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No one cares about the palestininans

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posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 01:32 PM
It's sad, but it is true. these poor people are even neglected by their allies, publicly supporting them and offering help.

alestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad on Sunday criticized Arab states for evading their financial commitments to the PA. Arab countries have yet to follow through on a pledge in March to provide a financial safety net of $100 million monthly to the PA to mitigate Israeli sanctions, which were imposed in November.

If there is one person I pity, it is Fayyad (and Abbas, so I guess that's two people)
if they negotiate with Israel, their people will hate them
if they do not negotiate, Israel will make them irrelevant, giving power to Hamas
If they dismantle the PA, they will lose their power and perhaps their lives in a Palestinian spring of some sort

with no help even from those who call themselves your friends, what can one do?

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 01:34 PM
I care about them. And the Isrealis. I care about everyone. No one should have to suffer on this planet.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by JohnWoodland

They continually buy into their "allies" b.s. and refuse to wake up to their being played for fools. Should we pity a people who remains willfully ignorant? Should we pity these people who refuse to wakeup from their grand self delusion that they mean anything to the arab world? All they need to do is take a good look around and see that no other countries even want them, considering them degenerates while they pledge to send money and weapons, instead of sending them food and medical supplies. This has nothing to do with the palestinians at all, but rather maintaining a proxy war on Israel by having religious zealots being brainwashed for the cause of:

A god that is nothing but a statue made by the hands of some backwards desert man thousands of years ago.
edit on 23-12-2012 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
reply to post by JohnWoodland

They continually buy into their "allies" b.s. and refuse to wake up to their being played for fools. Should we pity a people who remains willfully ignorant? Should we pity these people who refuse to wakeup from their grand self delusion that they mean anything to the arab world? All they need to do is take a good look around and see that no other countries even want them, considering them degenerates while they pledge to send money and weapons, instead of sending them food and medical supplies. This has nothing to do with the palestinians at all, but rather maintaining a proxy war on Israel by having religious zealots being brainwashed for the cause of:

A god that is nothing but a statue made by the hands of some backwards desert man thousands of years ago.
edit on 23-12-2012 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)


The Star and Crescent Moon were never an Islamic Symbol, Islam has no symbols, The prophet of Islam has forbidden the use of any symbolism and said it related to occultism and devil worship, Prophet of Islam said true religion needs no symbols.

Star and Crescent Moon would be revived by the Mongols and their invasion of the Middle East, later they would settle in whats known as Turkey, and then the Ottomans would adopt it as their Symbol. Ever since then the Ottomans have put the symbol on top of Mosques and Islamic books, many Muslims have no clue what it means and assume it represents them

with that being said;

Saudi Arabia has no problem buying 60 billon dollars worth of weapons every 5 years
but sending 100mil dollars to Palestine is too much for them

Qatar and Turkey can instantly send millions of dollars as well as thousands of equipments and weapons to the FSA terror groups,
But sending food and winter supplies is just too much for them

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 03:46 PM
according to the 4th Geneva Convention(1949), Israel is responsible for the welfare of the Palestinians in the occuppied territories. That's one of the burden imposed by the 4th GC on the occuppiers.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 08:38 PM
I have studied this conflict for many years. In fact I wrote a dissertation in military university many years ago on this situation and the one thing which all Israeli’s ignore when you engage them in conversation is the borders of 1967.
American support for Israel continues to fuel the fire of discontent and the building of more and more settlements on occupied land is an absolute disgrace. “What is Gaza”, Gaza is now the largest open air prison in the world. These people cannot exist like this or in the future. Now we see East of Jerusalem more land is just taken and settlement built on land that does not belong to the Jews. What does a rat do when it is cornered? It attacks any way it can for its own survival. How can you blame the Palestinians after what the Jews with American military support has done to them?
This is going to be the starting place of the worst war or call it a conflict if you must, in the middle east. We now know North Korea is selling rockets to Iran, therefore they have a delivery means and who can say they don’t have the Nuclear weapon already.
I’m not a Muslim or am I Jewish but I would not like to be living in Israel in the next few months.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by December21st2012
I care about them. And the Isrealis. I care about everyone. No one should have to suffer on this planet.

Amen, the issues with ancient Canaan and the Hebrews have span many years. Only if there was some type of topographic way to clarify given back then like so many distances north east and south east OF SEA????? marking the land
but if that was the case then some elder maps may exist that show the original locations and it sadly may be hidden.

But then who would deceive the Lord who was speaking to those Hebrew map makers back then???
1 would imagine that LORD would be upset with these
activities. I mean the Lamb resembles Israeli / Palestinian from his more accurate descriptive writer's of his time. That's basic deception against an elder ENLILITE religious practice so... Lord of sky? and command? basically deceived.. That is IF some have misused GUIDED from ABOVE DATA....

edit on 12/26/12 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 01:42 AM
No country in history has received more economic as the Palestinians have.

Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip receive one of the highest levels of aid in the world

Aid has been offered to the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) and other Palestinian Non-governmental organizations (PNGOs) by the international community, including International Non-governmental Organizations (INGOs).

The entities that provide aid to the Palestinians are categorized into seven groups: the Arab nations, the European Union, the United States, Japan, international institutions (including agencies of the UN system), European countries, and other nations


This thread is preposterous.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 01:54 AM
And the only people to blame, at the root of things, are the Arabs themselves.

The Palestinians find themselves in this pitiable situation because of Arab arrogance. Islam has always been the common denominator uniting Arabs against the Zionist enterprise. Islam divided the world into a manichean "Dar al Islam" and dar al Harb. Islam infused Arab politics with theological obstacles preventing coexistence between Arabs and Jews in Palestine. Islam has kept the Arab world back economically: preventing the Arab worlds acceptance of modernization (whose backdrop is westernization) upsetting any cooperation between the Islamic world and the western world. Look at south east Asia, South America and others. Brazil is growing into an economic giant; South Africa is growing; Vietnam is blossoming; India and Turkey are growing into serious economic competitors. The only countries being truly held back are the Muslim Arab countries. Not having a Kemal Ataturk - who modernized-westernized Turkey, the Arab world remains intellectually stunted. And the influx of massive oil revenue into an Islamist stronghold like Saudi Arabia - which has a tiny citizenry and so billions of funds to spend on promoting their Islamist interests in the Arab world - helps sustain the hold of fundamentalist Islam in the consciousness of Muslims.

As soon as oils loses it's economic stewardship, fundamentalist (shari'a based) Islam too will vanish into the annuls of time. Till then, radical, irrational politics will be tilted in favour of Arab causes. Saudi Arabia and OPEC forces it's client states to adopt a favourable position on the Israel question. Smaller states are easier to control than larger ones, like America, for example; but most of the rest know what they have to say to please their oil patrons.

edit on 27-12-2012 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by dontreally

Jews don't like Muslims because they are the one group in the world that jews cannot control or influence. There are 47 Muslim countries(including Afghanistan and Iraq) that do not recognized Israel.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by svmpua

And when they're not killing OTHER people, they're killing themselves -- remember when they had an "election", and they killed the candidates?

Other arab countries don't want them. They're just war=mongering idiots, that allow the other war-mongering idiots in the ME to use them, to keep up their war-mongering.
edit on 30-12-2012 by Happy1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by JohnWoodland

You won't get many positive replies here on ATS.
Most people do not even know of the Terror acts perpetrated by Gurion ect against the British, prior to the British withdrawal, that gave the green light for the Turkey shoots against fleeing Palestininan Civilians in 1947/48.

It is fashionable to label Palestinians as the bad guys and the Israeli Jews as saints.
You are right no one cares.
Because equality is only for the certain types.
And even then they end up more than equal.
The reality is the Palestininans were forced by gunpoint to give up their nation.
But no movie we will see Produced by Spielberg or any other Hollywood Mogul , will ever be released , telling the truth...truth...truth.
No the truth, is just that Mel Gibson is a rabid anti semite.
He is a dumb bigoted guy, that knows nothing about the truth.
Just like all those in Poland, Ukraine, Germany, france, who saw the truth.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by coolieno99

Ah, gotta love Muslim paranoia.

Look at the premises of that claim. First, you have to posit the notion that Jews control the world - which ignores not only the rudiments of human nature (that people pursue their own interests), but omits from consideration the vastly larger proportion of non-Jews in positions of power.

Secondly, and far more saliently, it's not Jews who dislike Muslims - most Jews being liberals who've spearheaded civil rights movements and fought for greater civil equality, but obviously, it's the exact opposite: Muslims dislike Jews, or at the very least (as I have learned in my own relations with Muslims), have this bizarre notion that Jews dislike Muslims.

This is obviously a case of collective projection. Muslims unconsciously know that they (collectively) are in the wrong against Jews (both historically, with their exorbitant Dhimmi tax, but more generally in their attitude towards Jews and Zionism), so instead of acknowledging their own iniquitous stance vis-a-vis Jews, they externalize their own irrational hatred by imagining that its the Jews who hate Muslims.

The reason for Islamic hatred of Jews (and westerners in general) is rather obvious: Islam failed as a civilization and has been proven to be inferior. The Islamic world still (unconsciously, or consciously) views the west through the lens of Islam. "Christianity" has prevailed against them. The wonders of the modern age, built on the edifice of a westernized worldview, has forced Muslims to reassess their own civilization, which means, the historical traditions of Sunni theology, and more specifically, the mandates of Shari'a. The Jews are often seen as "imperialist" agents of America. To the more fundamentalist types, the Jews are seen as agents of destruction. Both camps are merely caught in the effects of the cognitive dissonance created by the modern world.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by OrionsWitness

The reality is the Palestininans were forced by gunpoint to give up their nation.

