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It's just a God Damned Piece of Paper!

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posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 01:24 PM
Lefties went wild when that was stated by Cheney..........problem is, he was right. Law is just what will be enforced by government. Think about it, you have law at the federal level that requires the federal government to defend marriage between a man and a woman........passed by Clinton, also, the welfare law passed by Clinton............also not enforced by Obama.

The Constitution means NOTHING, without the people to enforce it. Funny how we have Supreme Court Justices that actually state that Constitutions of other countries are what new countries should emulate. We get new elected officials that break the law, they have still not passed a budget in over 4 years, yet they are not prosecuted for the crime.

Jon Corzine STEALS 1.6 Billion dollars and is not prosecuted. He states in his congressional testimony that he NEVER authorized the theft, yet one week later a memo is uncovered that proves he did authorize the theft.............yet no prosecution for perjury.

We in the US of A no longer live in a law and order society, we live in an anarchy or a feudal system, where certain people are held to law and others are not.

Oh well, Senator Sessions was correct, since the government cannot and WILL NOT follow the law about budgets, I therefore will not be sending them any of my labor. We have law as society so that things are fair, when government does not and will not follow the laws they pass, we as citizens have the right, neigh the DUTY to not comply.

They are right, it is just a God Damned Piece of Paper, since it is and all law based upon such, I will no longer comply to their GOD DAMNED LAWS!

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 01:27 PM
the only problem with that is since you are not a billion and are a nobody if the gov finds out you are doing something "illegal" then yes you will go to jail, piece of paper or not.. Good luck, dont get caught, its not a crime unless someone catches you

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 01:29 PM
It stops being more than a simple piece of paper only when we choose to make it nothing more than old paper for the meaning it holds and the values it displays to us.

When that day comes...I don't know what my own future plans may be. Perhaps...I'm hoping time has passed and I've reached a level of freedom from commitments here to leave the U.S.. Costa Rica? Belize? I've certainly looked at a few places that are Rabbit friendly and don't cook critters like me for a stew to say welcome or something.

It's a sad sad day,...and among the last of our nation we've known it anyway.... when a thread like this is not only timely but is making solid points. As much as I want to scream how you're WRONG!! .....I just can't...because you're right and it kills me as an American to have to say it right now. (heavy sigh)

Merry friggen Xmas and a Happy New Year..huh? Bah Humbug.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by LIGHTvsDARK
Lefties went wild when that was stated by Cheney..........problem is, he was right. Law is just what will be enforced by government. ....

They are right, it is just a God Damned Piece of Paper, since it is and all law based upon such, I will no longer comply to their GOD DAMNED LAWS!

Yes, you will. You misunderstand. The government does enforce some laws and does not enforce others. You will pay your taxes because that is a law they enforce. You really don't have the option. Sucks, but true. Try it and find out.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by LIGHTvsDARK

So no more taxes? Will you obey any federal or (proclaimed) federal law? Those people you mentioned got away with it because sadly enough they are gods among men.

I went to Florida once and saw a sign near a luxury yacht dealer, it said : "if you have to ask the price, then you can't afford it."
Ironically the same sentiment is in play regarding these people and their status. "If YOU have to complain about the laws others can break freely, then YOU can not afford to do it yourself."

While I agree with you and I wholeheartedly support the kicking in the nuts of all the people you mentioned and alluded to offhandedly, just remember; the magic wand they wave to protect themselves may not be granted to you.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by LIGHTvsDARK

Originally the US Constitution was written with two very specific purposes-

1)It limited the US Government to a federal district and not a national district.

This means that national law did not exist until the organic act of 1871.
Article 1 section 8 were not laws. They are strict limitations placed upon the federal government.

2)The Bill of Rights did not guarantee civil rights. They were limitations placed upon the federal government ONLY.
They did not apply to the states.

We did not have civil rights until after the war of the Northern aggression, and even then they only applied to the freed slaves. Citizenship was guaranteed by each respective birth state and we had God-given UNalienable rights that were guaranteed by each state.
We did NOT have INalienable rights.

Look it up there is a difference.

It's just a god damned piece of paper NOW. It wasn't prior to the military occupation of the South.

