posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 08:39 PM
Somehow, War has changed it's public image too. In WWI, & WWII, the word War was good enough. Then, around 1982 I think, starting with the Falklands,
we began calling them "Conflicts". Smaller and snappier than an actual War, and easier to convince public opinion with something that didn't have
the cultural scarring that "War" carried. So we had the Falklands "Conflict". Which was jusst as much a War as any other. But the Infernal
Bitchlizard WitchQueen of Grantham's popularity was waning, and the word "War" had such negative connotations.
Then in Bosnia, things got a bit surreal. The Balkans were on lockdown. Milosovic's Werewolf Troops were slaying their way right across what used to
be Yugoslavia. But they weren't killing the Bosnian Muslims, the Serbs were "Ethnically cleansing" Bosnia.
So instead of sending in Spies to see how the Land lay, the UN sent in "Observers". They weren't Spies, because they had Uniforms on. They had no
mandate for Military Intervention, so a Task Force might have been seen by as an aggressive act. So "UN Observers" it was. Then, when intervention
was finally decided on, There was no "Invading Army", no Soldiers at all it seemed. Instead of sending in Soldiers,to establish Military control,
they sent in a "Peacekeeping" Force.
Now, by this time, there was no peace there to keep, the Balkans were a bloodbath. But there weren't Armies fighting there, there were "Militias".
And they weren't at War at all, There was no "War". Instead, there was a "Peace Process" Whatever the # that was. Somehow, "War" had become
"Peace". Under the dubious guise of "Air-support", UN Forces were effectively carpet-bombing Belgrade on a daily basis, with all the robust
enthusiasm of WWII's Bomber Command over Dresden.
So,now, a state of War, (Sorry,"Conflict") seems to be the dominant paradigm. Only now, we don't fight Armies or Militias, (Afghanistan has seen
off two Superpowers now, and they've never even had an Army) we fight "Insurgencies". So basically,any member of what was left of the public, who
looked a bit moody, could be classed as an "Insurgent" and either engaged, or detained. But it wasn't Internment. Or a pogrom. It was "Security".
Foreign Governments we didn't like, became "Regimes". Their own Police Forces became became "Government Paramilitaries" . Succesful "invasion
and conquer" became a rather dull sounding "Regime change". Garrisoned Troops of UN Peacekeepers became "Security Advisors". So watch your backs,
because before we know it, Peace might break out. Then we've REALLY had it.