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MEDIA CONSPIRACY: Where is the Video from the 12/17/2012 State Police Press Conference??

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posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 09:38 AM
I'm sure someone more savvy than I can locate it, but I've spent about 30 minutes total over the past 2 days searching, and cannot locate the entire Connecticut State Police press conference from Monday, 12/17/2012.

I watched this conference live, and went searching for it because 4 key things stood out to me. I don't know if it has been completely scrubbed (someone help please) but suppressed seems to be fair speculation.

Here are the 4 things that stood out and struck me as strange:

1) Lt. Vance stated that the events inside the school were too difficult to discuss. Pardon me, but isn't that his job? If things happened inside that school as we are led to believe, then of course it would be gruesome. But we are all adults here. Failure to give details makes it appear that LE are hiding something until they can get their story straight, in my opinion.

2) He discussed a second shooting victim who was alive. How is it that in a case of this magnitude that no one knows who these people are? Why aren't their families all over the news crying and praising God that their loved ones survived this massacre? Don't we need a feel good story in the face of this tragedy? If this was a lone gunman attack and not some broader conspiracy, what damage could these people possibly do in coming forward?

3) He made an odd, angry statement about people not making fun of the extra security in the schools, and that it was not a joking matter. I really want to see a clip of this. I was only half listening at the time, and when I heard it I tuned in a little more closely. Maybe I missed something here, but actual footage would be helpful.

4) The now famous statement about going after social media false reports. This is the one video clip that I've been able to locate. Everyone is keying on this one, albeit significant portion of his presser, but I think there is a lot more meat on this bone.

One important point about number 4 above is that Lt. Vance says that only info that comes from the microphones in front of him is official (and by extension of the rest of his statement, safe from potential prosecution). So why is it so hard to find the video of him talking into those microphones??? If that is the one true and official account, shouldn't it be plastered all over every news organization website on the planet?

Again, I would love for someone to post a link to this full press conference so that we can discuss the above points in more accurate detail. I'm also curious to know if anyone else finds it suspicious that this video seems to be playing hide and seek.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by notquitesure

Let's try for a second to put aside the conspiracy portion of this and just think rationally for a moment.

You have a human being who is in charge of an investigation into a crime that has people scrambling for an answer and most likely this guy is dealing with so much information that he gets a bit mixed up here and there. (he is human).

Then you add in the speculation floating around and the damage control he must do. During that he has a few slip ups. All in all though he is well intentioned.

He also does not control mass media, so them taking videos down might just be due to the fact that the investigation is ongoing and officials would like the speculation to stop so they can properly assess this situation. We all know how the media and people like to run off with wild speculation don't we?

My point here is the man is human and prone to mistakes and people are taking care to not offend the parents involved and also respect the investigation.

All in all nothing fishy is happening and for the most part can be explained rather rationally without it being a conspiracy.

I also think promoting the conspiracy angle in this instance does no real good. If your worried about laws changing go after your representatives and stop blaming senseless shooting on your supposed infringed rights. Of which you have plenty by the way.

Americans are spoiled paranoid children whom don't mind spreading the propaganda their fed. Just my opinion. Americans should respect it considering you value free speech so much.
edit on 21-12-2012 by TheCanuckian because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 09:50 AM
I have links to some of them I will check to see if any are from Monday....I also watched almost all of them ....How about the one where he was asked about the weapons......he says 3 and 3 ONLY.......Well if 3 were found by the shooter and 1 was in the car doesn't that make him a liar?

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by TheCanuckian

ll in all nothing fishy is happening and for the most part can be explained rather rationally without it being a conspiracy.

Um, no, no it can't all be explained rationally.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by TheCanuckian

I believe that I am thinking quite rationally. Lt. Vance is a trained professional. Perhaps he has never been put in this exact position, but this is what he does.

Only a handful of organized pressers have been held pertaining to this event. This was one of them. This is not some off the cuff confrontation in a school parking lot. Every word and every detail is planned out in advance.

