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A catalogue of the more interesting Australian UFO reports.

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posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 11:31 PM

originally posted by: scullydana49

Australian researcher Keith Basterfield has recently published some original material on a very odd and very interesting entity case from 1973 in Australia.

Scullydana49, thanks very much for posting that link - really interesting case that one.

The old swamp gas debunk again I see - I wonder if the RAAF scientist got a phone call from Washington like Dr Hynek was alleged to have done.(link).

In a letter dated 2 May 1973, from C J Odgers, Director of Public Relations, RAAF, to Constable Summerton, the RAAF official conclusion on the case was "...the investigating team has been unable to conclusively determine the cause...a possible theoretical cause is a sighting of the phenomenon known as IGNIS FATUUS - methane gas released from decaying vegetation and spontaneously ignited..."


posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 12:44 AM

Keith Basterfield has continued his "cold case" reviews of some 20+ Australian cases, including some classics.

In a recent blog post at:

he provides links to all his blog posts on these case reviews.

Well worth a look.


posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 01:33 AM
It always amazes me how much material there is. I wonder if anyone even knows how many pages have been written about UFOs? I would wager it is in the millions. That is daunting when you think about it. Basically, even if you had all the time in the world to do nothing but sift through the evidence. You still wouldn't have enough time to get to everything.

When faced with such an impossible task, how in the world is anyone ever supposed to figure out what is going on?
edit on 24-9-2014 by TheMalefactor because: stupefied

edit on 24-9-2014 by TheMalefactor because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 04:40 PM

originally posted by: TheMalefactor

It always amazes me how much material there is. I wonder if anyone even knows how many pages have been written about UFOs? I would wager it is in the millions.

That is daunting when you think about it. Basically, even if you had all the time in the world to do nothing but sift through the evidence. You still wouldn't have enough time to get to everything.

When faced with such an impossible task, how in the world is anyone ever supposed to figure out what is going on?

I'd bet it's well up there matey and maybe no-one will ever figure out what's going on - especially with the disgraceful lack of publicly available, serious, scientific research orchestrated by countries like the UK, the US and Australia.

Hopefully countries with a much more responsible, open and honest outlook like France, Chile, Argentina, Peru and Uruguay will make some kind of breakthrough and share it with their citizens.

Here's Keith again with some important things to say about Oz needing official UFO researchers - doubt they would ever allow it but you've got to hand it to him for trying.

A South Australian UFO researcher says a dedicated civilian group needs to be established to investigate and report mysterious sightings in our skies.

Long time UFO researcher, Keith Basterfield, said the Australian Air Force archived more than 10,000 UFO observations before they halted these records in 1990.

A number of keen groups and individuals around the country continued to unofficially collect UFO data, but Mr Basterfield wanted to see these reports brought together on a national level.

"There are a number of people who have done this for many years and are quite good at it, but what we're lacking is a national-level perspective of what's being reported," he said.

With much mystery still surrounding these unidentified flying objects, Mr Basterfield hoped a more cohesive collection of sighting information could help lead to explanations..

Does Australia need official UFO researchers?


posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 08:27 PM
Keith Basterfield discussing some of his personal research at the recent VUFOA conference in Melbourne.

posted on Dec, 2 2014 @ 05:36 PM
a reply to: 12voltz

I believe that photo may be a screenshot from a hoaxed video of a family that gets buzzed by a UFO in the family car. The author has a website with all his videos on it and an explanation of the the methods and processes used to create them.


posted on Dec, 2 2014 @ 05:38 PM
... And good thread Karl. Lots of great stuff happens in Oz that deserves a wider audience. Some of Chadwickus' threads are worth revisiting also.


posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: InfaRedMan

IRM good to see you mate and you're not wrong about the threads of Chadwickus, could be wrong but don't think he posts much in the UFO forum anymore though

Thought Aussie researcher Paul Dean has also provided some great info and seems he was pretty impressed with the case described below.

Extraordinary UFO-UAP Sighting and Beginning Of Investigations | AUSTRALIA

I have recently worked on one of the most unusual cases I’ve ever heard from Australia, or certainly one of the most unusual in recent times. In mid-2014, on the south-east coast of NSW, two people were into well into a long-term house-sitting stint on large rural property. On the 29th of May, around 2am, whilst talking and watching the sky for meteors, planets, etc the woman first noticed a hazy, white, foggy light in the distance. She drew her partner’s attention to it, and over the next two minutes it became larger in size. At this point, they considered the possibility that it might be the neighbour’s backyard sensor light or a small fire. After four minutes it was still growing in size. They then considered whether or not it might be car headlights. At this point, suddenly the white hue became a red hue/fog. At the same time it seemed to split.

It became a row of about ten red and blue, circular lights lined up, with a bright white beam at the front. As they were new to the area they continued to look for a logical explanation. Then the row of white, blue and red lights suddenly compacted itself whilst an incredibly loud noise commenced. The witnesses’ best guesstimate as to the distance to the object, was 900 metres. In the witness’ own words “It then scanned the terrain of the hills and the valley just opposite us, very low to the ground (around tree level) shining this incredibly bright white light through the trees to the ground, as well as in front of itself.” The red and blue lights hovered around it. By this time both witnesses were terrified by the weird, oscillating sound and the foggy, hazy light, all around them.