What nation? The Ottoman turks controlled the territory called "Palestine" by the later British Mandate. No Arab state ever existed in that region. One Arab "nation" spanned from the gulf to the Atlantic. Muslims, unlike Europeans, have always thought in terms of religion, not "ethnicity" (and the Palestinians certainly don't qualify as an ethnicity, as the Jews would, or the Portuguese, for example). Therefore, the "Umma" corresponded to the modern notion of "nation-state". The Umma, could be thought of from the Sunni or Shia perspective. Usually, it has been the Sunni vantage point that has dominated. In either case, it's religion, and not ethnicity, which governs politics.

Palestine was created after 1948, as any honest researcher knows. It was built upon political myths, as the Palestinian politician Musa Alami exhorted hid fellow Arabs "the people are in great need of a Myth", the myth being the notion of a Palestinian people. The central theme of the myth being the "nakba", the disaster of losing their home "palestine". Ignored is the context of what Palestine represented to these Arabs prior to 1948. In the post '48 mythos, a Palestinian national consciousness is said to have existed. In fact, no such thing existed. It's an absurd claim without historical fact to back it up, belied by the cultural dynamics and political ramifications of Islam.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by dontreally
reply to post by OrionsWitness

The reality is the Palestininans were forced by gunpoint to give up their nation.

What nation? The Ottoman turks controlled the territory called "Palestine" by the later British Mandate. No Arab state ever existed in that region. One Arab "nation" spanned from the gulf to the Atlantic. Muslims, unlike Europeans, have always thought in terms of religion, not "ethnicity" (and the Palestinians certainly don't qualify as an ethnicity, as the Jews would, or the Portuguese, for example). Therefore, the "Umma" corresponded to the modern notion of "nation-state". The Umma, could be thought of from the Sunni or Shia perspective. Usually, it has been the Sunni vantage point that has dominated. In either case, it's religion, and not ethnicity, which governs politics.

Palestine was created after 1948, as any honest researcher knows. It was built upon political myths, as the Palestinian politician Musa Alami exhorted hid fellow Arabs "the people are in great need of a Myth", the myth being the notion of a Palestinian people. The central theme of the myth being the "nakba", the disaster of losing their home "palestine". Ignored is the context of what Palestine represented to these Arabs prior to 1948. In the post '48 mythos, a Palestinian national consciousness is said to have existed. In fact, no such thing existed. It's an absurd claim without historical fact to back it up, belied by the cultural dynamics and political ramifications of Islam.

Your ignorance of historical fact is astounding.
Its on footage held by most nations archived footage of history.
It was shown on SBS, in Australia, the truth, actual footage of the shovelling of Palestinian civilians into mass graves.
The admission by a european Jew of the turkey shoot obn the Civilain villagers they were ordered to cleanse.

You can lie all you like, but this site is about denying Ignorance,
You prove that what I say is lies, and I will apologize in my signature for a year.
Its proven fact.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 02:01 AM
reply to post by OrionsWitness

I would wager that you are a radical engaging in good ole obfuscation tactics.

You can whine and chime all you like that "i am lying", but I have facts to back me up. No such state called Palestine ever existed. It's quite easy to prove. It's a fact. And facts are widely documented, thus, my ability to destroy your wily attempt to spread confusion on this topic.

But if you insist on lying, I will prove you wrong more thoroughly.

Also, try addressing my individual points instead of indulging in circumlocution

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by dontreally

Considering all I have done is point out that , millions of Palestinians were made refugees...the ones who escaped the machine guns fired by Eastern European/soviet Jewish manned machine guns, you rant about someone being a radical.
Its been televised, actual footage, actual interviews...on TV, maybe not in New York, but certainly in Australia.
Are you saying all us aussies watched faked Black and white footage of the massacres?
That the interview subjects who spoke English with eastern european accents, were actors?

The ones who admitted evicting village by village ...Palestininans?
Of the turkey shoots?
The footage of the burning of villages , of the mass graves?

Challenge this and you are not even in this zone.
It is truth.
No worse than any other nations have done including the USA and britain and certainly no worse than the Germans .Japanese, or RUSSIANS.
No one is saying the Zionists commited any more atrocities than these other nationsto achieve their objective.
But all the other nations acknowledge what they did.
Saying there was no Palestine land occupiers ect is just evil.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 03:33 AM
reply to post by dontreally

Dude you are one of the most smartest member I have seen around here.Whatever you just said is 100% true.

Here's something more that I would like to add :-

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by dontreally

Blame the victims game eh?
You are a clever soul.
Its their fault, they were evicted by force from their land and homes, that they were machined gunned down in "Turkey shoots" told to the Interviewer on a documentary by a former Israeli Soldier.

It was the victims fault, oh of course, they deserved it.

Silly bilies, those ignorant Arabs.

May your God go with you.

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