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Doomsday re-scheduled? Archaeological record suggests Mayan Armageddon is Sunday

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posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:15 PM
I sure hope so-

Surely you all don't wanna keep going on like this do ya?

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:16 PM
The 2012ers need to let it go. If the world was to end, there is nothing anyone could do to stop it. Just live your life and not worry about things you can't control.

While the 2012ers is focus on doomsday, I've been trying to focus on things like the fiscal cliff and trying to figure out what's going on with that.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by BrBen

I think I remember that. But I couldn't remember who posted it, and couldn't find it again. I saw someone else say it should be the 23rd as well. That's how it goes around here though.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by BrBen

This year's winter solstice – which marks the shortest day of the year – is on 22 December.

No it wasn't.

@OP: Go Home! Now!

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by superman2012
reply to post by Rocks123

I was getting pretty sad that I wouldn't be able to read anymore Mayan Doom threads...then I saw this! I wonder what the people that thought this would be over today are thinking now?

I Think it goes something like this ..... PFFFFFFFFFFT!!!!

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:27 PM
No, it isn't allowed to come this Sunday. That day's my Christmas dinner with my family and I want that tasty tasty turkey. I've got it! I'll circle the Earth and reverse time like Super Man!

... Why are we still continuing on with this charade? I mean, really? Just stop. Enough. It's over. Done. Ended. Terminated. Ancient history. At an end. Closed. Completed. Gone. Past. Concluded. Settled. Up. (Thank you

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by BrBen

Mr. Ben,

Thank you for explanation, I am very grateful. But I can assure you, we will wake up on Sunday and continue in same circus. Maybe more earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes with volcanic eruptions along with nuclear explosion triggered will decrease us, or the fact that we are very good at killing each other or building weapons of proportions to destroy our planet few times and once more, that is realistic actually probability is very high. Now if Mayans were hoping for gods to land from heaven, with flags and fireworks, I think this time they might cancel the show, I am sure they would land without saying hello to us.... whatever it is or not, if it happens it will happen over the period of time, not in the blink of the eye, what fun would that be?

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:31 PM
I went to the online timewave calculator, the old-school one, and there was always a choice for Dec 21 or Dec 23 end date. That is until I went to take a screen shot of it for the thread and found that it was revised this month and you can choose between a Dec 21, 2012 end date or a July 8, 2018 end date. Nice, an extra 6 years.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by Phage

Thank you Phage, I might start liking you,
that is what I thought, when I mentioned waking up on Sunday.....

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:38 PM
I know I read it on many sites years ago (which I am unable to find now due to the massive flood of dec 21 2012 sites there are now). But if I remember rightly it was stated that the end of the 13th Baktun was to fall on Dec 23 2012, but was moved too the 21st to coincide with the winter solstice. My guess would be to better describe the galactic alignment theory. There are still a few sites which mention this non of which I would call reliable.

edit on 21-12-2012 by Maddog5595 because: I'm new and messed up trying to quote an off site quote, so I just went ahead and removed it.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:39 PM
So no matter what, people refuse to acknowledge that the Mayans never predicted doom.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by Phage

Not until you find a video of Lithgow jumping around like a Mayan.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:39 PM
here's some more info on the 'so called alignment' gical-Significance-of-December-23rd-2012
edit on 12/21/2012 by SheldonCooper because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by King_John
Funny thing is last night I had a dream that Sunday was actually the important date. Not saying it's anything more than a dream but the title made me laugh when I saw it.

I too had had a dream around November 15 that I vaguely remember. I am sure you know how that works.
I remember I and others were taken somewhere, I thought Russia for I was wondering if I could understand the language. There was a man talking about prophecy who mentioned forty days. I asked if I might ask a question? He replied who are you? I think my reply was I am insignificant. The important thing is how do you arrive at forty days? What do you base your forty day prophetic study on? Why do you say forty days? My dream ended there. Perplexed I wondered about the dream and regretted that I did not get a reply. The very next morning I was surfing the web and came across this article and it was part of the answer to the forty days. Forty days would be around the 23 or 24 of December.

Then I came across this article.

Judah Ben Samuel consecrated his life to God and he was a model of abstinence and selflessness and was awaiting with a burning desire the coming of the Messiah.
Ben Samuel was often called “Light of Israel.” Even bishops came to him for advice. If anyone asked him where his wisdom came from he would answer, “The prophet Elijah, who will precede the Messiah, appeared to me and revealed many things to me and emphasized that the precondition for answered prayer is that it is fueled by enthusiasm and joy for the greatness and holiness of God.”
His astonishing predictions:

In AD 1217 this scholarly and pious rabbi prophesied that the Ottoman Turks would rule over the holy city of Jerusalem for eight Jubilees. Now, keep in mind, he made this prediction 300 years before the Ottoman Turks seized control of Jerusalem in 1517. If indeed 1217 and 1517 were jubilee years as Judah Ben Samuel believed, then his prophecy was exactly right, because exactly 400 years after the Turks took control of Jerusalem they were driven out of the city and the holy land in 1917 by the Allied forces under the command of General George Allenby – on Hanukkah, by the way.
But it gets more interesting still.

