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bah weep grana weep ninny bon

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posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 06:08 PM
Very recently found ATS, read a bit on some topics. Left the site open for a day, read more, poked around and knew I had to join. It would seem that I, along with mostly all of you, have found a place where truth and critical thinking are valued and acknowledged.
I've been using the net and computers since the days of DOS and BBS, but have not found a site quite like this one.
In my early twenties, I read a book called, "inventing reality", by a Michael Parenti, which opened my eyes to the media and how it is used to sway public opinion and beliefs. It was all uphill from there. . .
My belief system was changed forever, but my naivety prevented me from properly ferreting out more truths and sharing this new information with those who I associated with. As time passed, I mellowed and became more 'enlightened' of other topics/conspiracies which seemed to mesh well with the knowledge of the MSM and their agenda of control.
Yet, it seemed that no matter where I looked, what medium I decided to pursue to gain more real truth and knowledge, I was simply spinning my wheels on a never ending goose chase. Sure I would find a piece of information here, a breadcrumb there, but nothing seemed to lead me to the answers I sought. I've joined and left several other sites, read on many more, but ATS seems 'for real'.
Now I am not saying that after a few measly days reading the forum 'stickys' and a few posts and their responses makes me able to say this is the be all end all website for information, but I do say it is as complete as I require for my 'news' on topics from the everyday, to the esoteric.
It would seem that finally I have located a place I can really enjoy, learn, share and attempt to unravel the conspiracies which haunt my psyche.
There are several members which already stand out as having a 'good head in their shoulders' and from what I have seen in the Admin area, they take no crap and for lack of a better term, police the site rather well.
It is great to have found a place, where I can remain informed and share my beliefs and information, knowing that other like-minded individuals will contribute and/or provide proof to the contrary without the standard rubbish which is prevalent across this web of lies, we call the internet.
I look forward to many a good discussions, reads and debates. And while many of my posts will be opinions about everyday news and topics, I hope to become a valued contributor to some of the more 'touchy' subjects we all enjoy learning about.

ATS's new student,

BTW would anyone here be willing to direct me to the page which deciphers the letters and numbers above the 'members' drop down? I know p is for number of posts.

edit on 16-12-2012 by prysmatyk because: asking a question...

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 06:13 PM
Welcome to ATS.

You intro title made more sense than many of the threads you will find here.

Enjoy your stay and see you around.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 06:15 PM
Welcome to the family.

BTW would anyone here be willing to direct me to the page which deciphers the letters and numbers above the 'members' drop down? I know p is for number of posts.

Here is the information you requested
edit on 16-12-2012 by Agarta because: added quote

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 06:16 PM

and welcome to ATS glad you could make it before the new year.

There is tons of stuff to check out, threads, forums etc...

I know the site can seem huge at 1st, but it gets easier, here's a good tool that should be able to answer a lot of your posting / thread making questions: Frequently Asked Questions

Good luck and welcome


posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by prysmatyk

Hello! You are a welcome addition to ATS. I look forward to any future threads you may create; and your future replies.

P - Posts

F - Flags

S - Stars

W - Way Above Top Secret

K- Karma

See you around the forums!

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by prysmatyk

hi and welcome

BTW would anyone here be willing to direct me to the page which deciphers the letters and numbers above the 'members' drop down? I know p is for number of posts.

p= posts
f= flags (awarded by other members) can be found top left of thread page
s= star (awarded for ontopic insights) can be found above each post on a thread
w= wats (algorythmic majic number) i dont know how this works
applause= (staff congratulation for input or insight) unseen but adds to your total
k= karma (bee good get karma) help people with stuff


posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by prysmatyk

Welcome, got a kick out of your greeting- Tranformers (cartoon) if I'm not mistaken.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 06:25 PM
Thanks for the welcomes, and for the info...links. Looking forward to navigating this behemoth of a site on a daily basis and making some new friends. The kind that last, not the kind like FB create. Dropped FB over four years ago and the wife doesn't get it as to why.
Thanks again!

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by Chance321

Yes, the universal greeting.. figured it would be a good way to break the ice as someone else would get it.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 06:31 PM
Welcome aboard! Anyone that uses a Transformers : The Movie reference is a friend of mine.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 07:18 PM

but I'm still waiting for the appropriate response to my greeting....


posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by prysmatyk

but I'm still waiting for the appropriate response to my greeting....


The second reply gave you a link to that info.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by Chamberf=6

I was referring to this as a response.....

bah weep grana weep ninny bon!

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 10:46 PM


Here are some handy links to get you oriented into now becoming a valued member of ATS.
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*** Keep your arms within the ride's comfort zone, have fun & help us "Deny Ignorance" ***

ATS is at times like a rollercoaster ride! As a new member be aware if one acts in an uncivil-like manner, discusses personal illicit drug usage, uses profanity, is a troll, intentionally spreads a hoax, spam's, advertises and/or get's verbally abusive, they will be warned or removed off the ride by a Moderator. If you see posted any of the above mentioned, please let staff know by using the "Alert" function. This will help keep the community, both young and old to further enjoy the ride with you.
edit on 12/16/2012 by JohnnyAnonymous because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 06:33 AM
Thanks for the plethora if solid information. I knew this site would be considered 'home'. I will say, I could read until my eyes dry up and still be galaxies away from getting through the information. Not a complaint at all, just an observation on the size and scope of it all here.

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