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are those who believe of the Sandy hook conspiracies mostly gun advocates?

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posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 12:57 PM
And are those who are against the conspiracies mostly stronger gun law advocates?

I could be way off base here. But may be right on one or the other. This is not about why a conspiracy is right or wrong. But more of getting to motives.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 01:03 PM
No those who believe that tragedy is a conspiracy are lacking common sense and or decency it doesn’t matter what their stance on guns are they can be found on either side.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 01:05 PM
I'm truly starting to believe that there are 3 things that are going on with the 'conspiracy' believers here:

1)They are trying to cope, and having a hard time, and therefore, believing that these people didnt really die is easier (even without any proof), than it is to believe that this horrible tragedy could happen.

2)They are seeking attention, hoping to be the first to find the 'smoking gun', thereby cementing themselves as a celebrity in conspiracy circles.


3)Like you say, they are gun advocates looking for anything to take away from the negativity surrounding guns right now.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 01:18 PM
I'm pro-gun and don't believe the conspiracies. What I do believe is that the complete lack of fact checking by the media led to so much incorrect information being shoved down our throats, that they opened the door for a million conspiracy angles.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 01:20 PM
Wait til someone ties in George Bush or Halliburton to all this........

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 01:25 PM
I do not think the rash of shootings (as they are false-flags - no doubt MSM cannot hide everything) is about controlling and or regulating guns. I think it's more about placing armed guards and Police (what-have-you) [mercenaries for that matter] in every nook and cranny we can possible shove them in...

Think the TSA is bad? Just what till some BlackWater type is shoving his hand down your wife's or daughter's skirt while a MP-15 is pointed at your head.
edit on 22-12-2012 by ConspiracyBuff because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by bknapple32

Yes, because that's the only thing they can use to justify their position, everything else is quickly dispelled.

The right to overthrow a government?
Not gonna happen with guns against a military power unless the military defects - in which case you don't need your guns to do that.

Self defence?
Right, because a Bushmaster is really the right kind of weapon to fend off a burglar or a mugging in the street!

The second amendment?
Which trumps the first? Not likely. The second was written at a time when these weapons and their power were inconceivable. Those who wrote that statement would vomit in the faces of NRA if they could see what America has become thanks to that piece of paper. It's as irrelevant as any document the Taliban uses to excuse hanging gay people or stoning rape victims.

The pro-gun public can't think of any real reason to justify their lust for fire-power. They're like guys with small members buying a Ferrari in reality.
So they're desperate to create anything they can to justify their outrage over the idea that their love of these objects is what is causing these events, in concert with mental illness (something we see on ATS every single day).

The facts don't matter to these people, they'll think of anything to make this about the government, and not about them and their responsibilities.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by ConspiracyBuff
Think the TSA is bad? Just what till some BlackWater type is shoving is hand down your wife's or daughter's skirt while a MP-15 is pointed at your head.

This is what people want though, you don't get it by now.. People are crying to take all the weapons in America away so no more of these shootings occur.. They don't pay attention to what their constitution actually stated...

Well regulated militia not be infringed right to bear arms.. this means nothing to them.. I don't know what people are talking about getting rid of weapons..

There are things odd about this shooting and why we are all seeing it just like everything in the news, it is there because of some reason or another.... remember that its not there to be there.. if there was we would hear about the cop who gives 100 bucks to someone cause they are down on their luck or something all the time but here we are watching f*cked up things happening all the time... News is there to persuade people one way or another... that is it... there is no other reason for it.. Like all news they are pushing an agenda.. If you look at some of the earlier postings on ATS, some guy called what was going to happen before the news stated it... It was obvious considering the past couple shootings..

But lets all give our guns up so Blackwater TSA agents can guard us in our houses and make sure shady things aing going on....

For the record I am not fond of guns but I tell you what, I am hella glad we have the right to get one if we ever need it...

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 03:13 PM
My gun advocacy motive?

It is simply a response to the MSM.

I watch very little TV but it is hard to pass in front of a TV set without being made keenly
aware that the MSM is turning this shooting into a gun-rights issue.

There are two aspects to the coverage; emotional pieces about grieving families, followed
closely by pundits explaining why assault guns are evil and should be banned. Youtube has
front-paged Obama's speech for several days now. It is a blanket cover of anti-gun propaganda.

My reaction is to fight for what I know is right...for what our founders knew was right...for
the law of land in the US.

I'm fighting back against a society of pampered, naive, sheltered, individuals without the ability
to understand human history, and lacking the empathy to apply that to their present day
situation....I would rather not say "I told you so" in the future.

I would rather say learn from history (RECENT HISTORY) and realize that it is
imperative that we maintain our ability to defend ourselves...

The sheep are too trusting of the shepard
edit on 22-12-2012 by rival because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by bknapple32

I don't see gun advocates pushing anything here, what I see is anti gun people arguing there is nothing wrong with the official story, even though we get so many conflicting stories from witnesses and the police.

They reported that the kid Adam used handguns to kill everyone, and then the medical examiner says all the kids died from multiple rifle shots, then they arrested other shooters, and some witnesses saw these people shooting, but now the official story being told is that the Kid Adam did it all.. even though the rifle was in a locked car trunk.

Investigative reporting and truthfull fact finding do NOT seem to be a part of any official investigation here, but the only real thing happening afterwards, is for lawful gun owners and citizens to have their rights completely revoked.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by bknapple32

What are gun advocates exactly? People who believe in the bill of rights and the constitution? People who believe in the 2nd amendment as much as the rest of them? If so, I think all Americans should be "gun advocates" lest they forget and neglect there own freedom and what it means to be an American and to be free.