So, there was the row of lights some distance away, plus all around them was a foggy, hazy light. This fog, quite a distinct phenomenon from the first event, was coming from “...three different rhombus shapes, 1 green, 1 yellow and 1 red. They had cross hatching effects, sort of laser light effects creating their shape and overlapping one another. I estimate it would have been 10-20 metres above us.” There was no air turbulence felt. “We’re pretty sure the noise was coming from the scanning light and not the one above us...” At this point, the scanning light came closer to them and they ran into the house and did not look out for 40 minutes, even after the noise ceased. They then noted some light activity still going on on the other side of the valley; little lights joined together and left the area. Suddenly all the dogs in the area began to howl. The area surrounding the house has some paddocks, but is mostly bushland.

Working with the witnesses, we are now looking at all possibilities, but initial investigations indicate a very real and very tangible event did occur..

UFOs - Documenting The Evidence


posted on Jan, 23 2015 @ 08:49 PM
Relevant ATS thread:

Australian researchers Keith Basterfield and Paul Dean have completed their investigation of the 19 March 2014 "near-miss" between an Australian aircraft and what the Australian Transport Safety Bureau, described as an "unknown."

Perth, Australia aircraft encounter

posted on Feb, 18 2015 @ 10:13 PM
History of Australian UFO research:

The National Spotlight on UFOs

posted on May, 17 2015 @ 04:12 PM
Historical Pamphlet -sourced by RealTVUFOS:

"UFOs Over Gawler (PDF File)


An early reported sighting in South Australia occurred in January, 1959, when a former pilot and his family were walking along the beach at Port Gawler. They saw a spherical object ‘which looked like polished aluminium ’ lift out of the water’ and create a ‘curtain of white underneath it’. The object rose out of the sea to a ‘considerable height’ before being joined by another object which came in from the south. Both objects then moved toward the south, accelerating at great speed...

Another sighting was made on 28 June, 1963, near the Sandy Creek Hotel by a Willaston man who was travelling towards Gawler on the Lyndoch-Gawler Road. After rounding a bend, the man saw on the road a ‘blood-red coloured object’ eight metres wide and four metres high with a concave top and a flat base, ‘extending across the roadway’..

At least seven people claimed that they saw two flying saucers hovering over the Gawler Institute and High Street Hall at about 10 pm on November 27, 1968. The two UFOs were said to be brightly lit by red and blue lights which constantly changed from one colour to the other. According to witnesses, the UFOs hovered over the Institute and Hall for about twenty minutes before briefly moving together, separating, switching off their lights and moving away..

On June 18, 1969, the young Gawler postman claimed he saw in the sky a UFO which appeared to be travelling north. He said that it was black inside and around the outside there was bright white light, the brightest white light he had ever seen. It was ‘not exactly round’ and it had ‘a white line running through the centre’. The white light stayed on for about thirty seconds then gradually disappeared, to be replaced by a ‘very bright red light’ which also stayed on for about thirty seconds..

The witness, a woman, was awoken by a noise ‘rather like a loud motor car engine’. Looking out of her window she saw a ‘flat, round object in the sky coming towards Gawler from the direction of the Barossa Valley’. The object was described as having white lights around the outside and a very bright light was shining on the ground below it..

Later that same year, at 3.45 am on December 18, two people travelling on the Port Wakefield Road near Wild Horse Plains saw an enormous object which was shaped ‘like a large hamburger’. At the bottom it had a ‘bright red dome with a glow around it’ above which were flashing lights that extended all around the perimeter, seemingly recessed into it. The lights were yellow, red, white, orange, green and blue and they ‘flashed on and off in sequence’. Across the top of the object were what looked like bright fluorescent-blue building blocks, staggered to different heights. On the other side of the road was another smaller and different object, shaped like ‘bright white candle’, below which was a ball of ‘bright orange-red light with an aura surrounding it..

posted on May, 26 2015 @ 10:49 PM
Good to see you keeping the thread alive, Karl

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 05:39 AM
a reply to: InfaRedMan

Will keep them coming matey

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 10:13 AM
Bill Chaulker gives his top 10 aussy cases while discussing the westall case