It helps to have a correct understanding of history.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 01:54 PM
ATS does not like me using my own name. Senator John Sessions said the exact same thing on the floor of the Senate. "If the US Federal government will not pass a budget that is mandated by our laws, why then should the US taxpayer send the Federal government mandated taxes." Parphrased

By the way, I already owe money to the IRS and the will NEVER get a dime. Heck, the US government loves the illegal aliens not paying taxation, why would they care about little ol me? I welcome them to come and collect, I would LOVE to find my day in court, unless of course they use the NDAA.............of course I wonder, will the lefties back me, they always talk about not complying with laws that you do not agree with.

We shall see, the reason that Greece has gone up in smoke, in reality a major cause is because of tax dereliction. There is a point folks when taxation at reasonable amounts is the answer. Federal taxation is not the only tax jurisdiction there is, there is also state, county and city. It is not only income, there is also property, sales, sin, licensing, registration, etc, et al.

By the way, the lefties also known as statists should love my stand. Mao was correct, all political power comes from the barrel of a gun..................use that gun, you think you are the only ones with one?

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
It stops being more than a simple piece of paper only when we choose to make it nothing more than old paper for the meaning it holds and the values it displays to us.

Spot on!

Its still means something to me, regardless if others have given up on it.........

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by dc4lifeskater

Uh sorry to have to say this but according to the Federal Government EVERYBODY is already a criminal. This is based on the number of Federal regulations that are passed that have prison sentences attached to them. This includes the mercenary's we hire as police. Congress has held talks about this. It is generally believed that every single person on average commits three felony's a day and are not aware of it. Federal prosecutors have practiced ways to find Sister Teressa guilty and have been successful in that test. Wesley Snipes is doing time. In effect they can arrest anyone at any time and have you found guilty. It used to be that they had to show intent, that is not true anymore.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 02:09 PM

Let me reiterate this, the Democrats and the Republicans no longer follow the law! Where is the prosecution for running guns to the Mexican Drug Cartels? Hell, they prosecuted North for running guns to rebels in South America!

Where is the prosecution of Jon Corzine for perjury, he specifically stated that he DID NOT AUTHORIZE IT, yet one week later a memo was uncovered exposing that he did.

Where is the prosecution should be the beginning of half the articles on ATS yet...........

Oh noes, the government may come and get me.........oh noes........I am just a frightened little child. WHO CARES! Think about it, are you a prisoner in your own mind or a prisoner in a jail of the government's twisted plan. Why is it that probation and social workers are a HUGE part of our society? We live in a society where a huge component of it should be locked away or dare I say.................exterminated. Oooooh, is that going too far?

I agree with the lefties on the non victim component of our prison society, those where there are no victims should NEVER be put in prison. If there is NO VICTIM, there is no crime. If someone hurts themselves, it is NONE of our business. I deviate from their argument when they say we should help them though. Hell, we should help them, give them as many drugs as they want. Give the coc aine addict a pound, that would solve the problem right quick don't you think?

My God, we have to realize that society needs to quit addressing the problems of those that cannot be solved and address those issues that can.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 02:11 PM
Every great civilization that ever existed has eventually fallen. Whether it be 3500 years or 350 years. .

Fact : It will fall. In the modern age the likelihood of longevity is reduced.

Change happens. Get over it and find something bigger than a constitution to hang you life on.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Sorry Wrabbit. There are no more safe zones anymore. The IRS will go after you anywhere in the world and they want taxes from you for an additional ten years after you leave the US. The last safe place was Paraguay. Probably the reason the Bush family bought a large plantation down there. Obama changed that when he got into office so now there is no place left that is safe.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by LIGHTvsDARK
By the way, I already owe money to the IRS and the will NEVER get a dime. Heck, the US government loves the illegal aliens not paying taxation, why would they care about little ol me?

That's kind of the point. You don't have enough to be worth going after. The more you have, the more skin you have in the game and the more you have to lose. Indeed, that's one of the issues. Why should the 47% who don't pay taxes anyway worry about paying taxes? They get a free ride. The problem is that the reest of us have to pay twice as much just to carry the freeloaders, who, of course, want more, though they don;t want to actually work for it.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by LIGHTvsDARK

I'm with you on the victimless crime thing. We should be helping addicts and such through rehabilitation and counseling not locking them up in prison so they can learn how to break the law more efficiently. However the rehab and counseling shouldn't be forced at the federal level either. Let the states force that.

Actually check that, I'm with you on your whole argument. We are definitely living in a feudalistic society, the people are just too dumb to realize it because the MSM tells them otherwise. I mean if a talking head on the tv told you it then it MUST be true right?

