to establish the western NWO HQ in denver was bogus. a year after that story, the prince's body was identified in france by DNA. the website did eventually edit the prince out of the story, but with no explanation !! LOL

then there is the rothschilds quote "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws"

it's fiction. fake. no original source material

so if you don't question or challenge everything than you are a sheep, just following a different sheppard


posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by ThinkingCap

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7

"There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and there is nothing secret that will not become known and come to light." Luke 8:17

Perfect, thank you ThinkingCap.

What you hold true in your mind will hold true in your reality.

Stay safe, lucifer6.

We leave you in the Love and Light.

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by syrinx high priest

i did challenge the internet video spent 9 weeks disecting every singlle second of that video. and threw up countless times watch the video do your own reserch.....wait that would involve you questioning every thing you were taught and everything you were brainwashed not to question religion and politics and that is something people just do not do.

soak that post up and the one u quoted watch the movie and re read the thread b4 you blindly question facts and regurgitate information that is not from your own mind. thank you and have a nice day. i cannot show u the path or thread to enlightenment that is somethin u must find on your own don't take my word for it research yourself for that is where all truth is found and all lies proven 2 b false

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by lucifer6
Happy Surfing....

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by lucifer6


please provide the footnotes that reference original source material that could be used in a work of non-fiction that demonstrates the perfectibilsts even exist anymore, and name one of them.

please don't use video's or links as a source


posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
reply to post by lucifer6


please provide the footnotes that reference original source material that could be used in a work of non-fiction that demonstrates the perfectibilsts even exist anymore, and name one of them.

please don't use video's or links as a source


If i was on a laptop I would be more than happy to help you but I am on the ps3.

Watch the video, disect every second of it, and for gods sake do your own research. 4 it is where all truths r found and all lies r proven 2 be false.

Or by your wording are you saying the video is bullspit because u only watch the first 2 minutes.

but 2 entertain u start with codex alimentarious, who authored it why monsanto pushes it, adragenious growth hormones, gmos and the effects of vaccines and why they are outlawed all over the world. it all goes back 2 Rothschilds in bovaria.

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by syrinx high priest

but again i am not going to sit here and do your research

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 11:43 AM
If what you say is true, then I can believe it. These people aren't to be messed around with, torture and murder bring them great pleasure. So if I was you, I'd probably shut my mouth and quit talking about it, lest you and your family end up paying a terrible price. This is why when I post about the globalists I only give small hints for people to do their own research, going bold on these dudes is not wise.

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by lucifer6
here is the video that started my very scary journey down the dark rabbit hole

lucifer6,this is my first exposure to this video. I am 1:06 in as of now and
1 has encountered fragments of the data related to the vid. it was just interesting to see the formated data compiled so well.... Thanks for sharing. I wonder if these negative deeds are being done as shared then how can any speak of a figure that does the same to those who do it. I did feel bad reviewing some of this like ok as of now as always starts 1 is a slavi being overseen by powerful slavi, and others and 1 dont count. Transmitted*.*.*...> And when vewing how the financial game basically controls the govs. Yes 1 again understood fragmented how it works but....
This conscious programming in the vid is strong and effected 1z programming matrix. FATHER, what of these? is all 1 can say. 1 will continue the exposure and be safe OP. So this hurts, yes yes.


posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 12:16 PM
Also OP


If demons exist and they have a king
And the king has a seed not like demon beings
will demons obey or defy the line
That remaind unexposed so pure through time
A line a line fluid based or soul?
Have they ever questioned ever?
Answer comes back blood ..not..soul?
No, not soul lines? blood lines it must be
look here its god not they trust so the $ shall guide these

Yet viewed from there and their within
yes souls have they like us? From THE BEGIN
no no those are the these!
Who wisper in shadows yet darkness not seen
In time many have awake, awake as blood formulas combined
Tears shed families dead awake the Arc divine

1 is not the judge MOST HIGH
no 1 is just a creation
1 is not the jury no lie
Just 1 under? W/PATIENCE
To execute a CREATORS BEINGS as if only to control
Attempts to place those creations set in creator role

also so are some who are said to of been? Locked in the abyss
My prayers go out for all of these deceptive CREATOR Creations
A sword guided with LOVE indeed shall crush the swords made of hatred... remember

Thanks again OP program accepted.
Slavi lux sa saf ica saf ica sa luc brothren

Lord may you guide us all and upon true judgment may mercy find their hearts and it their souls... blood sacra or soul fice? Chose these have... hurts

edit on 12/24/12 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Please speak in english I am sure that we would all appreciate it. I am not trying to stop you from being you, I just want everybody to understand. And thanks for the posts brother.

Love and light.

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 01:28 PM
People who spend too much time believing in conspiracies invite that pattern of thinking into their every day lives. Coincidence is heavily questioned by conspiracy theorists and this pattern of seeking out unproven things to fear becomes a template through which everything gets viewed through. Relationships, religion, politics, and everything develops this alter ego conspiracy. There's what the "sheep" believe and what an intelligent and insightful "awake" person believes. Looking at it that way traps the person into thinking theyre stupid if they're not questioning and on guard against anything and essentially they drive themselves mad, ruin friendships and relationships, and become virtually useless to society instead of actually helping it by promoting the same themes they believe to oppose ...controlling people through fear. Conspiracy theorists are controlled by their fear of a potential evil. Too often its blurred into borderline reality but since it isn't proven they always battle between the "what if's" of life. If it becomes reality or the threat of possibility is great enough then action is the result and depending on the believed conspiracy or threat or how deep into the different parts of their lives they have gone it produces different results... most of the time the only thing produced is madness... at best money is made off of literature or a movement is started. The people on your PS3 were probably just annoyed by what they seen as paranoia and decided to mess with you because they knew you'd fall for it... it's easy to get paranoid people to believe someone is out to get them since they already suspect it and that's obvious by what they say. For example, if I say, I'm one of them and I'm only saying this stuff to silence you then even if I tell you it was just a joke its too late... you're already going to walk away from this post believing I'm a part of your delusion. Maybe I am? We're everywhere aren't we?

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by lucifer6

1 has re adjusted it in better format. The emotion was guiding at first, please excuse.
edit on 12/24/12 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by lucifer6

get a keyboard for it my friend we need more info.
all you need is a keyboard with USB port. you don't have any computer in your house?

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by Lichter daraus

yes i have a key board but it is always being used

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