1. 1954, August 31 – Sea Fury case, near Goulbourn, NSW, Australia (experienced naval pilot, radar visual confirmation, independent ground witnesses, apparent intelligent responses to witnesses’ thoughts about possible collision)
2. 1992, July 23 – Peter Khoury “Hair of Alien” DNA case – Sydney, Australia (abduction type encounter with female Nordic blonde yields anomalous hair sample that suggests “hybrid origin” and unusual genetic profiles)
3. 1959, June 27 – Father Gill UFO entity sighting - Boianai, Papua New Guinea (credible multiple witness sighting of animate entities on UFO with intelligent interactions)
4. 1980, September 30 – George Blackwell’s Rosedale UFO landing physical trace case – Rosedale, Victoria Australia (compelling array of physical evidence – ground trace, missing water, effects on witness, other witness)
5. 1993, August 8 – Kelly Cahill’s abduction experience – Narre Warren North, Victoria, Australia (possible independent multiple witness UFO encounter with abduction dimensions and physical evidence)
6. 1966, January 19 – George Pedley’s Tully UFO nest encounter – Tully, Queensland, Australia (daylight close encounter with UFO take off leaving physical evidence – “UFO nest”)
7. 1966, April 4 – Ron Sullivan’s “bent headlight beam” experience – Burkes Flat, Victoria Australia (striking UFO encounter, physical traces, bent light beams, possible related fatality)
8. 1966, April 6 – Westall school daylight UFO “landing” encounter – Westall, Victoria, Australia (multiple witness daylight landing, physical traces, “cover-up” dimensions)
9. 1977-78 – Gisborne UFO abduction milieu – Gisborne New Zealand (complex and high strangeness UFO and abduction milieu – entities, multiple witnesses, multiple abductions)
10. 1973 May – August – Tyringham Dundurrabin intense UFO flap area, NSW, Australia (long term intense UFO flap, multiple witness, physical effects, paranormal dimensions)

posted on Jun, 1 2015 @ 12:38 PM
Very interesting reports indeed! Thanks for sharing.

posted on Jun, 1 2015 @ 12:54 PM

originally posted by: Zeus050
Very interesting reports indeed! Thanks for sharing.

Get your twenty in yet?

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 08:25 PM

originally posted by: 111DPKING111

Bill Chaulker gives his top 10 aussy cases while discussing the westall case


1. 1954, August 31 – Sea Fury case, near Goulbourn, NSW, Australia (experienced naval pilot, radar visual confirmation, independent ground witnesses, apparent intelligent responses to witnesses’ thoughts about possible collision)
2. 1992, July 23 – Peter Khoury “Hair of Alien” DNA case – Sydney, Australia (abduction type encounter with female Nordic blonde yields anomalous hair sample that suggests “hybrid origin” and unusual genetic profiles)
3. 1959, June 27 – Father Gill UFO entity sighting - Boianai, Papua New Guinea (credible multiple witness sighting of animate entities on UFO with intelligent interactions)
4. 1980, September 30 – George Blackwell’s Rosedale UFO landing physical trace case – Rosedale, Victoria Australia (compelling array of physical evidence – ground trace, missing water, effects on witness, other witness)
5. 1993, August 8 – Kelly Cahill’s abduction experience – Narre Warren North, Victoria, Australia (possible independent multiple witness UFO encounter with abduction dimensions and physical evidence)
6. 1966, January 19 – George Pedley’s Tully UFO nest encounter – Tully, Queensland, Australia (daylight close encounter with UFO take off leaving physical evidence – “UFO nest”)
7. 1966, April 4 – Ron Sullivan’s “bent headlight beam” experience – Burkes Flat, Victoria Australia (striking UFO encounter, physical traces, bent light beams, possible related fatality)
8. 1966, April 6 – Westall school daylight UFO “landing” encounter – Westall, Victoria, Australia (multiple witness daylight landing, physical traces, “cover-up” dimensions)
9. 1977-78 – Gisborne UFO abduction milieu – Gisborne New Zealand (complex and high strangeness UFO and abduction milieu – entities, multiple witnesses, multiple abductions)
10. 1973 May – August – Tyringham Dundurrabin intense UFO flap area, NSW, Australia (long term intense UFO flap, multiple witness, physical effects, paranormal dimensions)

Real interesting list there mate and many thanks for sharing it - have never been too sure about the Cahill case but did think the Rosedale incident (number 4) was a really intiguing one.. if only for all the other similar eye=witness testimony about 'tubes' emerging from UFOs and sucking up water.

UFO Empties Water Tank - Rosedale, 1980.

Here's more from excellent Ozzie researcher Paul Dean if you've not seen it already.

Two Australian Aircraft Encounter UFO: And That's Official

Some of you may know that there are actually two Australian government agencies who are equipped to, and indeed do, accept UFO reports from flight crews..



posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 09:32 PM
Tully has always been rumoured to be a UFO hotspot.

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: karl 12

Oh, look, a map of Australia with major centres of population and points of geographical interest marked on it!

edit on 2/6/15 by Astyanax because: of garble.

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 11:54 PM
a reply to: Astyanax

Actually the fact that the maps look similar as far as the correlations of notated locations of "more interesting" "UFO reports" (Karl 12's map) and "major population centers marked" (Nastyax's map) supports the premise of the OP...

...because in general, the greater the population, the more people to witness any UFO sighting - and the more sightings reported, the greater the likelyhood of there being ones that are of a "more interesting" nature.

The same with the two maps correlations of notated "points of geographical interest", as these places would attract high numbers of people out sight seeing, holidaying, etc., and as "points of geographical interest" tend to be out away from city lights and such, they would also tend to provide higher number of witnessed UFO phenomena, as such phenomena would be more highly visible in places without light pollution...

...and again, with higher numbers of sightings comes higher likelihood of particularly "interesting" reports..

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