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According to map SANDY HOOK was the first of 5 strike zones

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posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 12:30 PM
This Op is not capable of provideing irrefutable evidence. Caution ahead......

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by imagineering
reply to post by unphased

Class act of paranoia and wrong assumptions. Do you really apply a negative tone to everyones posts here. If we would have been face to face my tone would have never offended you. Calm down there kiddo! Youll end up being a poster with a bad chip on your shoulder reputation, firing back like you have leads me to believe you are pretty unstable.

Instead of forward momentum and replying to my questions with knowledge you have a toddler temper tantrum.
jokes on you

Since you apparently post without thinking and therefore don't remember the things you say, lemme help you.

Originally posted by imagineering
Ok , Ok.....lets back up a little bit please. Help me understand how and logically these shootings are connected to the Batman movie? Gotham and by whom? The illuminati? or? Cheese and rice you ATS conspiracy guys can make it seem that Obama is related to Hillary Clinton via his aunts uncles cousins, 2nd cousins grandma via the grandpa's second marriage,

The poster with the "bad chip on your shoulder" and the apparent "instability" is the one who posts idiotic stuff, falsely believes they contributed an iota of "forward momentum" to a thread, and then acts as though they didn't and plays the victim.

Do more reading, and less talking next time. You're probably better at one, than the other.

smh, trolls..
edit on 17-12-2012 by unphased because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by unphased

I know what I ok lets inundate this thread with you trying to prove your points against me and lose focus on the main topic. Do you care all in furnishing proof and other evidences of what you are claiming here or do you want to have a pissing match? You already took away all credibility from yourself argueing with me.

So I challenge you right now in front of all ATS......1. Provide connective proof. 2. Provide eveidence to your theroies. 3. And do so in a manner that will enable someone who does not fully understand your post. 4. Avoid the pissing match.and Forgive my initial approach. My aplogies.

Thank you.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 01:51 PM
I see strike zone 2 is Fort Clinton

Maybe she wont testify after all

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by unphased

I am on my phone typing this, so I cannot do what im about to suggest.

If someone here can take the first map (the one with red ink markings) in the OP and overlay a map of the lower 48, then there may actually be some resemblance to the areas in question.

Again... I would if I could from my phone but I can't, haha! Would be cool to look into though

reply to post by imagineering

Stop trolling.... Thanks

edit on 12/17/2012 by forall2see because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by forall2see
reply to post by unphased

I am on my phone typing this, so I cannot do what im about to suggest.

If someone here can take the first map (the one with red ink markings) in the OP and overlay a map of the lower 48, then there may actually be some resemblance to the areas in question.

Again... I would if I could from my phone but I can't, haha! Would be cool to look into though

reply to post by imagineering

Stop trolling.... Thanks

edit on 12/17/2012 by forall2see because: (no reason given)

You'd have to flip a US map upside down in order to get Sandy Hook to line up with Sandy Hook. I'm at work, so I can't.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by Watchfull
I see strike zone 2 is Fort Clinton

Maybe she wont testify after all

According to CNN, after she fainted and got a concussion - she will NOT be testifying. (at least not thursday)

edit on 17-12-2012 by unphased because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 03:10 PM
After Fort Clinton is Downtown huh?
Well hopefully its not nowhere Dowtown LA. Its scary thinking that there may be some truth to this....

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by blackmetalmist
After Fort Clinton is Downtown huh?
Well hopefully its not nowhere Dowtown LA. Its scary thinking that there may be some truth to this....

I just love that strike 2 is "Fort Clinton" and Clinton gets a head injury and can't testify.


I wonder what 'Downtown' is...

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by Jeremiah65
No, I don't think chaotic minds are predictable. However, that being said...let's look at the pattern of "one up manship"...

Aurora...a movie theater...public place most people feel safe...shock and awe value

The Mall shooting...another public place where most people are comfortable and feel safe as security is present...increase the shock and awe value...

The CT shootings...a grade school...a place everyone feels is safe...bigtime shock and awe value.