That's not to say that he couldn't misspeak. But it isn't as if he is being ambushed. And from his own mouth, whatever he says into those mics is the official record. The official record should be readily available to the public. If you misspeak, publish a retraction to the official record. Simple enough.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 10:37 AM
This thread is a good and worthy venue to add some discussion to this matter of CT Vance and press conference videos that are not available. I offer this discussion, because like the OP, I too have had difficulty in finding videos that should be out there for us to consider if indeed CT Vance meant what he stated, which I am now very reluctant to accept as the truth.

First, I would state that in any conspiracy, it is critical to control all information about what has happened. Then by spoon feeding the media what you want they to repeat, they repeat whatever LE gives them. This would include the alternative media that can be manipulated by just using those in alternative media who because of their egos, care more for hits and monetizing their views than understanding that they are helping the govt by means of the media, to spread false information and disinformation.

We live in an age where not everyone in society is mentally deficient or mentally retarded and it is these awaken individuals that see the many flaws and inconsistencies in the official story and are thus compelled to ask questions. To have CT Vance tell us we cannot challenge the official story for fear of prosecution is to me a more clear sign that CT Vance is a willing NWO slave mouthpiece to those that have told him what to do and how to do it.

With any capital crime of this nature, once federal agencies take over an investigation, the local authorities are relegated to being helpers to the feds and no longer have any investigative authority.

The fact that videos are missing from public consideration must also be viewed from the stand point of a real conspiracy where information is being controlled. In such an environment, any past videos that weakens the official story or provides proof of deliberate misstatements or outright lies must also be controlled. This is why in my opinion if we are having trouble finding those videos from the CT Vance briefings, then it could be, because those videos hurt the official story instead of supporting the official story.

We should endeavor to continue our questioning of anything that does not make sense for we must investigate this incident with truth not lies and deception. Having the feds investigate themselves is to me the surest way to cover up any and all flaws that might be discovered in the operation aftermath. This to me indicates that CT Vance and his fellow troopers are more involved in hiding and covering up evidence than they are in truly investigating the crime so that the real criminals are brought to justice.

What we have seen since 911 on Sept. 11, is a clear and repeated indication that we can no longer trust law enforcement, FBI or others to do their jobs to the benefit of the public, nor are they concerned with solving crimes or arresting the real culprits.

Not all LE types are criminal corrupt cops or troopers just doing what they are told to keep a job and it is these honest men and woman of LE that must come forth and help in stopping this continuing decay of LE being used to do damage control and to protect the criminals. The death of so many children should convince many honest LE types that to go along is to go along with evil and a mafia type of corruption that is politicized to the point that the real criminals never get a mention and the innocent framed shooters and their families are murdered to paint the picture that a lone gun man, shoots his mother and then goes on a mass killing spree.

The brain dead, Zombefied citizens might buy this dribble, but as I stated earlier, not everyone is asleep at the wheel and or will accept these lies as being the truth.

What the missing videos from the CT Vance briefings clearly shows me, along with all the mistakes and lies that have been given to the media to report, is exactly why we need to challenge the official story and the lies being told to us.

The missing videos, are in my opinion harmful to the official story and so, by removing them by whatever means they are doing so, it ensures we cannot catch them in their lies and deceptions with evidence that they generated themselves. This is why those videos have to be removed from the awaken, for once viewed, the awaken will know what I know, that the Sandy Hook Shooting was never about a lone gunman on meds.

Lastly I would close by stating that just like 911 gave us the Patriot act and Homeland security and our beloved TSA, it also changed up the intelligence hierarchy of our govt intelligence agencies and because 911 allowed Bush to gain powers and to implement these agencies that only serve the interests of the govt. so will Sandy Hook be used to continue the restrictions and loss of freedoms once enjoyed by Americans.

Anti gun legislation is what Sandy Hook as a false flag will create, and and in its wake, we will see over time, just as with the Patriot act, that it only gets worse, not better, so keep looking for those videos.

Thanks for the thread.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 10:43 AM
There is a video on CNN of a presser. That is HERE.

