Whether it's a modern scientist or cavemen from a time long forgotten, Man has peered to the sky in awe of what the universe provides. Not only are we
struck by it's beauty, but also it's dark side of destruction and mystery. One particular mystery that intrigues me is the theory that there was once
a 5th planet in our solar system.
There are a variety of theories and circumstances within out solar system that proponents use to suggest the existence of a former 5th planet, Phaeton
and in this thread I will attempt to bring them to light. Please keep in mind that there is, of course, no evidence to completely support this theory.
Keep an open mind while we speculate on what may have been.
Bode's Law
The Titius-Bode Law is rough rule that predicts the spacing of the planets in the Solar System. The relationship was first pointed out by Johann
Titius in 1766 and was formulated as a mathematical expression by J.E. Bode in 1778. It lead Bode to predict that another planet between Mars and
Jupiter existed in what we now recognize as the asteroid belt. This highly-criticized "law" is used to estimate where planetary objects can be
predicted to exist according to a certain mathematical formula. The equation fit well with all of the planets minus Neptune and Pluto, and was even
able to predict the orbit of the object Ceres.
Even though this theory is no longer accepted as a viable method of finding objects orbiting a star, I find it interesting that the theory was able to
surmise that a 5th planet should reside where the asteroid belt is today.
Planet V
Planet V is a hypothetical fifth planet theory posited by NASA scientists John Chambers and Jack Lissauer to have once existed between Mars and the
asteroid belt, based on computer simulations. Chambers and Lissauer presented this idea during the 33rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held
from March 11 through 15, 2002.
This theory suggests that the 5th planet's orbit was "unstable" and that the gravitational forces of other planets were enough to pull the planet off
it's orbit. This slight deviation was enough to cause the planet to collide with the asteroid belt. Needless to say, this caused havoc with many of
the inner planets and is theorized to be the cause of the Late Heavy Bombardment.
The Late Heavy Bombardment (commonly referred to as the lunar cataclysm, or LHB) is a period of time approximately 4.1 to 3.8 billion years ago (Ga)
during which a large number of impact craters were formed on the Moon, and by inference on Earth, Mercury, Venus, and Mars as well.
The Planet V theory goes on to state that after the planet bounced through the asteroid belt, it was pulled to it's demise by the Sun's gravitational
forces....no more 5th planet. But it does not require a stretch of the imagination to recognize the possibility that the 5th planet could have
broken-up in its interaction with other planets, sending object towards these planets causing the impact craters on Earth, the moon and possibly
impacting Venus causing it's backwards rotation.
Venus is Backwards
Venus is the only planet in our solar system that spins clockwise. All other planets spin on their axis counter-clockwise. Many theories attempt to
explain this but the most interesting is the theory that Venus was impacted by an object, possibly during the period of Late Heavy Bombardment (LHB).
Nibiru (Planet X)
As suggested by ancient astronaut researchers like Zecharia Sitchin, Nibiru may have been the culprit that set the entire chain of events into
In theory, this "rogue" planet enters our solar system and either impacts planet Phaeton, or comes close enough to pull it off its orbit. While Nibiru
continues on its merry way, Phaeton breaks up by hitting the asteroid belt or becomes the asteroid belt due to impact. Debris from the event causes
the LHB and effects other planets, such as the rotation of Venus, the eccentric orbit of Mars and impact craters on the Earth and Moon.
I happen to find this theory quite interesting, no matter how far-fetched it may be. Please feel free to to add information or theories you may have
and lets discuss.
Thanks for reading!
Planet Vedit on 12/16/2012 by Blaine91555 because: (no reason given)