People who question the Sandy Hook shooting are mostly people who have common sense and are aware. That meaning it really dosen't take much else to realize all the glaring inconstant statements and "facts" we have been presented, both from law enforcement and from MSM outlets.

This is rapidly becoming a situation that is turning from a "conspiracy theory" into something that looks more like Fast and Furious when you starting adding up the facts about whats actually happened.

edit on 22-12-2012 by Helious because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 03:45 PM
I should add to my previous comment that I do not think it is all who think conspiracy in this event who fit the three things i listed above. There are only certain 'angles' that are being proposed that seem too be reaching so hard.

the truth is, and I have already stated it elsewhere, that I think there is a far more nefarious reason for all of this than a gun grab or something of the sort. I think an event like this boarders on occultism, and there are things-things that havent come out yet that I dont really wish to speak about right now out of respect if they are incorrect-but there are things that point to something very sinister going on.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by bknapple32

Well you do have NSSF National Shooting Sports Foundation only a couple miles from the School. And they are pushing for shooting programs in schools. To be part of elective sports programs for high schools. Seems they give most of their money to two companies. Reed Exhibitions and FEDERAL CAPITAL COMMUNICATIONS. Reeds does shows all over the world including video games and gun shows. They are now just protecting there own profit. Cerberus is also tied to this town.

NSSF seems to be tied to a lot of the online sales of ammo and guns.

Cerberus owner Snow worked for the Bush White house for commerce and was a big push on dropping the gun ban. Then he forms Cerberus when he left in 2006 and bought up all the gun manufactures.

The APEX Awards for Publishing Excellence, sponsored by Communications Concepts, Inc., given to the NSSF team were in the categories of Websites for the organization’s main website,, and Special Purpose Campaigns, Programs and Strategic Plans for the year-long effort in educating the public about modern sporting rifles.

“We are extremely excited to be honored by APEX for our achievements with our new website and our educational campaign on the modern sporting rifle,” said Dolnack. “Both of these projects required a unique mix of strategic thinking and then precise execution. The feedback we received on the two projects from our staff, members and the public has been great, and this is icing on the cake.”

So NSSF won awards for being the best at pushing gun sales of assault weapons. And they are only two miles from the school.
edit on 22-12-2012 by JBA2848 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 07:13 PM
Interesting debates all. Let me reiterate, I have no scientific data to support this. Not yet at least. Just a hypothesis based off my observations. Ive tended to notice the motive behind these super gov conspiracies for sandy hook are to come get the guns...

I wish we could do a poll on here.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by detachedindividual
reply to post by bknapple32

Those who wrote that statement would vomit in the faces of NRA if they could see what America has become thanks to that piece of paper. It's as irrelevant as any document the Taliban uses to excuse hanging gay people or stoning rape victims.

I would really like to see some evidence to support these claims. Are you a time traveler? Or are these just your opinions?
edit on 22-12-2012 by forgetmenot because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by bknapple32
Interesting debates all. Let me reiterate, I have no scientific data to support this. Not yet at least. Just a hypothesis based off my observations. Ive tended to notice the motive behind these super gov conspiracies for sandy hook are to come get the guns...

I wish we could do a poll on here.

Last I heard they are trying or are doing an assault ban on AR15 style weapons no?
edit on 12/22/2012 by ThichHeaded because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by ThichHeaded

Originally posted by bknapple32
Interesting debates all. Let me reiterate, I have no scientific data to support this. Not yet at least. Just a hypothesis based off my observations. Ive tended to notice the motive behind these super gov conspiracies for sandy hook are to come get the guns...

I wish we could do a poll on here.

Last I heard they are trying or are doing an assault ban on AR15 style weapons no?
edit on 12/22/2012 by ThichHeaded because: (no reason given)

Obama had nothing but dems from 06 to 08. Why not just try it then?

Getting ar 15s is hardly taking all the guns away

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
I think an event like this boarders on occultism, and there are things-things that havent come out yet that I dont really wish to speak about right now out of respect if they are incorrect-but there are things that point to something very sinister going on.

This. My belief of conspiracy has nothing to do with guns, though I do support the 2nd amendment. I don't really see what the OP is seeing regarding gun nuts being the ones advocating the conspiracy (no offense OP). And it has nothing to do with the Bible or Satan, these globalists don't even believe in Satan. It's not devil horns they hold up, it's bull horns...
edit on 23-12-2012 by CudiTheKid because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by CudiTheKid

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
I think an event like this boarders on occultism, and there are things-things that havent come out yet that I dont really wish to speak about right now out of respect if they are incorrect-but there are things that point to something very sinister going on.

This. My belief of conspiracy has nothing to do with guns, though I do support the 2nd amendment. I don't really see what the OP is seeing regarding gun nuts being the ones advocating the conspiracy (no offense OP). And it has nothing to do with the Bible or Satan, these globalists don't even believe in Satan. It's not devil horns they hold up, it's bull horns...
edit on 23-12-2012 by CudiTheKid because: (no reason given)

Never called them gun nuts. I am seeing if there is a correlation between those who think sandy was a false flag to take guns away. Seems to be the prevalent motive.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 01:30 AM
I am pro gun, and I honestly don't know. All i know is that there's enough bull excrement going on to necessitate hip waders. I haven't been reading every single Sandy Hook conspiracy thread along with the main thread and at this point it would take a solid week to compile enough data to reach a sensible conclusion.

All I know is what I know, and that's guns. That didn't look like any Bushmaster AR i've ever seen; the one that got pulled out of the trunk. I'd put money on it being a very-illegally modified (read: sawn off SHORT) Saiga shotgun with a Dragunov-styled stock. To the best of my knowledge the Dragunov stock is not manufactured in any form for AR-type weapons.The 1080p is on youtube. It is NOT easy to confuse the two weapons, as the front sight towers and receivers are radically different.

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