There is also a transcript of the same, here.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by OneisOne
There is a video on CNN of a presser. That is HERE.

There is also a transcript of the same, here.
I checked the transcript link and found references to the interview (I assume is what OPs on to) on the day prior?

According to date stamp of this thread, this interview was held after three days of investigations?

It's gotta be from the 16th, lost in oblivion now?

edit on (12/21/1212 by loveguy because: punctuation

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by loveguy

The transcript from the presser on that date is online too.

It can be found here. -

Incase anyone wants to look for others that CNN has transcripts of, that link is here.

You can look them up by date.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 01:09 PM
Ok, thanks to OneIsOne for the assist. The transcript from the 12/17/2012 presser is here:

12/17/2012 Presser Transcript

A few quick notes. Points 1-3 in the OP hold up. I encourage everyone to read for themselves. Point 4, however was not there. Apparently that was from the previous day's press conference. On a personal note, interesting to me how my mind had managed to blend the two together.

I had forgotten a couple of things that stand out.

One was that he would not discuss anything about Adam having his brother's ID. Still trying to get their story straight or nothing more than concerns about liability?

Another was his unwillingness or inability to discuss security cameras at the school. Pretty major point, no? Think this guy really has no idea?

Finally, I still cannot find the video from this day. 12/17/2012. I may agree with MaxBlack that this was a poor performance which they didn't want hanging out there too long.

Again, I encourage everyone to go read the transcript for themselves and start dissecting.
edit on 21-12-2012 by notquitesure because: punctuation

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 01:57 PM
MAX......good points and I will add......I am fairly sure some of the radio recordings of the first on the scene have since been sanitized......Missing videos?.....I will keep my eye out for far as I know the FBI is only helping.....I spoke to a female officer at Conn State Police yesterday.....asked her if the FBI had taken over and she said only helping for now.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 02:02 PM
what conspiracy

edit on 21-12-2012 by racer451 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by racer451

All three of these links are from 12/14/2012. I am specifically searching for the 12/17/2012 State Police briefing by Vance. It aired live around 10:00 a.m.

I'm not saying it doesn't exist. Someone must have it somewhere. Someone earlier was helpful enough to locate a transcript. It does appear scarce though, and no one has come up with the video so far.

I appreciate it if you were sincerely trying to help. If you can locate the 12/17/2012 video and link it for us I would be much obliged.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 02:25 PM
That last video......he said only one survivor that had been there were not 2 adults at the hospital only 1 and 2 kids.......also he is asked about more shooters........ .he says only 1 shooter right that gonna change? Very interesting.......

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by SMOKINGGUN2012

Again, that video was from the day of the event. All the more reason to locate all of the relevant videos such as the 12/17/2012 briefing to compare versions.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by notquitesure
reply to post by SMOKINGGUN2012

Again, that video was from the day of the event. All the more reason to locate all of the relevant videos such as the 12/17/2012 briefing to compare versions.

OK, after much searching I found a video that matchs the transcript.

It is here….

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by OneisOne

Originally posted by notquitesure
reply to post by SMOKINGGUN2012

Again, that video was from the day of the event. All the more reason to locate all of the relevant videos such as the 12/17/2012 briefing to compare versions.

OK, after much searching I found a video that matchs the transcript.

It is here….

Great! I felt confident that someone here would locate it. I still find it suspicious that it seems to be so hard to find just days after the event.

I would encourage all of the ATS super sleuths to go over this video with a fine tooth comb and compare it to other available videos.

I don't claim to know exactly what happened, or how it happened. But I do believe there is a pattern in this country of LE misleading us and media complicity in such matters. An open and shut case of a lone nut shooting up a school shouldn't be that mysterious, should it?

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 03:02 PM
I just watched that and he did say 2 adult survivors who were shot. Is one of them the guy from the woods?

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by SMOKINGGUN2012

According to Vance, they were two adults who were injured "in the facility, in the school." Still haven't heard anything else about these people, though I haven't been hanging on every detail. Any new word?


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