posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 10:54 PM
I am deeply saddened for these victims and their surviving family members. I'm pissed these idiots keep using firearms, something I legitimately
enjoy and own, to wreak havoc in our nation, creating more discord and strife.
Here are some truths and facts. There will be no significant Constitutional changes to the 2nd amendment. The main reason for this is that the problem
is not with the amendment itself but the variations in which states execute the amendment (no pun intended). Although I'm very pro 2nd amendment, I
believe we need more reasonable and effective gun legislation, laws that preserve our right to bear and keep arms, yet keeps firearms out of the hands
of those who should not possess them. Let's face it, most gun legislation is feel-good legislation, meaning they look fantastic on paper, yet they do
little to keep us safe. They need to make more sense. There are portions of the federal assault weapon ban that make little to no sense at all. People
need to remember that criminals don't follow the law, so making new laws or changing laws do nothing to curb violence. We need deter criminals with
drastic punishments. Right now no one respects the law...we need to change that. Soon...
For starters we need standardize firearm applications and process. It's not right that in New York it takes six months to obtain a pistol permit, yet
in other states you can walk out of a gun show with a handgun with no background check. It took me six months to get my CCW permit, including a
criminal background check, a health check, and a mental health records check. Yes, it sucked. Yes, it took forever. But it was a pretty thorough
vetting process. I had nothing to hide so whatever. Six months was a little excessive but I have it now and that's all that matters to me now. High
capacity magazines? So what, criminals will just carry more mags. That's feel good legislation. Now, had his mother not been shot in the face and
killed, Nancy Lanza should have been heavily persecuted for not securing her weapons, and I mean heavily charged. I believe a lot of incidences where
kids go to school with a firearm it's because a parent has failed to appropriately secure the weapon. Same thing with accidental shootings, where one
kid gets ahold of his fathers pistol and shoots his friend. The parents is responsible.
Let's all admit that schools are easy targets because they are gun free zones, well except for the criminals, and they use it to their advantage,
mostly because they are cowards. I think police departments should place resource officers in schools, either uniformed or not. Kinda like air
Marshall's. I also think if a teacher has a pistol permit, has been an exemplary teacher and citizen, then that teacher should be able to carry
concealed at school. It shouldn't be advertised but it should be permissible.
Gun control is not a debate. Firearms for personal defense are permitted by the 2nd amendment, further supported by the Supreme Court in DC versus
Heller. So let's start dealing with that, not arguing about moot points. There will be no banning of guns, the government has absolutely no mechanism
in place for such a round up. It's ludicrous to even suggest it. The government could implement a buy back program, but criminals aren't going to
turn in their guns. The Feds could tax the crap out of ammo making it ridiculously expensive to go shooting, but again, that's only going to hurt the
law abiding citizen, not the criminals. Although I'm no fan of the Feds or surveillance, I think if you are purchasing 6000 rounds of ammo on the
Internet you should answering some questions. And if you have nothing to hide no harm no foul.
We need to apply the KISS method to gun control laws...Keep It Simple Stupid. Harsh penalties. Pragmatic solutions to an emotional issue is not going
to be easy but it's time we made some effective and real change. The other problem is this...those who we have elected to accomplish all of this are
thieves, liars, and criminals themselves, so really what do you expect? It's like asking the fox to guard the hen house!