Women will be at their most foolish if they ever support the Taliban. To these animals, women are chattels to be used and discarded whenever a radical
fundamentalis muslim feels like it. Women are lower than dogs in the Taliban world.
Fool that the female shooter had been, she does serve a larger purpose - to inflame the Nato troops to hate ALL afghan women and treat them
disrespectfully and even violently, so that the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan can throw the crocodile tear sympathy card to swing world opinion
to the 'evil' that NATO forces had done.
Thus, Nato forces must not fall into that trap.
In anycase, it is high time to pull out NATO from these arab lands. They had only proven themselves happy to live in delusion, hatred for each other,
endless slaughtering of each other, pridefull, ego-filled, Koran twisted maniacs and quick to lay blame on the West for their own failings with lies
and unsubstantiated allegations.
Enough is enough. The arabs had made their choice despite the rest of the world's best efforts. Better the west look towards building, progress and
elevating our own societies. Arabs who join our nations must either conform to our way of life, or free to take the first flight back.
Will the arabs ever wake up? For their next generations' sake, I hope so, otherwise needless millions there will experience pain and suffering just
like what Syria is going through now, and Egypt on the way too.
We will offer collective world united human aid where we can, but no more interventions. Despised, unappreciated and taken for granted had the west
been held by the arabs, even after trillions and volumetric western sons and blood had been poured to help them. It's..... time to walk away.....
edit on 24-12-2012 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)