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December 22nd, 2012 EXCUSE Thread - For The Endless Excuse's & Counter Theories!

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posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 05:14 AM
Hello ATS Readers,

When Saturday, December 22nd, 2012 Arrives and the world is still here and nothing has happened. All of the Author's of the " Endless Books " who have made money on this Mayan Calender Prediction will no doubt have their Endless Excuse's and " Their Next Theories of Gloom & Doom "

Just like the " Harold Camping May 21st, 2012 Date " came and went with nothing happening, all of the book authors of the Mayan Calender 2012 Date will fade away into historical abyss obscurity.

However, the New and Endless Excuse's and " Professional Calculations " for some New Date in the Future will no doubt be offered by them. Just watch and wait for them and the endless " Mumbo Jumbo " that will come !

Okay Book Author's - Let's Hear It - What Happened ??? When is The New Date ???

21-12-2112 0r Maybe it's 21-12-2999

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 05:18 AM
Well, there will still be the Year 2038 Problem to look forward to.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 05:26 AM
Sometimes I forget to log out........there are other people who could post under my name......

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 05:33 AM
Aren't you just getting a little bit ahead of yourself here.

This thread is like opening xmas presents before xmas day.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 06:15 AM
I can't wait to be told how only a select few got to have the "2012 experience" on Friday where they attained enlightenment and most of us didn't get to cause we were too close minded.........

Namaste...or whatever that BS is

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 06:35 AM
I believe most people don't even care and won't even be paying attention come the 21st or 22nd. I believe the biggest con is the supposed level on attention that this is getting.

I don't know whats going to happen on these dates.


posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by Hawking
I can't wait to be told how only a select few got to have the "2012 experience" on Friday where they attained enlightenment and most of us didn't get to cause we were too close minded.........

Namaste...or whatever that BS is


Exactly Hawking !

How many BS stories will we all read and hear about how Only "The Enlightened Ones" where somehow translated to another dimension level or " Time Line " etc on 12-21-2012 !

And the News Commentary Stories the next day, can't you just imagine how they'll all sound.

Maybe Next Time etc. They'll all be reporting...

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by TSOM87
I believe most people don't even care and won't even be paying attention come the 21st or 22nd. I believe the biggest con is the supposed level on attention that this is getting.
I don't know whats going to happen on these dates.



You're probably right on both counts. The date has been sensationalized just as something to keep the minds of the mass'es Pre-Occupied while the elite banking corporations continue to steal all resources on the planet, thereby strengthening their stranglehold on everyone.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 09:57 AM
I think it will be this again...and all the current celestial events will make this seem like a reality :

Here's to space rocks...they really ROCK!

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by SilentKoala
Well, there will still be the Year 2038 Problem to look forward to.


And all of this time we where led to believe that we only had the Year 2012 to worry about. Now Next there is the Year 2038 and then all of the world wide computer systems will crash...!

That's Just Great isn't it ! We all somehow make it through 2012 Unscathed, only to be " ultimately done in " by a simple computer glitch ! This is just a tough old Quadrant of The Universe we're in.... and will no doubt be " Poetic Justice " of some type...

From Wikipedia: The Year 2038 problem

The year 2038 problem may cause some computer software to fail at some point near the year 2038. The problem affects all software and systems that both store system time as a signed 32-bit integer, and interpret this number as the number of seconds since 00:00:00 UTC on Thursday, 1 January 1970.[1] The furthest time that can be represented this way is 03:14:07 UTC on Tuesday, 19 January 2038.[2] Times beyond this moment will "wrap around" and be stored internally as a negative number, which these systems will interpret as a date in 1901 rather than 2038. This is caused by integer overflow. The counter "runs out" of usable digits, "increments" the sign bit instead, and reports a maximally negative number (continuing to count up, toward zero). This is likely to cause problems for users of these systems due to erroneous calculations.

Further, while most programs will only be affected in or very close to 2038, programs that work with future dates will begin to run into problems much sooner. For example, a program that works with dates 20 years in the future will have to be fixed no later than 2018.
Because most 32-bit Unix-like systems store and manipulate time in this format, it is usually called Unix time, and so the year 2038 problem is often referred to as the Unix Millennium Bug.