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by pacifier2012

A new society is created based upon freedom and liberty.
That society fights off barbaric hordes.
The society in it's creation does it's own barbarism.
During it's formative years, that society destroys a barbarism by forcing upon the society, barbarism.
During an unprecedented growth of knowledge and advancement, political opportunists create barbarism.
During outrageous strife in the world, this society comes to the rescue of others faced by barbarism.
During the decline of the society, society implements a barbarism.
Barbarism prevails.................

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 02:28 PM
Sorry if I did not address your points folks. I do not want to get in any arguments this weekend, I just wanted to get some viewpoints on this tangent. I appreciate everyone's comments and thank you for your attribution.

I love coming back to ATS to get your viewpoints, they are usually less restricted then the usual media outlets.

By the way, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Ooooops, was that politically incorrect? Should I include kwanzaa, etc, etc, etc? You know that last is a troll right?

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by schuyler

Oops! Once again sorry. It no longer matters how much you might owe. They will just SAY you owe more, I went on disability two hrs before my wife died. 3wks later the IRS informed me I owe them over 100k even though I have been paying taxes to them my entire life. My wife dying is what started them after me.I of course do not have the money and they know that BUT if I get well and go back to work I will no longer get a paycheck even though I do not really owe them this money. However if I do not get well and live on disability the rest of my life the tax accountants say the IRS will leave me alone. So in order to live I must stay sick.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by Jerk_Idiot
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Sorry Wrabbit. There are no more safe zones anymore. The IRS will go after you anywhere in the world and they want taxes from you for an additional ten years after you leave the US. The last safe place was Paraguay. Probably the reason the Bush family bought a large plantation down there. Obama changed that when he got into office so now there is no place left that is safe.

Oh you give this humble bunny far too much credit. I pay my bills and keep myself fed right now through odd work I can scrape online doing site design and app writing while student loans keep me alive while chasing a B.A. or Masters degree. THAT level I can be the Supervisor at Burger King and not just the Fry Boy.

I wish I could say I had grand fortunes or even just a good checking account to hide and worry about for taxes. No...If things get so bad here I have to leave.....I'll be leaving a part of myself here because a good part of me, inside, will have died here the day I board that plane out. I'm American. I was born American and I'll die American. It's not just who I am but WHAT I am......and going elsewhere won't be to hide money.

If it comes to that, leave the U.S. for me will simply be about going somewhere I can live my final years in peace without a TSA finger up my tail and a hourly wage doctor with something else down my throat. I'm kinda tired of getting it from both ends...and that's about to become a near art form by the look of things.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 02:54 PM
Everyone pays taxes whether you file or not-

Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Dog License Tax
Excise Taxes
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel Permit Tax
Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)
Gross Receipts Tax
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Inventory Tax
IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Personal Property Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Service Charge Tax
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Tax
Sales Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Tangible Taxes
Telephone Federal Excise Tax
Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax
Telephone State and Local Tax
Telephone Usage Charge Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax

They actually come out on top me not filing so I am doing more than my fair share.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by kyviecaldges
This means that national law did not exist until the organic act of 1871.

I have no idea how the law combining Washington, Georgetown, and unincorporated Washington County into a single territorial government has anything to do with the idea of national law. Surely you're not denying that the US government can pass laws with authority over the entire nation? Article I, Article II, Article III, and Article VI of the Constitution all address national law, in that sense.

Article 1 section 8 were not laws. They are strict limitations placed upon the federal government.

Actually they're powers granted to the government. It's in the first sentence: "The Congress shall have Power..."

2)The Bill of Rights did not guarantee civil rights. They were limitations placed upon the federal government ONLY.
They did not apply to the states.

We did not have civil rights until after the war of the Northern aggression, and even then they only applied to the freed slaves.

Without getting into a semantic discussion over civil rights vs. civil liberties, the term civil rights was used before the Civil War. Feel free to search Google's news archive to see examples of the pre-1860 usage. I'm not sure how you got to civil rights only applying to freed slaves. The Civil Rights Act of 1866 extended the rights of white citizens to black citizens; ipso facto, civil rights already existed and were being exercised by white citizens before the Act.

Oh, and no one called it the War of Northern Aggression until the 1950s, when aging Lost Causers and segregationists made it up as part of their last attempt to cement their influence in the Solid South. Anyone using that term today comes off as hopelessly silly, at best.

It's just a god damned piece of paper NOW.

Perhaps it is just a piece of paper for people who do not read it.

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