posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 07:41 AM
Here's what they are thinking: PROFIT MARGIN.
The more money it costs to live, the more we work. The more we work, the more stressed we become. The more stressed we become, the more withdrawn we
all get. Enter the cure all: the feel good pill.
Antidepressants are a huge money maker. The pharma companies rake in the profits and then contribute to political campaigns, lobbying, etc.
The government stresses us out, the pharma companies give us the happy pill, and the government gets a portion of the proceeds.
Are there side effects? Yes. However, the side effects are not nearly powerful enough to decrease a population, especially not down to 500,000 as you
are suggesting. Plus, side effects such as liver damage, or kidney damage, take a long time to develop in otherwise healthy people. Now, if they
wanted to cause mass death, a little accidental arsenic leaking into the production line of antidepressants would yield the results you mention. Even
then, not to the degree you mention however.
No plan for population reduction can include means that wouldn't be evident for many decades. Just my opinion.