There is no universal solution for the Year 2038 problem. Any change to the definition of the time_t data type would result in code compatibility problems in any application in which date and time representations are dependent on the nature of the signed 32-bit time_t integer. For example, changing time_t to an unsigned 32-bit integer, which would extend the range to the year 2106, would adversely affect programs that store, retrieve, or manipulate dates prior to 1970, as such dates are represented by negative numbers.

Example showing how the date would reset, represented as a signed 32bit integer (at 03:14:08 UTC on 19 January 2038).

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 04:27 PM
It's Already December 21, 2012 in Australia and The World Is Still Here !

Now for the " Endless Counter Theories " that will come in days and weeks and years ahead.

Everyone get ready to hear all of the " Top Researchers " in this field cranking up on all of the TV & Radio Talk Shows!


posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 08:00 PM
Nibru got drunk and passed out.

He will come into the inner Solar System in 2014 now.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 02:09 AM
Why can't you type even a single topic sentence correctly? Do you speak / type english?

Excuses. Not excuse's.

Why do you confuse possessive with plural? Even a Nintendo DS game had such an american typo.. it's inexcusable.


WHY is this simple fact so impossible to learn for such a large number of people? It's like it was common that people couldn't add 2+2 or did it mistakenly most of the time. Would you consider such people intelligent? Would you trust anything they say?

I can understand if you make a mistake in a quantum physics calculation, or if you write five pages of text and have some typos in there, or even 'thought-typos' (I'd rather not use the more vulgar term).

But when the very topic - the first thing you probably write, and the first thing everyone sees - has an american typo, it looks to me exactly like someone not being able to add 2 and 2 correctly.

It is RIDICULOUSLY easy. And yet you can't do it. WHY? (I am not trying to mock you specifically, I simply want to know the root cause for this widespread phenomenon, to which the whole ATS is a sad testament)

I am constantly flabbergasted by it - supposedly intelligent, adult people, who should know better, do not know, and cannot seem to find out (with google, wiktionary, etc. freely and easily available) how to distinguish between a plural and a possessive. Even if (or more likely, especially if) it's their "native language".

This can't be even possible, surely! And yet even in professional magazines and publications, computer and video games, official articles and especially forum/board/blog posts and comments, this problem runs rampant. Unbelievable. I wouldn't believe it, if I didn't bump into it every day (and every time it's just as shocking).

I guess it's just so ridiculous that I keep thinking it was just a nightmare and brush it off as something impossible - which it certainly should be. But no.. here you all are again, typing your american typos despite being 'intelligent adults' in information age, without a care in the world.

If you don't believe me that it's an epidemic, just look at this:

Here is a collection of American Typos from various forums, boards and blogs. But be warned, it's not a pretty sight.. I almost get physically ill reading just the left side.. (thank goodness for the right side, eh?)

I am a below-average in intelligence, I do not have any special training or skills, I do not really pay much attention to the grammar or anything I type, except the message itself - the very content. I am sure I make similar typos sometimes, though I do try to correct my own typos whenever I spot them. But basically I am just a lowly ape, not really qualified to be called a human being quite yet.

So naturally I expect everyone else excel way above my humble knowledge or skills in all possible ways and areas - maybe that's why it shocks me so much to see so much 'below-below average', when I expect to see 'above average and beyond'.

Please prove me right, that you all are way above my meager skills and talents, at least by typing correctly. Especially if english is your 'native language' (I didn't grow up with it). Try learning another, more complex language - if just to be able to compare how simple english really is. Japanese, for example, is way more complex. But as a consolation, the japanese aren't completely fluent in their own language either - the kanji is just way too complex and there are too many characters, and they are being taught the wrong roumaji, and so on.

You are at least average, and hopefully above average in intelligence. You are adults (I hope), and you are capable of writing a simple language, like english, correctly. Aren't you?

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 02:19 AM

Originally posted by chrisb9
It's Already December 21, 2012 in Australia and The World Is Still Here !

