I got up this morning at 05:00, got out to the terrace and saw the clouds "running" as never before (towards the East). Later on the sky was fully
covered with clouds.
Here in Madrid, for the time being, nothing relevant as far as I know.
Have a nice Xmas time.
nothing too crazy here in mid texas, except a crazy temperature drop, high winds, and a gorgeous sun set last night, a few more hours, and then we'll
see what's what
here's hoping everyone makes it out ahead on the other side
Not a lot going on in my corner of the East Midlands.
Clear skies when I woke up but not so much now. There was an old crazy man on the bus this morning coming into work who asked me for a spare cigarette
but proceeded to pick up half smoked ones from the floor, nothing new for where I live.
Work is mundane as ever, our electrical equipment is all working in fine order and nobody has yet called.
We have no windows in our ofice so if the sky starts falling then we'll literally be ignorant. Oh well.
Out here in Belgium, 11.54, solstice expected at 12.12 (GMT+1). 20 minutes to go. Everything looks peaceful and normal. Birds are singing and flying
around. Children playing on the playground next door. Very cloudy. No sight of the sun.
My fiancée and I were driving around the old part of our city earlier and she noticed a relatively large fireball in the sky. I had a cop behind me
so I didn't get a chance to take a photo. Didn't bother mentioning it because I'm sure someone will tell me it's Venus through swamp gas or
Interesting thing is that it looked like it was high altitude and moving to the South. A little while later I came on here and saw that exactly 30
minutes after we had seen the fireball, that "transformer explosion" or whatever occurred in Delaware. Doubt they're related but just throwing it out
From my little corner of the world nothing at all majestic aside from the overcast skies, a winter storm on the way and the sound of rain falling into
my pond and my koi staring back at me wondering why I am outside so early.
I live in Cornwall here in the UK and we have a lovely heavy mist over the river this morning, but that isn't unusual at this time of year. It is
really beautiful though.
I seem to be the only survivor left on Earth. I am so sorry you all had to die. Since everyone is gone, I am getting dressed and going to go to the
liquor store and helping myself to free booze!