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A strange review for a movie called "Sandy Hook Lingerie Party Massacre"

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posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 11:05 AM
Sorry, but this is simply inane

People have completely jumped the shark on this issue.

What we have is a tragedy where 26 people were shot dead by a mentally unstable person.

Why are people instant on trying to turn it into a farce?

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by humphreysjim

Originally posted by Scope and a Beam

The date is a very, very strange coincidence, but still, just a coincidence in my opinion.

Is it so shocking that on the same date as one shooting, there would be a review for a movie containing the name of a place a different shooting took place months later?

For me, it isn't even much of a coincidence. As others have mentioned, Sandy Hook is not a unique name, it will crop up all over the place if you look. I'd imagine google is full of Sandy Hook references that predate the shooting, just waiting for someone to make a phony connection.

Coincidence is exactly what this is.
edit on 20-12-2012 by humphreysjim because: (no reason given)

You've isolated one coincidence, when in reality this another on a very long list of others. Connect some dots and put all the 'coincidences' together and what do we have? Many are being shaken violently out of their slumber

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by MegaMind
What is coincidence?

co·in·ci·dence [koh-in-si-duh ns]
1. a striking occurrence of two or more events at one time apparently by mere chance

What is chance?

1 a : something that happens unpredictably without discernible human intention or observable cause

Chance is our inability to predict with certainty.

Coincidence is our inability to discern the causal relationship between two events that appear correlated.

In other words two events are considered a coincidence only when we can't find the relationship between them.

Coincidence and chance are words we give to explain our ignorance ... they are not really explanations at at ...

Fair enough, I will argue then that there is no casual relationship between the naming of this film and the incident that happened at Sandy Hook Elementary. I will posit that the chances of a massacre happening in a town named Sandy Hook in the same space and time, as a horror film named Sandy Hook Lingerie Massacre exits, is far more likely than the chances that this director or film critic/reviewer knew of the Sandy Hook school shooting before hand or was involved in an extremely complex cover up.

edit on 20-12-2012 by theghoster because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-12-2012 by theghoster because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-12-2012 by theghoster because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-12-2012 by theghoster because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 11:09 AM
Well, it is odd. Yet, I don`t see a clear connection except for the fact that both events were shootings carried out by someone who was clearly mentally disturbed.

Yet, ATS is all about thinking outside the box. You know `Maybe there is something to that after all.` So, in the spirit of ATS I am willing to look at this a little closer.

There is some information I am going to need.

I looked up this Tim Green Beckley guy. Well, is an a rare one for sure. He has made a few off the wall movies, as well as stared in movies of the same vain. He is also billed as Mr. UFO by several websites. So, he is a UFO guy who makes odd, yet strangely entertaining movies. He has some books for sale and it appears he does public speaking events if the price is right. Coast to Coast AM also seems to like him a lot.

A far as I can tell, from looking his statements, views and general opinions I am having trouble connecting him to Sandy Hook other than he used the name of the town in a B horror movie he directed.

Maybe I am missing something. He is from CT? Did he go to college in the state? Does he have family or friends from the Sandy Hood area or CT in general?

I am trying to find a clear connection to this movie, the director, and the mass shooting of 20 kids in a town named Sandy Hook.

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 11:10 AM
Sandy Hook-
Hooks are used to "gaff" large fish onto boats, and fish smell kinda bad
Christian Bale's acting was kinda bad and smelly in The Dark Knight Rises
Colorado massacre happened at the Dark Knight Rises premier
Sandy Hook noticed as a name on a map by an ATSer in The Dark Knight Rises

Obama has some smart people on this and I am SURE they will make this connection as well. Which I believe will lead to the following bans on all Christian Bale movies and further Batman franchise movies (finally!), as well as ban all large fish and pirates.

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by theghoster

I would agree ...

I just simply wanted to explain that chance and coincidence are merely words that convey ignorance.

There may indeed be a connection that is wilder than anyone's imagination, even if highly improbable to our rational minds.