Right, because the mayan calender was based on the timezone in australia, even though they were in present-day mexico

If anything, they based the end date on the winter solstice, which isn't for another 3 hours.
edit on 12/21/2012 by bl4ke360 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by Shoujikina

Why can't you type even a single topic sentence correctly? Do you speak / type english?

Excuses. Not excuse's.

Why do you confuse possessive with plural? Even a Nintendo DS game had such an american typo.. it's inexcusable.


WHY is this simple fact so impossible to learn for such a large number of people? It's like it was common that people couldn't add 2+2 or did it mistakenly most of the time. Would you consider such people intelligent? Would you trust anything they say?

I can understand if you make a mistake in a quantum physics calculation, or if you write five pages of text and have some typos in there, or even 'thought-typos' (I'd rather not use the more vulgar term).

But when the very topic - the first thing you probably write, and the first thing everyone sees - has an american typo, it looks to me exactly like someone not being able to add 2 and 2 correctly.

It is RIDICULOUSLY easy. And yet you can't do it. WHY? (I am not trying to mock you specifically, I simply want to know the root cause for this widespread phenomenon, to which the whole ATS is a sad testament)

I am constantly flabbergasted by it - supposedly intelligent, adult people, who should know better, do not know, and cannot seem to find out (with google, wiktionary, etc. freely and easily available) how to distinguish between a plural and a possessive. Even if (or more likely, especially if) it's their "native language".

This can't be even possible, surely! And yet even in professional magazines and publications, computer and video games, official articles and especially forum/board/blog posts and comments, this problem runs rampant. Unbelievable. I wouldn't believe it, if I didn't bump into it every day (and every time it's just as shocking).

I guess it's just so ridiculous that I keep thinking it was just a nightmare and brush it off as something impossible - which it certainly should be. But no.. here you all are again, typing your american typos despite being 'intelligent adults' in information age, without a care in the world.

If you don't believe me that it's an epidemic, just look at this:

Here is a collection of American Typos from various forums, boards and blogs. But be warned, it's not a pretty sight.. I almost get physically ill reading just the left side.. (thank goodness for the right side, eh?)

I am a below-average in intelligence, I do not have any special training or skills, I do not really pay much attention to the grammar or anything I type, except the message itself - the very content. I am sure I make similar typos sometimes, though I do try to correct my own typos whenever I spot them. But basically I am just a lowly ape, not really qualified to be called a human being quite yet.

So naturally I expect everyone else excel way above my humble knowledge or skills in all possible ways and areas - maybe that's why it shocks me so much to see so much 'below-below average', when I expect to see 'above average and beyond'.

Please prove me right, that you all are way above my meager skills and talents, at least by typing correctly. Especially if english is your 'native language' (I didn't grow up with it). Try learning another, more complex language - if just to be able to compare how simple english really is. Japanese, for example, is way more complex. But as a consolation, the japanese aren't completely fluent in their own language either - the kanji is just way too complex and there are too many characters, and they are being taught the wrong roumaji, and so on.

You are at least average, and hopefully above average in intelligence. You are adults (I hope), and you are capable of writing a simple language, like english, correctly. Aren't you?


Oh No - Not a Hypocritical Attack by the " TYPO POLICE " ??? LOL

BTW The sentence Highlighted in " Bold Type " in you're typo police comment is " A Run-On Sentence " !

In other words, YOU should have split it up and made Two ( 2 ) Sentence's out of such a long sentence...

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk - But then again, " Typo Police " type people are all the same. Unable to SEE Their Own mistakes, while maintaining a False Feeling of Superiority by Hypocritically pointing out someone else's " Typo's ".

BTW - Typo's in " The Grand Scheme of The Universe " mean absolutely " Nothing @ All " ! ! !

So Congratulations for the " Typo Police " Critique and for showing Everyone on ATS where you are mentally...