What would the next lunatic do to up the shock and awe value yet again?

Maybe a major public event. Most sporting venues are heavily secured so not that. Maybe a Christmas tree lighting...a parade...something with a very big crowd of people who are not going to be paying close attention to others....

That is just my guess...I know..sounds horrible when stated that way...

I was going to say "religious service," but then I thought.... wasn't there a mosque shooting?

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by iwilliam

Originally posted by Jeremiah65
No, I don't think chaotic minds are predictable. However, that being said...let's look at the pattern of "one up manship"...

Aurora...a movie theater...public place most people feel safe...shock and awe value

The Mall shooting...another public place where most people are comfortable and feel safe as security is present...increase the shock and awe value...

The CT shootings...a grade school...a place everyone feels is safe...bigtime shock and awe value.

What would the next lunatic do to up the shock and awe value yet again?

Maybe a major public event. Most sporting venues are heavily secured so not that. Maybe a Christmas tree lighting...a parade...something with a very big crowd of people who are not going to be paying close attention to others....

That is just my guess...I know..sounds horrible when stated that way...

I was going to say "religious service," but then I thought.... wasn't there a mosque shooting?

Sikh Temple shooting in Wisconsin about 4 months ago. Yes.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 09:28 PM
Has anyone been able to determine whats going on with

Strike Zone 4: East Park Side to Cobble Hill

and or whats going on with

Strike Zone 5: Boat Tour? Boat false flag like Costa Concordia

Chelsea Tunnel? A princess Diana style tunnel event

Queens River?? something to do with the British Queen

Originally posted by unphased
I just found that:

Several notable film/Batman fan sites were recently sent packages from The Dark Knight Rises marketing campaign that contained both a t-shirt and a unique map of Gotham City. The organized map purports to show all of the locations that Bane and his mercenaries will strike in their attempt to disrupt the city.

The FIRST strike zone on the map is SANDY HOOK!


posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 12:20 AM
Ok... Still no computer and only phone... But from what I see, the next "false flag" Will take place close to the Canadian border, on the east side of the country... The 3rd will be somewhere around LA... The 4th will be in the thinking Tenessee (maybe Nashville?) and the 5th will be somewhere closer to Seattle.

However!!!! As you said earlier, you had to invert the lower 48 map to match up with Sandy Hook on the Gotham map. Could we be looking at an inverted image here? ...
That would place the planned events at the Mexican Border...Maybe New York next... Then Vegas.... And finally Florida, or close thereto?

I have a strong feeling about this map overlay thing... But who am I...just some person on ATS

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 03:38 AM
I dont think that this is an exact map of the USA to scale,

I believe this is a key to the Illuminati Orchestrating events.

Strike Zone 1, is pretty Obvious

Strike Zone 2, Fort Clinton was Hillary Clinton faking a head injury

Strike Zone 3, was some kind of staged soccer match

You see the names near the strike zone are clues to what happens,

Strike Zone 4 isnt necessarily mid town manhattan NYC

but i cant think of what would go with East Park Side, and Cobble Hill???

Strike Zone 5, you have a Chelsea Tunnel? a Boat Tour? and a Queens river

the Firm Red Circles seem to be code for staged events

theres a firm circle on the road going into the Chelsea Tunnel, and a firm circle on the Port off of the Queens River

Staged false flag in a tunnel? Staged false flag on a port?

those are my best guesses,

Originally posted by forall2see
Ok... Still no computer and only phone... But from what I see, the next "false flag" Will take place close to the Canadian border, on the east side of the country... The 3rd will be somewhere around LA... The 4th will be in the thinking Tenessee (maybe Nashville?) and the 5th will be somewhere closer to Seattle.

However!!!! As you said earlier, you had to invert the lower 48 map to match up with Sandy Hook on the Gotham map. Could we be looking at an inverted image here? ...
That would place the planned events at the Mexican Border...Maybe New York next... Then Vegas.... And finally Florida, or close thereto?