Saying that things are a coincidence is merely saying that one believes (but does not know) there is no underlying link or causal relationship between events.

In light of that, I prefer for myself, to simply make the observation that though some events appear correlated I cannot as of yet, or maybe ever, see the causal link, but that does not mean that there may not be one, no matter how absurd it may seem to the rational mind. In this way I have uncovered for myself some truly uncanny relationships between events, even in my own life.

Could it be the unconscious that provides the link between these events? Might the reviewer been drawn, unconsciously, to review that particular movie that day because of the events of that day and the events that would occur in the future?

I don't presume to know more than I can ...
edit on 20-12-2012 by MegaMind because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by neformore
Sorry, but this is simply inane

People have completely jumped the shark on this issue.

What we have is a tragedy where 26 people were shot dead by a mentally unstable person.

Why are people instant on trying to turn it into a farce?

Because when looking at the big picture, the many details and 'coincidences', as strange as they all are, actually feel like the truth.

Simply put, I trust my instincts

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by MegaMind
reply to post by theghoster

I would agree ...

I just simply wanted to explain that chance and coincidence are merely words that convey ignorance.

There may indeed be a connection that is wilder than anyone's imagination, even if highly improbable.

Oh, my misunderstanding--I'll put my semantic argument guns away, now. My apologies.


posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by neformore

I truly don't think farce is the correct word for the motives.

I am not going to argue people are making a compelling case for a conspiracy here. I am on the fence. Been reading some interesting points sparking me to at least question what we've been handed so far.

But a farce? I think the motive is a desire for truth or just simple curiosity.

I assume you're using this basic definition?

. A light dramatic work in which highly improbable plot situations, exaggerated characters, and often slapstick elements are used for humorous effect.'
2. humor of the type displayed in such works.
3. foolish show; mockery; a ridiculous sham.

I don't think humor or mockery is the collective motive for ATS members looking for conspiracy angles with this.
edit on 20-12-2012 by Lucid Lunacy because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 11:15 AM
this will go into the same box as those 9/11 clocks/birth-dates in the movies before 9/11.... the birth date of neo (mr anderson) from the matrix. Also Jon Voight as (Thomas Brian Reynolds) in the movie 'enemy of the state' (1998) his birthday was 9/11/40 which was the same year (I think) the pentagon was built.

coincidences or not, it is very interesting.
edit on 12/20/2012 by ugie1028 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by Sandalphon

Originally posted by FinalCountdown
The Poster has the word hurricane written on it as well..
wtf is going on???

Our consciousness makes our world. Get enough souls to watch a slaying ritual, in a circle called a movie theater, their minds make it real, and someone long distance catches the spirit, and the spirit takes them over. The demonic spirit. Soda and popcorn, a mass to go with the fake vision to drive your psyche. Movies as spells, that's why they are dressed up with format and formula.

Truer than you know. This is in fact the actual mechanism of the world. Our thoughts do in fact literally create our world. This is why "they" want us afraid (there are other reasons, but this is a biggie). Our fear is what keeps us from knowing our true selves. We are afraid that the fairy tale stories of God and Jesus and Mohammed might be false, so we reject the obvious evidence of our true, divine nature, and allow the self-appointed priests, lawyers, and scientists to tell us we are small, feeble, inconsequential beasties who depend on the grace of a deity or the whim of nature to determine our fate. It makes us crawl before our political/money masters, beg for scraps, and huddle in the corner, happy to have a warm place to sleep and not be murdered by a typhoon or a police enforcer.

The Truth is out there. It always has been. It is right in our faces. But we are programmed mercilessly by our betters not to notice, to reject the words of those among us who see it and try to help us. We murder the true prophets and run into the arms of our slave masters because we believe what we have been trained to believe by the TV, the church, government schools, even our parents (who didn't know any better and were just trying to help us get along in the world, but who were themselves imprisoned in captured minds).