Almost Forgot ! Have A GR8 Day, and Merry Xmas to you - Your " Typo Police " Mentality is noted...

edit on 12/24/2012 by chrisb9 because: edited for " The Typo Police "

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 05:29 PM
HAH! The only thing prophetic about this whole 2012 thing that came to be were the predictions in this thread

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by Shoujikina

Why can't you type even a single topic sentence correctly? Do you speak / type english?

Excuses. Not excuse's.

Why do you confuse possessive with plural? Even a Nintendo DS game had such an american typo.. it's inexcusable.


WHY is this simple fact so impossible to learn for such a large number of people? It's like it was common that people couldn't add 2+2 or did it mistakenly most of the time. Would you consider such people intelligent? Would you trust anything they say?

I can understand if you make a mistake in a quantum physics calculation, or if you write five pages of text and have some typos in there, or even 'thought-typos' (I'd rather not use the more vulgar term).

But when the very topic - the first thing you probably write, and the first thing everyone sees - has an american typo, it looks to me exactly like someone not being able to add 2 and 2 correctly.

It is RIDICULOUSLY easy. And yet you can't do it. WHY? (I am not trying to mock you specifically, I simply want to know the root cause for this widespread phenomenon, to which the whole ATS is a sad testament)

I am constantly flabbergasted by it - supposedly intelligent, adult people, who should know better, do not know, and cannot seem to find out (with google, wiktionary, etc. freely and easily available) how to distinguish between a plural and a possessive. Even if (or more likely, especially if) it's their "native language".

This can't be even possible, surely! And yet even in professional magazines and publications, computer and video games, official articles and especially forum/board/blog posts and comments, this problem runs rampant. Unbelievable. I wouldn't believe it, if I didn't bump into it every day (and every time it's just as shocking).

I guess it's just so ridiculous that I keep thinking it was just a nightmare and brush it off as something impossible - which it certainly should be. But no.. here you all are again, typing your american typos despite being 'intelligent adults' in information age, without a care in the world.

If you don't believe me that it's an epidemic, just look at this:

Here is a collection of American Typos from various forums, boards and blogs. But be warned, it's not a pretty sight.. I almost get physically ill reading just the left side.. (thank goodness for the right side, eh?)

I am a below-average in intelligence, I do not have any special training or skills, I do not really pay much attention to the grammar or anything I type, except the message itself - the very content. I am sure I make similar typos sometimes, though I do try to correct my own typos whenever I spot them. But basically I am just a lowly ape, not really qualified to be called a human being quite yet.

So naturally I expect everyone else excel way above my humble knowledge or skills in all possible ways and areas - maybe that's why it shocks me so much to see so much 'below-below average', when I expect to see 'above average and beyond'.

Please prove me right, that you all are way above my meager skills and talents, at least by typing correctly. Especially if english is your 'native language' (I didn't grow up with it). Try learning another, more complex language - if just to be able to compare how simple english really is. Japanese, for example, is way more complex. But as a consolation, the japanese aren't completely fluent in their own language either - the kanji is just way too complex and there are too many characters, and they are being taught the wrong roumaji, and so on.

You are at least average, and hopefully above average in intelligence. You are adults (I hope), and you are capable of writing a simple language, like english, correctly. Aren't you?

Listen buddy, getting so worked up over other people's mistakes is a waste of your time and energy, especially such trivial ones as grammatical errors. You're going to die of heart failure at a tragically young age if you keep this up.
Also, you said that there's no excuse for intelligent adults to make such simple errors,but what's yours then? I see here that you failed to capitalize the words "English" "American" and "Japanese" repeatedly, and made a sloppy display of a run-on sentence. If you're going to go vigilante about spelling and grammar, you might want to make sure your game is watertight first.

Just sayin'.
- - - -
In my opinion, it's not a kind of thing that either "did" or "did not" happen. It's a thing in the process of happening. If people wish to keep their minds shut, they may, that is their choice. If they want to open themselves to the possibilities and seek the way off the wheel of birth and death, they may. The door is easier to find than ever. Eventually, everyone will have "the 2012 experience" just maybe not in 2012. It is their birthright, and it is inevitable. It's only a question of how long it takes.
edit on 24-12-2012 by No_man4 because: to contribute to the thread

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