posted on May, 5 2003 @ 12:38 AM
You live at most 150 years and then you are FORCED to die whether you like it or not.
They are not humans they are Wraiths, serving a lord they can not see, an inhuman master that swallows the lives of all it touches.
Until they learn that their lord sees their lives as valueless, I will not see their lives in any more worth, then their lord.
It's all right, when you are forced to fight them with your blood you'll hate them too.
No one can "love" everyone, some people are just the polar opposites of what others stand for.
Now maybe you can look past the fact that they would destroy your way of life if their leaders simply thought that they wouldn't die in the
But I can't see past that fact, they are a dangerous beast, and should be treated as such, just as to them we are the same, and they do treat us as
such, but then I guess you never go far from the tour guides at the Great Wall.
Tolkien was actually quite right, with his experiences in WWI, the world is full of Wraiths.
People who have no morals themselves, who will stand up not for their beleifs, but the beliefs of their "masters". And from this has come, Nazism,
And when America tries to put down these "dictators" these Saurons, the rest of the gebbeth-like world comes to their aid and say we are the bad
Of course, Evil does not rule until by Good's own hand, does Good slay it's strongest, in the name of popularity.
It may not be popular to disdane the Chinese, but the day will come.
[Edited on 5-5-2003 by HKoT]