posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 03:17 AM
I believe a woman should have the right to use a firearm to defend herself against rape.
I believe a homosexual should have the right to use a firearm to defend their self against hate crime.
I believe a member of any race should have a right to use a firearm to defend their self against hate crime.
I believe a country of people, for the people, and by the people, should have a right to defend itself against ANY form of governance it deems
I believe a farmer/rancher, who works for the benefit of society, has the right to defend their property and investment on behalf of both their self
and society.
I believe a man or woman has the right to protect their family and their offspring as they see fit.
I believe any member of society has a right to defend another member of society.
I believe all creatures have a right to hunt for food according to their abilities.
I believe everyone in a free society should be afforded adequate and reasonable means to defend themselves against violence, specifically violence
involving projectile weapons, in the most efficient form adequate for individual protection, in accordance with their day, age, and technology.
I believe most talk of banning firearms comes from ignorance and urbanization where the uneducated “educated” think they understand everything
because they are fully “domesticated” and unable to see beyond the bounds of urban domestic life despite the realities of rural life which REQUIRE
practical and efficient means of defense regarding the self and property (for both the self and the benefit of all society).
Who does not believe in these things who loves their self and their society, and who believes these things can be accomplished by calling 9-1-1
(emergency services, if possible and available), or done efficiently and effectively with household goods not designed for such a purpose? Complete
idiots is the answer!
Talk of banning firearms is talk of banning an individual's right to efficiently and effectively defend their life and society in accordance with
technological progress and reasonable use of such. It is lunacy, ignorance, and negligence in the highest degree. It is a hatred of progress and the
full embrace of REGRESS. There is no excuse for such except mental illness or pure ignorance. Those who hate the individual right to defend
themselves and who hate firearms are anti-self, anti-reason, anti-human rights, anti-individualism, and anti-progress. They are ignorant fools who
think the State gains power without fighting, violence, or threat of force, from the root of the People from which all power is derived in a FREE
Power to the People – support your RIGHTS!