Have to admit, I actually laughed when I read the original title of this article. As a migraine sufferer, I've often joked about performing
self-lobotomies on days when the migraines were really bad...here's something different to discuss rather than all the gloom and doom threads out
I was thinking, maybe they used separate tools to "liquefy" the brain and remove it. I'd assume liquefying the brain would entail "mashing" the
brain with a stick, It would make sense to me that a stick would be more effective than a hook... just a thought...
I've often wondered how they performed the mummification too - and I hope to high heavens these mummies were dead when the procedures were started.
I couldn't imagine being alive and having this done. What makes me curious is how the heck do you forget something in someone's brain? there must
have been a good story behind that...