posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 02:47 PM
Want to change the world? Now's your chance.
Together the human race (and others) CAN change the world for the better.
Arrange to gather together in groups and focus thoughts of love and thanks on Mother Earth. Especially give her love and respect for all the pain she
is now suffering.
Ask her to hold things together for you and your loved ones as much as she can.
Sing songs of love and respect to her and all her children - plant, animal, mineral...because everything here has spirit.
Ask forgiveness. We all know the different ways we have all contributed to the harm visited on her - from damage to the environment, trees/forests and
waterways, to harm to her animal children in abbattoirs (inhumane killing methods etc)...; to violence or lack of respect or compassion towards each
other, her human children...
Make a new resolution to change something in your life to help Mother Earth and her children. For example you might decide to only eat Free range
chicken or eggs, or to join with others in calls for more humane treatment of animals.. there's a lot you can personally do to effect change in many
different areas.
Give thanks for the beautiful planet you live on and ask that she continue to provide for you and your loved ones.
Give thanks for all the beautiful animal souls who surround us and bring us so much joy. It would be a terribly lonely world without them. Give thanks
for the birds, for your pets, for all animals and respect them as the beautiful souls that they are...
Give thanks to the plants that provide you with food, the trees that give shade, the plants that provide humans with medicine and many cures for
Give thanks for water - the beautiful rivers, oceans and lakes of the world...and for all that the waters provide you with...
The more people who turn to MOther Earth with thoughts of love, respect, praise and thanks, the more positive energy that is directed her way, the
better - this will allow her to keep things together....
You can all make a difference, no matter how poor, broke or powerless/helpless you feel, you are in fact, not so. You are all very powerful beings who
CAN change the world and the future if you want to. The power of billions or even millions of people focusing thoughts of love and thanks can be
She needs your help. Help your Mother Earth so that she can help you and others you care for...
It's up to you. To each and every one of you. Every single heart makes a difference now