The rabbi also prophesied that during the ninth Jubilee Jerusalem would be a “no-man’s land.” This is exactly what happened from 1917 to 1967, due to the fact that the Holy Land was placed under British Mandate in 1917 by the League of Nations and literally “belonged” to no nation.
Even after Israel’s war of independence in 1948-49, Jerusalem was still divided by a strip of land running right through the heart of the city, with Jordan controlling the eastern part of the city and Israel controlling the western part of the city. That strip of land was considered and even called “no-man’s land” by both the Israelis and the Jordanians.
Then in the Six Day War in 1967 the entire West Bank of the Holy Land was conquered by the Israeli army along with the whole city of Jerusalem which passed back into the possession of Israel. So once again the prophecy made by the rabbi 750 years previously was fulfilled to the letter.
It certainly would be significant if both 1917 and 1967 were Jubilee years, considering the significance of what happened in Jerusalem on those years. But it gets even more interesting, because Judah Ben Samuel also prophesied that during the 10th Jubilee Jerusalem would be under the control of the Jews and the Messianic “end times” would begin. If he’s right, the 10th Jubilee began in 1967 and will be concluded in 2017.

Knock off 1260 days for the tribulation and we are out of time.

Then i came across this article.

Usually, the winter solstice occurs on the 21 December, but that can shift for the same reasons we have leap years: the Earth takes 365.25 days to orbit the sun, but the Gregorian calendar has only 365 days so each year the solstice is pushed back by around six hours.
"At extreme ends of the four year calendrical cycle the solstice can sometimes get shunted into the early hours of the 22nd, as it does this year. Next year is a leap year, which resets the calendar so that the winter solstice will fall on the 21st again," said Marek Kukula at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London.

This year's winter solstice – which marks the shortest day of the year – is on 22 December.
The official onset of winter and the beginning of the end for long, dark nights in the northern hemisphere is marked by the winter solstice, which is this year at 5.30am (GMT)

Eastern standard time is five hours ahead of Greenwich mean time.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:42 PM
Hello All,

Just some thoughts about December 22, 2012. That's the day when all the debunkers will be in absolute paradise because it will then be realized by everyone that all the Mayan threads will crash and burn. YEARS of prophesied doom down the drain. That's the day when all the fear gets washed away and millions will finally take their lives off "hold" and find themselves in a state of what, embarrassment? But it gets better- or worse depending on one's state of mind. That's when a different, more serious kind of reality sets in. The reality of "now what?' Because, when the Mayan psychological hurdle has passed by, the sobering thought of the real state of the world and it's societies will float to the top.

I would like to think that December 22, 2012 will deal a sever blow to the pseudosciences and much of the world regarding all the superstitions that created the doomsday myth to begin with. All the time spent worrying about nothing. The hours spent on Forum threads spinning and answering to the false claims, the trumped up images of destruction, Alien portholes, the fears of Galactic alignment, world disaster, unnatural upheavals, massive earthquakes, enormous tidal devastation along coasts, massive name it. All for what?

All for nothing that's what. But then what else is to be expected from a civilization that has not evolved far enough to get beyond things that go bump in the night. I'm reminded of the movie "Castaway" starring Tom Hanks. His first night on the island he was terrified of things that went bump in the night. The next day he discovered it was falling coconuts. Something real and natural and not to be feared. The paranormal landscape leading up to December 22, 2012 is no different. One day with any luck at all you'll hang the witches and laugh at the present doomsayers (and hopefully future ones too!) as if they were children who didn't know better. Maybe even pity them for remaining BY CHOICE ignorant of Truth and preferring to live in the dark. They however are NOT to be excused for their deeds along the way!

Even worse than their ignorance though is that those very harbingers of World calamity will have absolutely no remorse for the vicious rumor filled senarios they perpetuated and made money off of. No remorse for the false images of an Earth fated for carnage. No remorse for creating mindsets steeped in what-ifs and fear, and no remorse for their total disregard of Human Beings and their progress as a species. Generating instead a stage of frozen thought and little or nothing in the way knowledge. Many were involved in the heisting and control of minds and hearts of the many good people who believed them, and their somehow twisted hate for our race. The Mayan myth was a perfect set up for stunting Human growth; side-tracking many from the natural reality of life on this Planet.

I would perhaps like to think that anyone who bought into these end of the world prophecies, promoted by those who take pleasure in scaring large populations of innocently susceptable people, would take a well deserved pause for themselves on December 22nd. Log off the Forums, turn off the computers, the TVs, the radios, the phones, and sit for one half hour in a quiet place somewhere and reflect on the picture of reality before them. The Earth is intact. The civilization isn't in any danger. It NEVER WAS in any danger. And assess perhaps just exactly what the whole Mayan scare tactic was all about. What was the point? How did it ever get so blown out of proportion and why was it so widely received as having any truth whatsoever? And most importantly just exactly why did you believe in such a thing?

I hope you can do that. If you can't then you will just go on to the next doom senario and repeat everything including the fear all over again. The Mayan thing went on for years and years. I would hope your lives are way more important to you than to ever allow yourself to go through such a huge conjured lie like this one was ever again.


posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:42 PM


They didn't have MONDAYS!!

Why all the doom and gloom


Life was good back Then

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:43 PM
No ,no only one apocalypse per year,Beside if it happens on sunday it's Jesus coming back to save us.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:43 PM
Rescheduled or not, it doesn't change reality that most of us will still be here on Monday.

But don't be sad, between mother nature and mankind, there will be many smaller doomsdays to fret over.


posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:45 PM
I'm just disappointed that all of the doom porn hasn't reached its climax yet... Hehe, climax... I'mma carry on with my life now.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by cavtrooper7

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