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GUN CONTROL: Here is how it will go down

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posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 07:52 AM
Gun Control Strategy:An outright gun ban is unlikely given the constitutional constraints; therefore, an incremental (frog in the pot) approach is more probable. First, the Assault Weapon Ban (specific guns by make and type, and high cap mags) Part Deux for the new manufacture, importation and possession of same (no sunset). Then legislation that all weapons that were exempt or grandfathered (all semi-auto firearms) be "registered" with local law enforcement including your fingerprints. Then, the BATF will make a ruling that all exempt "assault" styled weapons that were grandfathered are subject to Title II of the 1968 Gun Control Act and that all have to either be registered or turned in and no transfers are allowed without BATF approval and the payment of a transfer tax (same as for fully automatic weapons ("machine guns") and "destructive devices". In addition they will add a few "sniper" style rifles to the list and require special forms and ID to buy "military or law enforcement" calibre ammunition: that covers 9mm, .40 sw, .45, 5.56/.223, 6.8mm, 7.62x51/.308, .300 WM, .338 Lapua, .416 Chey Tac and .50 bmg. Then the Executive Branch (President with DHS and BATF) will issue an edict that all semi-automatic handguns be registered with local law enforcement (the same as previously with assault style rifles) presumably to lessen resistance to a federal gun grab by deferring it to the local LE.

Once the above legislative and executive order gun control (restriction and registration) is in place....then the collection comes. At this point the State Dept will agree to the UN Small Arms Treaty and be ramroded thru the Senate for confirmation. THEN the convenient crisis or disaster (false flag operation or inevitable chaos from imbedded terror cells, etc) which will lead to a declaration of Martial Law. At this point road blocks will be set up and all guns required to be turned in within 30 days or face a 10 year prison sentence and a $250,000 fine. Roadblocks will be set up and those with CCW permits will be known to authorities thru license plate readers and computer interface and those carrying drivers will be picked up. Then they will commence the collection process aided by UN Troops to assist and facilitate the search for weapons not turned in during the 30 day amnesty period. Those found with illegal weapons and ammunition will be rounded up for detention and reeducation camps.

On the one hand I am reluctant to give them a "blueprint" for registration and confiscation but then again this has been planned for decades (going back to the 1960s in UN General Disarmament white papers). If one has their blueprint then concerned citizens and legal staffs of the NRA and GOA can prepare defenses and counter strategies. Bottom line: general population disarmament precedes a police state and potential genocide of those targeted by the power structure. Your thoughts, comments and questions are welcome.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 07:56 AM
I hate to say it, but it is a good plan and has a very good chance of working. If this starts, then the time for civil disobedience is over.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

I have been thinking of the same scenario for a while. I agree with you. I doubt that most folks who are purchasing fire arms these days will follow any of the laws that have been or will be passed. More hidden guns than ever before.

I have noticed a bit of a hush with gun owners here in Texas.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

The day they ask every American to register every gun they own, is the day that 200 million guns go reportedly "stolen" all on the same day.

Americans are not going to just willfully give up their guns.

1) who will pay the reimbursement for the fair market value of said guns? I have over $10,000 tied up in my collection, and that is *nothing* compared some people. (Before you freak out, my .223 and Kimber are $4,000 put together alone, I don't own one-hundred $100 guns, lol.)

2) who will be collecting these guns? It will have to happen on the same day across the country. If the people know when and where it's going to happen, they will conveniently either not be home, or you will see hundreds of armed protestors in the street.

3) what will happen to the tax revenue collected from the sale of the firearms and the registering of CCW permits. We are talking a billion dollar industry.

4) they can't stop planes and cargo ships with literally hundreds of pounds of drugs from sneaking into the country, how are they going to stop a two pound pistol from making it across the border. Gun prohibition would make the illegal cartels/gangs/organizations EXPLODE overnight.