I have a strong feeling about this map overlay thing... But who am I...just some person on ATS

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by unphased

your answer:

the fun and games of it all hey love:"For example, consider a circle inscribed in a unit square. Given that the circle and the square have a ratio of areas that is π/4, the value of π can be approximated using a Monte Carlo method:[4]
1.Draw a square on the ground, then inscribe a circle within it.
2.Uniformly scatter some objects of uniform size (grains of rice or sand) over the square.
3.Count the number of objects inside the circle and the total number of objects.
4.The ratio of the two counts is an estimate of the ratio of the two areas, which is π/4. Multiply the result by 4 to estimate π."

why? because by the time we figure it out, IF we ever ever is gone, dead, over.
they merely sat back and counted the dead, funny they call us 'sand' or rice.

Some people just get bored with playing poker..perhaps the other 'two shooters' that the MSN ignored, lost the game of the tjese ones suffer with

the answer: someone is telling them in their ear to make a THIS, THIS THIS or BANG. This couple decided to die and leave everyone else alone. Perhaps the bet with the Sandy Hook shooter was ....keep shooting (or stay with the person assigned or we shoot or your brother) or your mom dies. Eventually he lost.

Ever think this isn't the first game???
if not, then when and where is the NEXT?[

This is the ultimate rich-man's version having his own reality show, hunger games and survival all rolled into one, getting to choose who lives or dies..and it is edited on the air. Hell we make fun of the Kardashians ...and pay to do so, what makes you think that with ordinary devices they don't have access to our lives to make fun of us as total losers deserving of this hell? To them we are all Honey Boo Boo's ...but they get paid!! We don't need any Matrix to believe we are actually living in a fantasy--sure for hell we don't need any plug-in to notice that, do ya?? This reality of silver spoon just ain't bending, it is ending.

if ANYONE rambles on about how they JUST DON'T GET IT (the topic) I will for sure assume they are dumb as rocks, that includes people who SHOULD follow a thread allll the way through even past the people WHO JUST DON'T GET IT.

and they map, well follow the trail, follow where it came from (dates) and where the circles are heading. (on the real map. The next place will begin with an L, S or a W. Psalms 92 was my message
edit on 18-12-2012 by dianashay because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 06:35 PM
Hi. This seems so off the wall to me, but then again, if there is the smallest grain of truth to the theory, I'll play along only in the hope of putting a crimp in some lunatic's plans.

Fort Clinton can mean just that, Fort Clinton. There are two of them.
One in Central Park

One at West Point

Cobble Hill: Links to all of them here

Chelsea Tunnel 2 links, one in Britain (Manchester) here Chelsea tunnel is the name of the stadium entrance where Manchester United plays in England. (Nice eye candy vid for us girls,

and the other in NYC, an old railroad tunnel area turned nightclub. Old warehouse, now home to jeans manufacturer Here's a link to the local Chelsea Tunnel area paper, dated tomorrow, lol link

Ha! In playing this little investigative game I just made a fantastic discovery: Cobble Hill is the name given to the first man-made railroad tunnel in North America! Interesting link with map here

Sorry I can't superimpose maps. Wouldn't know where to start with that.

Blessings, everyone

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 07:45 PM
I would like to contribute this thread as it see it's relevance here....

I also would like to commend all posters who bring "forward momentum" in any thread. There is no point in arguing or debating on this website. Period!! Unphased, great job at least getting information out there. For some reason, posters seem to think unless you have conclusive evidence proving something, your threads are not valid. What is the point then?? How about all the 9/11 threads that have no conclusive evidence, only coincidences. Are they not worthy of a conspiracy website either?? I think this is my last post, as being a lurker was far more informative, constructive, and stress-free. I was able to absorb info from 10 threads in the amount of time it now takes me to battle trolls in 1. I don't see any value in sharing your thoughts or asking questions on this site anymore when people need an explanation as to why you're even here before they read your OP. Lurking has even become a PITA!
edit on 18-12-2012 by Frettin because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 08:04 PM
Btw, William Barr (former attorney general and ex-CIA) is on the board of directors at Time Warner. Parent company of Warner Bros.

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