It took me decades of study to be able to recognize the glimmerings of Truth when it presented itself to me. The thing that finally broke the dam, made it all come together, was a book: "The Perennial Philosophy" by ALdous HUxley. It isn't precise. It isn't a Users manual for a human soul, but it is a great metaphor, and is as close as you will get to a single, comprehensive overview of the true nature of our reality in a single place.

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

No. I mean that trawling for anything and everything that mentions even a small part - or all of the name and trying to hook it into this is farcical.

Its just my opinion.

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by FistOfFreedom

Originally posted by Syntagma
reply to post by FinalCountdown

Interesting coincidence.

I can't get past the fact that on their cover they misspelled massacre as "massacAre."

Why would that be intended?

Maybe some hidden meaning along the lines of the Bohemian Grove ritual, Cremation of Care? That is a stretch, but indeed added fodder for this thread.

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by primus2012

Probably just can't spell or spell check for that matter.


posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by theghoster
reply to post by primus2012

Probably just can't spell or spell check for that matter.


On that note FireFox has a built in spell checker. It underlines misspelled words in red and if you right click on the word it will give suggestions. Select the suggestion and it will automatically replace the misspelled word with the one you select.

A real time saver - I love it ...

edit on 20-12-2012 by MegaMind because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 11:44 AM
Hi everyone, just wanted to share you guys that on `the other conspiracy nutcase website` Luisito, the author of the review has replied to the people on the thread and explains what he did etc.

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by cueone1

Could you elaborate, or summarize, what he said ...

Since I don't know what the 'other' website is ...

edit on 20-12-2012 by MegaMind because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 11:47 AM
this is what he said on the other site:

The site has been going for just over a year, but if you do a google search on me "Luistito Joaquin Gonzalez" you will see I have been reviewing these films for years as a hobby. The mission on a SLASH above is just to be a source of information about the slasher genre. Slashers are not satanic films or torture porn like SAW. They are cheesy, poorly made horror films that you have to be a bit geeky (and crazy)to like. I am both things. Yesterday I checked my Wordpress app on my iPhone and had over 4,287 visits. (I generally get about 1,000 a day) and I was like - WTF? Then I looked in to it and they came from you lovely people and another site (there's a similar thread there also) I only post one review a week and I am happy with my reader base, I mean, I am not desperate or so low to set something up like this to boost my ratings. The review has been there since the day it was posted, which miracuslously happened to be 7/20 I write reviews (two-three a week) and save them to drafts. Come the day of posting I just post the one I think will go down well. There was no real reason why I posted Sandy Hook that day. I just did it. Now here is where it gets a bit weird. Read my writing style. It's obvious I am not Shakespear, but I start every review with something like - for example, Simon Cowell works on X Factor. Then I may delve in to something about X Factor, then link it to the fact that Simon Cowell once co-produced a slasher movie. Now, why do I do this? Because it takes a review outside of just being about the film and gives an insight. I start with one subject and correlate it to the film in question. It also means more characters (I have a 1,000 word minumum) Looking at the Sandy Hook review, it's unususal for my stykle of writing. I see why you people thought what you did. What I couldn't sleep about last night, what was bothering me was, could I subcounciiously have written something, like known something? You've all seen the film, Unbreakable, yes? Put yourself in my place. Would you feel the same? It's very strange and more so for me, because I KNOW that I did that without any alterior motive.

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by cueone1

What I couldn't sleep about last night, what was bothering me was, could I subconsciously have written something, like known something? You've all seen the film, Unbreakable, yes? Put yourself in my place. Would you feel the same? It's very strange and more so for me, because I KNOW that I did that without any alterior motive.

Ha! Even the writer feels there may have been an unconscious connection ...

My work here is done ...

edit on 20-12-2012 by MegaMind because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by GLontra
By the way, did Timothy Green Beckley directed any other horror movies?

Is this the only horror movie he ever directed?

If yes, why he decided to produce an horror movie?

Mr UFO (Beckley), also goes by Mr. Creepo...

hence his stellar work.... "Barely Legal Lesbian Vampires: The Curse of Ed Wood! "

hmmmm....still thinking about that one...

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