You have to take a lot of things into account before you start rounding up America's guns.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by YouAreLiedTo

Very Well Said Sir

people don't realize
that guns are a billion dollar business
in the USA
too much money to be made

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

On the new issues raised from the comments so far: Yes, there will be millions of guns reported "lost" or "stolen" when the call for "registration" goes out. Albeit illegal to falsify a police report it will be rationalized as reasonable against an unconstitutional law (infringement of 2A) and a form of "civil disobience" routinely championed by the far left. However; "prepare to be boarded" as they will send in a team to thoroughly search your residence and other property. Remember the technology exists for hand held metal detectors and x-ray wands as well as ground penetrating radar. I can even see lie detectors and even mind reading technology (mri-esque) being used. Also expect "gun buy backs" to occur on a regular basis but dont expect someone with a $2K gun to turn it in for $100. Owners of expensive collections will surely not want to turn them in and get "$0" for them after the cheap buy backs either. Guns are a form of personal property and we still have property rights in this country (one of the tenets of the Communist Manifesto is the elimination of property rights btw).

edit on 17-12-2012 by CosmicCitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by YouAreLiedTo

Yes, a black market for guns and ammo will surely proliferate as it has for illegal drugs. Expect the street value of guns to soar in that case. Who will collect them and how? It is not practical to collect them all in one day. It simply cannnot be done. First they will stop the CCW holders at checkpoints (DL has that designation and it is in their computers) but the first ones to be "visited" will be the FFL Gun Dealers and Title II owners (especially holders of machine guns,etc). BATFE will handle those. But when it comes to collecting the millions of guns they will federalize local law enforcement and use the military liasons and even UN troops as necessary. Hopefully, they will raid the "bad neighborhoods" first that are a concentration of crime....but the lessons of Katrina suggest otherwise.

edit on 17-12-2012 by CosmicCitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

Using teams of LE with metal detectors and ground penetrating radar has it's logistical problems. I do think that when the opportunity to confiscate firearms such as during a drug search, home search, whatever, they will take the guns.

I have been on both sides of the fence with this issue, and the side that I'm on right now feels most comfortable for me, considering the world, and the state of my country at the moment. We are still a nation that values our freedoms, well most of us anyway, and I'm going to place my bets on the gun owners and those that protect that constitutional right even though they may not own a gun. Second amendment supporters by far out number those that would strip it away due to an uneducated, knee jerk reaction to such a horrible slaughter as a school shooting. TPTB count on the type of "I need a nanny" part of the population.

What concerns me is the potential for more of this kind of violence. The volume of the debate his risen, and more innocents may need to be sacrificed to build a greater consensus.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by Witness2008

As the economy gets worse and worse more people will depend on the state (government) for aid and assistance and are amenable to being manipulated. In addition we have the Hegelian Dialect as a method of facilitating public opinion (reaction): Problem, Reaction, Solution....the "solution" being Gun Control. On that note I have to remind readers that the Nazis enacted gun control before implementing their "Final Solution" (genocide of the jews and undesirables according to the state).

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

I can agree with most of what you have said, but the one thing that I won't agree on is (because the Constitution doesn't allow it) a small-arms treaty with the US. It would be in direct violation of the 2nd Amendment of the United States and any treaty that is direct conflict of the Constitution is null and void (no international treaty supersedes the law of the land). I'm getting ready to leave the house, so I can't directly source that, but it can't happen....not without ratification and an Amendment that makes the 2nd Amendment null and void. You can bet your butt that the US people won't stand for that. Especially the Red states.

There might be tighter restrictions, but there will be no Men in Black coming for our guns. If they do, we'll be ready.


posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

I think that Nazi Germany may be a part of history that will not be repeated here in the U.S. There are some things that have been learned.

