posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by 4DuecesWild
That was one of my favorite movies. I especially liked the way he kept pursuing her even though she kept making it "clear" that she didn't want
him. He had a confidence about him that could see through that. He also saw that SHE needed to make her real intentions clear to HIM in person. He
showed her time and again that he was a real man, and he kept gently pushing her with love to get her out of her societal shell, be a real woman and
do what SHE needed to do in order to make it all work.
For people who say electronic venues such as Facebook is not the way to go in face to face relationships. Why is it you compare everything you think
you know about love or what a real man is based on a silly fallacious movie? Srry but Titanic sucked...There I said it.
I watched that movie when it came out only because I thought it would at the very least be sort of entertaining, that and I went with my family and a
group of people and did not have to pay for the ticket. And let me tell you, I only walked out of a movie theater once while watching a movie. I
think it was a Nicolas Cage movie, then I had to walk like 30 miles back home as I came there with a friends car. But it was better then sitting
there watching the rest of the dam thing. Half way through the Titanic movie I could barely stand it, I was itching in my seat, it just plain was
meh, they even ripped of the main song in that movie from a Final Fantasy video game same tune and everything. It was just entertaining enough that it
did not completely suck, but I would not be watching it again, especially since its so dam long.
Only thing worse then people who think titanic is some sort of grand love thing. Is people who think that romeo and Juliet is some grand love thing.
And no its not, Romeo was a spoiled rich kid who moped around a lot on his parents dime, and Juliet was an air head from a wealthy family whos main
preoccupation in life seemed to be twirling her hair at parties. If it were to be wrote and made in today's age and times, the equivalent of it
would be The Kardashians, or even Jersey Shore right down to them fighting over some bimbo at the local club, or lets look and see who's Kim
Kardashian new lover this month?
In real life however Romeo would of gotten back with Rosaline after he got tired of putting up with Juliet #. And Juliet would of married some old
rich guy. I mean really do you all think some 13 year old girl or a 15 yr old boy or however old Romeo was are really going to kill each-other over
a booty call? Because ultimately that is what there whole love thing would of ended as if they were not high brow idiot kids in the throngs of
puberty. In fact if the story did not end as tragically as it did, I would say give them about 3 more years together and the whole grand love thing
would of flown out the window when the reality hit them that they may have to spend more then a few scenes together.
Romeo and Juliet is a tale of two horny kids coming together and taking themselves and the whole thing a bit to serious, even to the point were one
of them kills themselves...Pretty much like the tale of every other 13 yr old out there when puberty hits them and they think there in love start
moping around and throwing tantrums and saying that they cant live without so and so, and yet a year or so later that is over and done with like
it never existed.