posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 09:39 AM
Hello conspiracy theorists and skeptics, believers and deniers.
Been lurking on this site since around April, decided that I would finally make an account.
This is a very interesting site filled with some very interesting individuals.
I've always been interested in a good conspiracy, paranormal stuff, NWO, stuff like that.
Well... I guess I would consider myself a believer, for the most part. I believe in ghosts/entities, UFOs, One World Government, most things except
Nibiru/PlanetX. I mean, come on...
I was into the whole '2012 Ascension' thing for awhile, but quite frankly I just don't see it happening. Do I want it to happen? Yes.
If it does happen will I be 'ready'? Yes, just... it seems WAY too good to be true.
So yeah I guess that's about it. Glad to be on board.
P.S. Can someone help me out with my avatar? I have no idea how to get mine up.
ETA: Also, how does one go about 'flagging' a thread?
edit on 18-12-2012 by HomoLuminous because: question