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My Compilation of 12-21-12 Doomsday Scenarios

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posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 10:43 PM
The first 10 are not mine(none are really), I put the link in separating my thoughts from the other website.

1. The End Of Sanity: A large movement of the poles in a short period of time combined with a predicted record breaking solar storm that is supposedly going to happen in 2012 will cause peoples’ pineal gland in the brain to secrete dimethyltryptamine, which is a hallucinogen secreted only under certain circumstances such as at birth and near death. So if this were to happen on a massive scale people would basically be running around having visions of who the hell knows what. But this means that the world really isn't ending, we are all just going to go crazy!!

2. Tectonic Shift: Somewhere around Dec. 21, 2012, there will be a great shift in the earth's polarity that will cause the earth's inner layers to rotate inside the earth's crust. It means that Alaska will lie at the equator and all those folks who left colder climates for Florida will wake up with penguins in their palm trees. What's worse, the Cowboys could find their new stadium in Pittsburgh. (At great risk of pointing out the obvious, the polarity shift will be caused by the alignment of the earth and sun with a black hole that lies at the center of our Milky Way galaxy). To be sure, this rotation will mark the end of civilization, as we know it. The complete shift of continents, oceans and Starbucks stores will bring an end to food production, medicines and Internet porn!!

3. Failing Transformers: Apparently from time to time, giant plasma fireballs known as coronal mass ejections escape the sun’s surface on a solar wind. If one of those ejections should hit the Earth’s magnetic shield, it would cause rapid short-lived changes in the configuration of the Earth’s magnetic field which would induce DC currents in the long wires of modern power grids. This increased DC current in turn would induce strong magnetic fields that would saturate a transformer’s magnetic core, which would result in a runaway current that would cause the transformer’s wiring to heat up and actually melt. The problem is that the transformers could not be repaired, but would actually need to be replaced. A transformer replacement normally takes a well-trained crew with a spare transformer around a week. Imagine now that all of the transformers in New England, the Midwest, the Federal Corridor, and the Pacific Northwest failed at once. It could take years (estimated 10 years) to get the electricity grid up and running if these areas went down. Since our entire water, sewage, healthcare, and product delivery infrastructure relies on electricity, this would be catastrophic!!

4. Rise Of The Anti-Christ: Now, a clever theory from the followers of Nostradamus. Take the last two letters from "Obama" and the first three of "Bush" and you get "Mabus". "Mabus" is the name of the guy who, according to Nostradamus, would be the third Antichrist (after Pau Nay Oloron who was Napoleon, and Hister who was Hitler). Now, I don't understand why Obama has to be the Antichrist! Why it can't be George Bush? Or, for that matter, Osama bin Laden... You'll get also a "Mabus" if you combine the names "Osama" and "Bush"! Okay, Osama or George Bush are not living in Chicago and Barack Obama is! And what is the zip code of Chicago? 60606! Eliminate the zero's and you get 666, the Number of the Beast! It's that simple, really.

5. Time Wave Zero: Some blokes believe that time can be graphed, and changes in history are based in the increase and decrease of novelty. According to this theory, on 21st December 2012, the graph arrives to zero. We reach what is called the concrescence, a point called the "end of history". In this time humans would evolve into hyperspace, or that there will be a big change. We would be no longer under physical laws. Many of us will be able to step out of time, time travel, teleport, lift objects with our mind, maybe fly, heal instantly, have super health, have expanded knowledge and wisdom, super intelligence, start fires with our own energy, and so many other abilities! Wow, that would make us a planet of supermans!!

6. Cosmic Reconnection: December 21st 2012 will be the day on which this inner cosmos is reconnected to the divine outer cosmos. The Sun will mount its unique position to form a `gateway' between the Universe and the souls of every living creature on Earth. Our linear conception of time will crumble, and with it, fear and hatred will vanish. It will be purification at it's very best, when everyone is soaked in cosmic understanding and divine love.

8. Planet X: According to the Sumerians, when the world is on the brink of a disaster on 21st December 2012, the Planet Nibiru (popularly known as Planet X) will come close to earth and it’s inhabitants called the “Annunaki” will descend on earth and save us just like Superman at the last moment!! Good story for the next Steven Spielberg movie!!

9. Crazy Theory: Maybe zombie Archduke Ferdinand could rise from the grave along with the cast members of the original Poltergeist that died weirdly to build a landing pad for aliens, who will instantly transform all Catholics into glowing cans of Campbell's Cream of Wheat soup with psychic powers and the ability to levitate for up to three minutes at a time, a feat which causes all universal constants to fluctuate and time to reverse, whereupon the re-resurrected Jesus will spontaneously combust causing the Earth's magnetic poles to flip and a Uwe Boll movie to not suck woolly mammoth turds, an event that defies the will of Shiva the Destroyer, who shall respond by dousing the world in lighter fluid and sparking a galactic fireball the likes of which hasn't been witnessed since Mohammed farted and the big bang killed the dinosaurs!!

10. Asteroid Theory: Year 2012 A.D. An asteroid hits earth, raising billions of tons of dust into the upper atmosphere blocking out the sun for about 7 years pushing the earth into a long, cold winter. Without the sunlight, all the plants die and the world faces a brutal famine.

All above from this link.