I'm not sure how being dependent on the state plays into gun confiscation. They tend to be a voiceless and powerless segment of the population. Personally I think the aim of the corporate controllers is to do away with the state militias. We are beginning to see a bit of State revolt happening, something that I think will escalate at the same rate as the tyranny by the Feds and their banker backers.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by truthseeker1984

I agree with you in principle but I am outlining a probable agenda. We know that they want to pass the UN Arms Trade Treaty but we heard little debate on such a treaty being unconstitutional except in the vein that all gun control measures are an "infringement" and thus constitutionally challenged. Most of the debate centered on the fact that a treaty has to be ratified by 3/4 of the Senate for the opponents and the proponents stating that it was not about gun confiscation but merely about curtaining the international trafficking in small arms (wink). I Agree that the US Constitution is the Best Defense on all of these measures not just the proposed UN Treaty. Where happened to a constitutional challenge to the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban? It sunset after 10 years but the next one will not have such a provision. Where was the challenge to the Executive Order (BATF under Clinton) declaring that certain shotguns with a "non-sporting purpose" were now classified as "Destructive Devices" and consequently banned from production and importation and required to be turned in or registered with transfer taxes being liable for future sales or subject to 10 yr prison terms and $250,000 fines? Those are semi-auto shotguns by the way....not fully auto machine guns or 40mm grenade launchers. Now that "sporting purpose" will become a precedent in future EOs by the Obama Administration (via the BATFE).

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by Witness2008

True, Nazi Germany will be hard to reenact but I must say that a) the 1968 Gun Control Law was copied virtually verbatim from the Nazi Gun Control Act, b) many nazis came under the auspices of the US Federal Govt via Operation PaperClip after WW2, c) an East German Stasi Security Chief was consulted by the Bush Administration on the creation of the Department of Homeland Security and writing of the Patriot Act. Obama declared his intentions for a Civilian Defense Force (separate from but as powerful as the military) in his campaign speeches in 1968 (very analogous to Hilter's "Brown Shirts" force). As to the powerless elements of society going along with gun control efforts....what if there was a National Referendum and the same people in government who were responsible for defending your welfare checks and free govenment goodies were the ones who asked you to vote for the Gun Control Referendum "to save the children"; dont you think that a majority would support it?

edit on 17-12-2012 by CosmicCitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

Interesting that with all these little anti-gun laws over the past few years we actually have more guns, and more law abiding gun owners.

The U.N, the bankers, their puppets and the anti-gun pablum slurping citizens have an awesome up hill battle.

2013, I do believe will be an interesting year.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by Witness2008

The reaction of citizens to buying more guns in the face of these tragedies likely has them "furious". It is obviously because citizens expect gun control as the "solution". Notice how the media keeps talking about all of the guns purchased on Black Friday (the biggest shopping day of the year because of all of the "deals" being offered).

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 10:21 AM
Remember the incremental approach serves as a ratchet effect. Small changes that are not reversible and are met with minimal opposition because the defenders are divided (divide and conquer). If you are a hunter or have a handgun or shotgun for self defense but dont own assault style weapons you may not oppose an Assault Weapons Ban (AWB), etc. Opponents to gun control measures may psychologically rationalize that if we give in to this (ie AWB) that they (Administration and Congress) will be satisfied. It is kind of like how Hitler came for specific groups rather than all at once to minimalize the resistance and opposition.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

Once you make several turns with the ratchet (incremental changes: laws and regulations) to loosen the bolt it just takes one good tug to take it off (executive order) and then the deed is done (Full Gun Control).

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by CosmicCitizen
reply to post by Witness2008

The reaction of citizens to buying more guns in the face of these tragedies likely has them "furious". It is obviously because citizens expect gun control as the "solution". Notice how the media keeps talking about all of the guns purchased on Black Friday (the biggest shopping day of the year because of all of the "deals" being offered).

Americans are the least law abiding citizens on the planet. Rules are made to be broken, and we have perfected that notion. I am comforted by the fact the we still retain a nature of dissidence. Educated and aware citizens do not pay much attention to what the Ken and Barbies of mass media are babbling about. I have great hopes for this country, big mistakes, big lessons.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

Kinda like the drug laws?

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

This seems frighteningly possible. I doubt it could happen exactly that way, but I'll be darned if it doesn't sound plausible.

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