11. Galactic Alignment Theory: When it occurs, it will somehow create a combined gravitational effect between the Sun and the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy (known as Sagittarius A*), thus creating havoc on Earth.

12. An Actual Pole Shift: Instead of the magnetic poles flipping, some people have taken the term “pole shift” to mean that the entire Earth will spin, or that the land masses on Earth will move very quickly, either shooting us off the planet, or causing HUGE earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, tidal waves 1 km high, etc.

13. Betelgeuse Theory: No, you can’t say the name three times and have fun with Michael Keaton. This one will explode and destroy/change our planet. Wait, it’s about 600 light years away and for it to affect the Earth, it would have to be as close as 25 light years to our solar system. *whew*.


posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 10:43 PM
14. Alien Theory: They were coming here behind comet Hale-Bopp. They were coming in hiding behind Elenin. They are still coming. Lock your doors and call the Neighborhood Watch(
). I think this one would be one of the best scenarios because, hey, don’t we all want disclosure?

15. Spiritual Energy Ascension Theory: This one is my personal favorite because all the doom sayers, gave up on the doom part (as you can tell from the lack of threads on doom) and decided it was going to be a spiritual journey and now we are all going to awaken. Awaken to what?

16. Great Flood Theory: Another great flood. Great. You have people building arks, balls that can weather any storm, etc. I love it. Let’s get biblical! Biblical! ( I love you ONJ).

17. Zombie Theory: We will all consume massive amounts of bath salts and Rick will be forced to destroy us all. (WALKING DEAD SPOILER) I am soo happy that Lori is gone.

So there you have it. Many different theories (add any that I have forgotten), I hope to be back on ATS on the 22nd, but if circumstances beyond my control prevent me (see above) then please go ahead and U2U me an “I told you so” message! While I hope nothing happens, I am prepared as best as I can be.

Take care, and don’t forget to post you Australians...I want to know exactly what is happening as Friday shows itself!

edit on 18-12-2012 by superman2012 because: how could I forget Zombies!?

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 11:00 PM

6. Cosmic Reconnection: December 21st 2012 will be the day on which this inner cosmos is reconnected to the divine outer cosmos. The Sun will mount its unique position to form a `gateway' between the Universe and the souls of every living creature on Earth. Our linear conception of time will crumble, and with it, fear and hatred will vanish. It will be purification at it's very best, when everyone is soaked in cosmic understanding and divine love.

This has already happened. I can confirm it personally.
Happened to me Jan. 2008 though. Nearly fried my nervous system because I wasn't prepared to handle that kind of charge. I still have ticks & twitches on occasion as residuals from that overload to my system.

I don't know about the whole sun + gateway jibber jabber, but I can't feel hate, anger, or fear anymore.
It's been replaced with deep understanding & love beyond such spilled milk nonsense issues. It sucks sometimes because there are occasions when feeling anger is needed to handle a situation properly.

You can mark Cosmic Reconnection or whatever it is as "ongoing", I think that's what the whole 2012 period is about, it's just the peak of the energy waves hitting Earth & life on it, which will continue years after 2012.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

I believe it has happened to you. I have read your posts where you talk about it. How will it go about affecting everyone on Earth though? Is this from the Sun? The Galactic Alignment? God? Aliens?

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 11:03 PM
Great post. I think the most likely scenario is completely man made. like mass suicides due to people taking out huge loans or taking huge chances thinking the world will end. Than when it doesn't all that energy goes haywire and people go nuts. It would be great if at midnight on the 21st Gods voice boomed from the clouds "HA, you should have seen your faces".

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by ccross

I would need a new pair of shorts if that happened.
I forgot another one, thanks for the reminder.

18. Nuclear Armageddon Theory: TPTB decide that the best way to take out (insert horrible country here) is to drop the nuclear bomb...but wait. They have the bomb too and so do some of their allies. Uh-oh.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by superman2012
reply to post by JibbyJedi

I believe it has happened to you. I have read your posts where you talk about it. How will it go about affecting everyone on Earth though? Is this from the Sun? The Galactic Alignment? God? Aliens?

It's affecting people on an individual basis, I don't know when and why and who it happens to though. There's no way to know.

I never "meditated", or was a Vegan, or cared about world affairs, just my own stuff going on and my family. I was just messing around on the internet one day when I was blasted out of nowhere.

I don't know how to tell people to prepare themselves, or what to watch/read, there seems to be no rhyme or reason to who gets the update and who stays asleep. It's frustrating, no one I know in real life has experienced the same thing as me. I do have the same date and time of my "update" as Max Igan though, he went through the exact same experience. Finding others who've have similar exp. helps, it shows we aren't crazy.

The sun has a lot to do with it for the most part, but there's some kind of barrier being thrown out to block that energy from being received by people. If chemtrails are what they say they are, that would be one of the firewalls. EM pollution would be another, and of course, the toxic foods & water affecting the body's natural electrical field. Above all of this is consciousness. A strong consciousness connection can overcome all these low vibrational bullets being thrown at us. Consciousness Trumps all attempts to subdue the Light.
edit on 19-12-2012 by JibbyJedi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 04:48 PM
We still have two days to decide. I vote for Time Wave Zero (#5).
There are many things on that list that I want to experience and do. Receive expanded wisdom, super intelligence and maybe fly! Oh, and time travel! Off to see Jesus, baby!

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